

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
137 Chs


Jaxith was sitting on his bed while watching Irene which is obvious how much she's suffering in her sleep now, she is literally shaking and sweating.

"This looks even tougher than her usual nightmares, I need to find a solution for her soon as she can't sleep well these days, at least try overcoming your fear, girl.", Said Jaxith before he noticed that Irene started murmuring strange words, words that sound like they are from an incomprehensible language.

"dest'alo, fer'inkara.", Murmured Irene, Jaxith looked at her strangely.

"What's going on here?", Said Jaxith a bit louder before she started crying in her sleep!

"No no no please no.", Said Irene on her sleep.

"It's harder on her now and getting out of control.", Thought Jaxith seriously before he noticed that there was smoke coming out from her hands, Jaxith started getting worried and stood up.

"Irene, wake up now, come on wake up from whatever that dream is.", Said Jaxith before he stroked her shoulder to notice that her temperature was quite high!

"Oh sh*t, she has got a fever, Irene, come on you're sick and we need to get you medicine now.", Said Jaxith while putting his hand over her forehead while pushing with the other her shoulder to wake up.

"Why did you do this?", Said Irene before she started tearing blood from her left eye again!

Jaxith started looking more worried after seeing Irene suffer like that, she was grinding her teeth and shutting her eyes tighter.

"IRENE, WAKE UP NOW.", Shouted Jaxith while gently pushing her and instantly she woke up screaming.

"WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?", Screamed Irene while having both her hands grasping her face tightly, before a soft burning sound emitted.

"Ahhhh!", Screamed Irene again while getting her hands away from her face, both of her cheeks are red now as if her hands were going to burn them!

"Calm down, calm down, it's just another dream okay, Irene, look at me.", Said Jaxith calmly but she wasn't even looking at him, she was looking at both of her hands and there was that strange voices again in her head before the pain of her left eye returned back with the sharp headache and immediately she started suffering again.

"Raise your head, Irene.", Said Jaxith but she didn't move a muscle so he decided to approach her and patted on her shoulder but suddenly she pushed him away with her right hand that surprisingly started emitting strange red vapor that passed beside Jaxith and reached the wooden stand between them and started burning!

"GET AWAY FROM ME.", Screamed Irene again, her left eye was inflamed and red while bleeding hard and it looks like she isn't conscious, her look was vague as it wasn't even acknowledging what she was doing.

"By the gods, Irene, what was that?", Asked Jaxith who was surprised by what Irene just did and immediately poured water on the burning stand.

"No, what did I do? I nearly killed you.", Said Irene while staring in fear at Jaxith and still tearing.

"Don't worry, it's okay.", Said Jaxith while getting closer.

"NO IT'S NOT, DON'T GET CLOSER.", Screamed Irene again while staring and going back then falling from the bed before the door of the room was opened suddenly and Miller entered the room looking afraid.

"What's happening?", Said Miller before he noticed the nearly burnt stand and Irene at the corner of the room was sitting afraid with blood and tears on her cheeks and a stare of horror, like she has seen a ghost.

"Miller, I want you to prepare something good for fever.", Said Jaxith.

"Of course, man, are you sure that you don't need any help here? I heard the screaming so I came to help.", Said Miller while looking afraid.

"Don't worry, I can handle it.", Said Jaxith while looking carefully at Irene who was hugging her legs while sitting by the wall and staring at Jaxith in shock.

"As you wish.", Said Miller before he closed the door.

"I knew that this girl was bad news, what were you thinking while deciding to help someone like her, Jaxith?", Said Miller to himself before he walked away.

"Listen, whatever happened you need to forget and calm down.", Said Jaxith before stepping forward.

"Don't get closer.", Said Irene while staring at him in fear.

"Why?", Said Jaxith in a calming down.

"I'll hurt you too.", Said Irene while tearing.

"No you won't.", Said Jaxith.

"I SAW YOU DEAD.", Shouted Irene, Jaxith stopped to listen carefully to her.

"You'll die while trying to protect me, I don't want anymore people to die because of me.", Said Irene in a quiet tone, the girl was literally going to break.

"Listen to me, it's just a dream.", Said Jaxith while trying to comfort Irene.

"No it felt real, he was standing behind your body, STOP, STOP ALL OF THIS VOICES.", Screamed Irene, it kept going from a quiet to loud tone several times as if she was losing her sanity, she started holding her head again from pain and again she hurt her face by the heat emitting from her hands, Jaxith immediately ran to her and hold both of her hands away from her face, her cheeks became inflamed now.

"Get a hold of yourself, young girl and keep your hands away from your face.", Said Jaxith while firmly holding her hands.

"LEAVE MY HANDS NOW", Shouted Irene with a threatening stare.

"No I won't, I won't leave your hands until you control that thing.", Said Jaxith.

"I can't, I'll harm you too, I can't control anything.", Said Irene, the tears didn't stop and also the pain in her head and left eye.

"AHHHHH.", Screamed Irene before she surprisingly kicked Jaxith's chest and he was sent to the other end of the room by a very strange force!

"AHHHHH, WHAT DO YOU WANT? I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING FROM THIS LANGUAGE.", Screamed Irene as she put her head on the ground and her hands on the floor scratching the wooden floor by her nails.

Jaxith quickly looked at her after recovering from that strange hit.

"How can she become so powerful at once? That wasn't a normal strength for a 14 years old hybrid girl.", Though Jaxith while looking surprised, but there was no time to think as the situation was getting more dangerous, the red vapor started appearing around Irene and with that she may not just harm herself, she could kill herself and everyone around!

Jaxith immediately jumped on Irene and held both of her hands tightly while activating his negative abyss ability to enhance him physically against any sudden moves.

"FOCUS IRENE, YOU CAN'T LOSE CONTROL.", Shouted Jaxith as Irene was still struggling with him, she looked at him in anger.


"I'm not leaving you, just focus.", Said Jaxith.

"I CAN'T!", Screamed Irene but this time a strong shock wave was produced by Irene sending Jaxith backwards but he managed to stay on his feet by the help of the negative abyss and didn't fall, still not enough to control her, he needs to apply more dark energy, all the inn was shaking now from Irene's actions, her pain screams were loud and clear in this cold night.


"I CAN'T DO IT, PLEASE JAXITH END THIS NOW.", Shouted Irene with her head still on the ground.

"End what?", Said Jaxith.

"You know the right thing to do, AHHHHHHHH, PLEASE END THIS MISERY, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE.", Said Irene before she started screaming again from the pain and fear, from the sounds in her head that she doesn't understand a word from, Jaxith looked at her in shock, again she wants to die, but Jaxith isn't the one to surrender to these situations, he passed with similar situations and he exactly knows how she feels, he didn't waste anytime and again ran towards her.

"LISTEN TO ME, THINK ABOUT EVERY GOOD MOMENT YOU'VE HAD SINCE WE MET.", Shouted Jaxith while holding her head up then raising both her hands and firmly grasping them while directing her hand palms to the left and right sides to ensure that any random uncontrolled vapor doesn't hit any of them.

"I can't, just go, I won't think you've abandoned me, you could even get back to your life or even stop this pain now.", Said Irene while looking at the ground and shutting her eyes tightly to contain the pain.

"Nothing like that will happen, we'll continue what we were doing and reach Lance.", Said Jaxith before he closed her hands to the side of his cheeks.

"What're you doing? If I lose control you'll die.", Said Irene while raising her head and looking at Jaxith in fear.

"Then don't.", Said Jaxith boldly.

"No I can't, GO AWAY.", Screamed Irene as another shockwave was created but Jaxith increased the rate of the negative abyss in his body to withstand all of which she can create, his body was emitting this shadow like vapor increasingly.

"I'm not leaving you, so you better start controlling yourself now.", Said Jaxith boldly.

"I don't know how, please don't make it harder.", Said Irene while crying hard.

"Focus on the good memories, remember when I saved you from the assassin, or the demon, remember when I made the mayor regret insulting you, come on girl, I know you're stronger than that.", Said Jaxith, he was feeling the heat close to his face, sweat was seeping into his silver beard, if Irene lost control his face will literally get fried, he's committing suicide by this over trusty move, Irene tried to focus while breathing.

"Come on take a deep breath, remember Senka, do you remember when you finally found the horse that loves you despite your demonic side? Remember when you healed him.", Said Jaxith, Irene was still in pain.

"I don't think this is working Jaxith, AHHHHH.", Said Irene before the pain in her left eye started getting stronger and the bloody tears dropped even more.

"Focus! Do you want Senka to live without you now? After saving his life he became more attached to you.", Said Jaxith, he was noticing how much her face became injured by her hands, so much inflammation, and the temperature was quite high, he could feel it across her hands.

"I'm just a demon, Jaxith, I just didn't want to accept it earlier.", Said Irene while crying, all of the time she couldn't stop crying either from pain or from what she saw.

"Stop thinking like that, that's the reason you're not focusing now, these are the negative thoughts I'm talking about, remember when the stable owner gave you his daughter's dress, you got a lot to live for, just remove all of this negative thoughts and you'll be just fine, life would never be bad all the time.", Said Jaxith in a comforting manner, Irene looked at him, her stare contained a mix of fear but also hope.

"You can trust me, and whatever happens I'll always be by your side, remove all of this dreams from your head.", Said Jaxith confidently, Irene clothed her eyes, she started focusing although the pain and the horrible voices, she started remembering all of what Jaxith told her, her moments with Jaxith, how he was always trying to help her and also promised to not get hurt to be always close to her, she started breathing normally, Jaxith started feeling the temperature from hear palm decrease until it returned normal!

Jaxith calmly put her hands above his cheeks, Irene opened her eyes again in fear.

"No you'll get bur-, nt?", Stuttered Irene as she saw that nothing happened to Jaxith's face.

"You did it, I told you can do it.", Said Jaxith proudly while smiling warmly to Irene, he also noticed that Irene's hands were still high in temperature but that wasn't from the strange vapor, that was from her fever, something is still affecting her.

Irene gradually started feeling the voices calm down again in her head, she looked around to notice that the room became a mess from what she did.

"Are you okay now?", Asked Jaxith calmly while relaxing his grip on Irene's hands, he doesn't want her to get hurt now by his own hands.

"I did all of that.", Said Irene in shock.

"Relax, stop thinking about anything negative for now.", Said Jaxith seriously.

"Ahh.", Said Irene quietly while holding her head and started to loss balance, Jaxith immediately hugged her and put her head on his chest.

"The voices?", Said Jaxith worriedly.

"No it stopped, the headache is still present but my left eye started getting better though I'm a bit dizzy.", Said Irene before she raised her hands and started hugging Jaxith.

"It's probably from the fever, Miller is preparing something for you, just rest.", Said Jaxith.

"I'm sorry, Jaxith, I nearly killed you, I don't know what's happening to me.", Said Irene before she started tearing again and she hugged Jaxith even tighter, her hands were shaking, Jaxith could feel it, all of her body was shaking a bit, the girl was literally in a mental shock.

"Shhhh, I told you not to remember anything from that now, relax your mind girl.", Said Jaxith as he started stroking her red hair before wiping her tears across her face, her face was all red and he could feel that she was feeling pain from wiping her tears so he decided to stop.

"I saw you dead, Jaxith, I saw you de-.", Said Irene before Jaxith interrupted her.

"Enough, Irene, relax your mind, what truly matters is that I'm with you now, so please stop all of this and relax.", Said Jaxith before he tightened his left arm grip on Irene and started stroking her hair again in a comforting manner.

"Do you think that I'll hurt people?", Asked Irene while still hugging Jaxith.

"Of course not, you can't even hurt a rabbit, you didn't even want me to kill baby beasts, I'll tell you something, I'm expecting that greatness awaits you, you'll get all over this and you will change this world to something better, that's what I truly think.", Said Jaxith in a comforting manner.

"You're just trying to make me feel better.", Said Irene.

"No I don't, I believe that you'll be a great person, Irene, trust me on that, and I'll do whatever it takes to help you achieve that.", Said Jaxith, Irene stayed silent for a moment, a few tears seeping down her cheeks, she was happy by his words, he always finds a way to give her hope.

"Hey, you went silent, is something wrong?", Said Jaxith worriedly.

"No, it's just the headache.", Said Irene in a very low voice.

"We'll find a solution Irene, I promise you.", Said Jaxith.

"Thank you, Jaxith, for everything.", Said Irene in even a quieter tone, her grip around Jaxith's back started to loosen up, looks like she's getting more tired.

Jaxith looked down while still stroking her hair to find that she has already slept but she was still hugging him even though the hug went lighter.


The door of the room was opened after the knock and Miller entered the room while holding a small tray containing a wooden cup with a green liquid inside.

"By the gods.", Said Miller while looking at the messy room and some of the burnt furniture.

"I'm sorry, Miller, I barely managed to contain her.", Said Jaxith quietly in order not to awaken Irene, she needs a good sleep after what she's suffered, his back was to the door so he wasn't seeing what Miller was holding.

"It'll need a little renovation but the important thing is that you're safe.", Said Miller calmly .

"Thank you, Miller.", Said Jaxith quietly.

"I got the medicine for her, it's a herb that's quite effective against similar febrile illnesses.", Said Miller.

"Could you get it here, Miller? I can't get away from her this night.", Said Jaxith calmly.

"Sure man.", Said Miller before he stepped forward and put the tray beside Jaxith, he then noticed that Irene was hugging Jaxith and sleeping, he saw the blood under her left eye and the light burns on her face.

"Thank you, I'll make her drink it by my own way.", Said Jaxith while stroking Irene's hair and looking at the burns.

"I may need you to tell me about a good doctor for her or if Emelia knows a good thing for her face, it hurts her.", Said Jaxith quietly.

"I'm sure Emelia will come up with something.", Said Miller.

"Good.", Said Jaxith.

"Is it always like that?", Asked Miller.

"No, but it's getting worse, and the worst part is that I still don't know how to help her.", Said Jaxith calmly while looking at Irene.

"I don't know if Emelia would know something to help you at this exact point but at least I understand now why you decided to help her, I couldn't bear just the screams, what about the pain itself?", Said Miller before pausing.

"Take care of her, Jaxith.", Said Miller.

"I'll Miller, I'll.", Said Jaxith quietly.

"I'll go now, are you sure you don't want help or go to another room or bed?", Asked Miller.

"No, I don't want to disturb her, I'll sleep like that.", Said Jaxith.

"There's nothing in this corner to even lay your back on.", Said Miller.

"I'm fine Miller, thanks for your concern.", Said Jaxith.

"Whatever you want man, good night.", Said Miller before he went out of the room.

Jaxith looked back at Irene then to the surroundings, he went back to stroking her hair while looking forward silently and deep thinking about what happened in this night.

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:


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