

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
127 Chs


"Irene, Irene, come on, where are you?", Said a distant familiar boy's voice which in turn waked Irene up, she was sleeping on a hay stack outside an old looking house in the outskirts of Orstone, she raised her head and sat in her place over the haystack, looking around herself in every direction, she started recognizing the place she's in, that was the house under which lies their hideout, the shadow seekers hideout, her formal thief guild!

"There you are, I've been looking for you all morning.", Said the same voice again, Irene turned her head and looked towards the source of the voice, she opened her eyes in shock, that was Leo, her close friend while being with the shadow seekers, and all of them supposed to be dead!

"Leo, is that really you?", Asked Irene while going down the hay stack and looking surprised.

"Yep.", Said Leo.

"Y-you're alive.", Said Irene while stuttering, there was a little tear swelling in her eyes.

"Yeeeeaaaaaah, is something wrong with that?", Said Leo while wondering.

"No no no, of course not, I-I didn't mean that, it's just that, you know, the seekers, the assassin, the mayor.", Said Irene, she was bluffing, her words weren't ordered at all.

"Are you sick Irene or what? You sound weird.", Said Leo.

"I-I'm fine, I'm really fine, and I'm really happy to see you, how did you escape? And did others make it out with you?", Said Irene enthusiastically.

"I don't understand a word from you, literally, I know you're stupid but not like that.", Said Leo.

"The assassin that attacked the hideout, when I left you after my quarrel with Michael.", Said Irene, she started feeling that something is wrong.

"What assassin?", Asked Leo while raising one of his eye brows, Irene paused for a moment, she wondered while looking around her again, she started getting confused, how he know nothing about what happened and act like nothing happened as if they were in a normal day.

"Leo, how did I end up here on that haystack? I even don't remember it being here before.", Said Irene.

"It has been here for nearly a month and you started hanging out by yourself here lately, you're acting weird today, are you sure that everything is fine.", Said Leo, Irene paused again trying to process what's happening, but she can't remember what she was doing.

"Actually I don't know, just a bad dream, a nightmare actually.", Said Irene.

"You're having much of them lately, maybe you need to rest more, anyway, Michael has an announcement for the seekers, he asked me to find you, and of course I found you here, again.", Said Leo.

"Michael?", Said Irene.

"Yeah.", Said Leo while looking at Irene.

"Oh come on, that's not the first time you quarrel with him, and it looks important this time.", Said Leo, Irene was still frozen in her place so Leo hold her hand and started pulling her towards the house while running.

"We're already late for your weird daydreaming.", Said Leo, Irene ran with him but then she stopped just before they reached the house and pulled her hand, Leo turned to her.

"Come on, why did you stop now? Are you still sleeping or what?", Asked Leo, Irene looked around again before looking at Leo.

"I just wanted to ask you about someone.", Said Irene.

"If that will make you move then ask.", Said Leo.

"Do you know someone called Jaxith?", Asked Irene.

"Who?", Said Leo.

"Jaxith, a monster hunter, he has a silver long hair and a beard, he has strange red eyes and always wears a dark blue coat and his long black sword is always on his back, and he's very good with it that he can cut a scarlet giant head with.", Said Irene, Leo looked at her quizzically.

"Sorry is that your prince charming or what? Cause I don't know what's a scarlet giant but I'm sure that there is no monster hunter can cut a giant's head, so you better leave your dreams for bed and get back in reality, okay?", Said Leo.

'No, you idiot, I'm not dreaming and that lunatic for sure isn't my prince charming, he's nearly twice my age, and he's idiot too, well...., he's kind although.", Said Irene, Leo looked at her then sighed.

"Well I don't know him for, real Irene, but if you're sure that you know him maybe asking Michael is the right choice not me, what do you say?", Said Leo.

"I think you're right about that.", Said Irene.

"Then I think we're done here, can we move now.", Said Leo.

"Y-yes of course, let's go.", Said Irene before both of them started moving, Leo opened the door and entered the house before Irene followed him in.

"Jaxith, come on wake up, Jaxith, Jax, Jax, how do you want to be a knight while you're a heavy sleeper like that?", Asked a soft girl voice, it was different than the first one, this was much younger, it was for a young girl, and it looked familiar to Jaxith who started gradually opening his eyes, he was looking at the ceiling, that view was very familiar to him, he looked to his right side to see a young girl, eight years maximum, she got beautiful brown hair and eyes with innocent face, she was looking at him.

"Finally, I thought you weren't going to wake up, you need to stop practicing late with that wooden sword dad made for you, mom says that makes you tired and then you wake up hard like that.", Said the young girl innocently to Jaxith, he looked in fear at her, then he gradually he started looking around him in wonder.

"What's wrong with you? Did you have a nightmare? But you always tell me that you're brave and that's why you don't have nightmares and I should be like you, then how you had one? Or you were just lying to me? Mom always says that we should never lie, Jax.", Said the young girl, Jaxith looked at her, he smiled and wiped a little tear in his left eye before it falls and she notices it.

"Lena, how are you? H-how are you sitting in front of me? Shouldn't you be d-..", Said Jaxith before a strong headache suddenly hit him, he gritted his teeth and put his right hand over his forehead while closing his eyes.

"Ahhh.", Shouted Jaxith, the pain was hard but in few seconds it disappeared.

"Are you ill Jax? You don't look well.", Said Lena, Jaxith looked back at her, she looked worry and then she put her left hand on his shoulder, he raised his body and sat in his place in bed before looking again to her.

"I'm good, sis, it's just that I haven't seen you since a long time except in my dreams.", Said Jaxith quietly, Lena looked at him wondering his strange words and in a few moments an adult woman came into the room, she was wearing a long blue dress, black long hair and black eyes.

"You're awake, finally, I knew Lena would be the one able to wake you up, now get up and hurry, there's a load of silver and iron ores coming to your father and he needs help in getting it to his shop.", Said the woman in blue, Jaxith stared at her in a look of shock mixed with fear, he closed his eyes several times and shocked his head trying to make sure that she is real, that was the same woman that appeared in his hallucinations at the mayor's mansion!

"Something wrong Jaxith? You don't look well.", Said the woman worryingly.

"Jax doesn't look good, mom, he was in pain just a moment before you came in, and he's speaking nonsense also, that's not Jax that I know.", Said Lena, Jaxith looked at her in surprise from her talk.

"Oh sweaty, are you having a fever?", Asked the woman while approaching Jaxith and sat at the other end of the bed then put her left hand softly on his forehead to check his temperature, she looked worry.

"Your temperature is fine, do you feel any chilling, Jax?", Asked the woman, Jaxith was still in shock but in few seconds he gathered himself.

"No no, I'm fine, really fine, and I'm happy to see you, where's dad? I miss him too.", Said Jaxith calmly.

"He's outside preparing the carriage for you to travel, but you really don't look well Jax, what is bothering my boy like that?", Said Jaxith's mother.

"I don't know, it feels like I haven't seen you since a long time and that something is wrong and out of its place, I-....", Said Jaxith before suddenly a loud horse neigh echoed in his mind, he closed his eyes again and tried to focus on the source of the sound before he was interrupted by his mother's hand tapping on his lap.

"Don't think too much, son, just keep your focus with us.", Said Jaxith's mother, he looked at her in suspicion before he smiled.

"I think you're right.", Said Jaxith, his mother smiled in return.

"That's my Jaxith, now get up, your father is waiting for you.", Said Jaxith's mother before standing up and leaving but she just stopped at the room's entrance and turned to look at him.

"And, Jax, whatever happens just remember that you got your family by your side, isn't that what you wanted at most?", Said Jaxith's mother, he looked at her and smiled.

"Yes.", Said Jaxith quietly, his mother then left.

"Come on, I've not watered the flowers yet and dad's carriage is blocking the way to them, and if they died I'll get mad at you.", Said Lena, Jaxith looked at her while smiling.

"Okay, Lena, I'll get up now, just don't be upset with me okay?", Said Jaxith.

"You better do, and don't worry, I'm kidding with you, I'll never get mad at you.", Said Lena innocently, Jaxith looked at her in shock, these words, he heard them exactly before he started focusing again then suddenly.

"JAXITH HELP ME.", Screamed Lena, but that was in his mind accompanied by strange sound of flames eating everything, Jaxith looked at Lena again, this time he looked afraid.

"JAXITH!", Shouted Lena to attract Jaxith's attention.

"Sorry, Lena, I just remembered something important.", Said Jaxith before standing up, Lena did the same like him, they started walking together but then Jaxith stopped.

"You forgot something?", Asked Lena.

"No, I just have a little request from you before we get out.", Said Jaxith.

"If it's something wrong then I won't do it, mom hates when I make mistakes, especially when I play in kitchen.", Said Lena.

"Nothing is wrong sis, I just need a hug, care to give your older brother a hug, because I really missed you.", Said Jaxith, Lena looked at him in wonder.

"Of course, Jax.", Said Lena before Jaxith kneeled down and she hugged him, it was a light hug at the beginning, Jaxith's eyes started tearing up and started hugging her tightly before controlling himself and leaving her.

"Are you crying, Jax?", Asked Lena.

"No, something in my eyes, you know your brother doesn't cry.", Said Jaxith before wiping his tears and smiling.

"Okay.", Said Lena while looking unconvinced before Jaxith stood and both of them went out of the room then outside the house.

It was sunny and the atmosphere was calm at this time, they were in some sort of a village, Jaxith looked around to notice his mother in the distance close to a carriage with a man by her side, he was having a medium brown hair and he noticed Jaxith now.

"HEY, JAX, GET OVER HERE SON.", Shouted Jaxith's father from a far, Jaxith started walking towards them while Lena ran before him and reached them first.

"How're you feeling now? Your mother has just told me about your sickness, we can delay this shipment for now and check your health first before anything.", Said Jaxith's father in a caring way, Jaxith stared at him too when he came closer, he couldn't believe his eyes for the third time, and also that made him understand things clearer.

"Now he's back to it, just like that since he woke up.", Said Jaxith's mother worryingly.

"What's bothering you, son?", Asked Jaxith's father, Jaxith closed his eyes and opened it slowly while looking around him, he was still silent, still trying to focus and again the loud horse neighs hit him.

"I'm fine, it's just that I'm so happy to see the three of you together like that, I just missed this view.", Said Jaxith, clearly holding himself from crying.

"Oh sweetie, you're so thoughtful, but why I sense a little grief in your tone.", Said Jaxith's mother while getting close to him but Jaxith took a step back while raising his hand to stop his mother.

"Do you hear that loud horse sounds, like they are afraid of something.", Said Jaxith, Lena, his father and mother looked at each other in wonder from Jaxith talk.

"Jaxith, there's no horse sounds at all, our horse is quiet at the end of the carriage, and the area is much quieter, are you sure of what you're hearing?", Said Jaxith's father.

"Please, Jax, you need to get rid of whatever odd thoughts come to your mind, your place is here with us.", Said Jaxith's mother.

Jaxith looked at them in hesitation, he closed his eyes back and tried to focus again and suddenly that thunderous roar hit all the place, the same one that was on the dream of Irene, the roar that he fears, he opened his eyes and looked at them while staring in fear, then he looked at the horse, it was a black Legnican stallion, it looked so familiar to Jaxith and that was the last thing he needed to remember.

"IRENE!", Thought Jaxith while looking afraid.

"I still can't believe I'm riding a horse for real.", Jaxith remembered those words clearly, he started remembering for which horse that loud neighs belong, he started remembering everything, he fell to his knees with his right hand on his head, his mother and Lena hurried to him in panic, his father followed them.

"We're getting you to the doctor, young man, no more delays.", Said Jaxith's mother while supporting Jaxith.

"Jaxith, I got an idea to test his intelligence.",

Remembered Jaxith, the horse before him reminds him of another similar horse.

"No need for all of that mom.", Said Jaxith before raising his face and looking directly at her, she put her hand softly on his cheek and silver beard.

"Sweetie, why're you acting so strange? You need our help now, if you can't ask your family for help then who would be able to help you? Who will you ask for help when you're in dare need?", Asked Jaxith's mother in fear.

"I can't.", Said Jaxith before looking to the ground.

"Why?", Asked Jaxith's mother.

"Cause I've already failed you all.", Said Jaxith quietly, Jaxith's mother looked at him in shock, she couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Mom, will Jax be fine? I'm afraid that something bad will happen to him.", Said Lena who was standing behind her mother in fear while looking at Jaxith, Jaxith raised his head and looked at her while smiling, hiding all the pain in his heart.

"There's that girl, her name is Irene, she is just as caring as you are, after I met her I felt that I can help her, and I did, then we were traveling on a road through a forest until suddenly there was that strange mist that appeared from nowhere, then I found myself lying on the bed inside, she needs me now, I need to wake up.", Said Jaxith calmly with a faint smile on his face.

"But I'm happy to see you again.", Said Jaxith while looking at Lena.

"Are you leaving us, Jax?", Asked Lena.

"This is not real Lena, all of this, I saw the reality with my own eyes, I remember everyone's screams and pain, I'm sorry.", Said Jaxith before he felt something in his hand, he looked at it to see his sword, he's gradually waking up, Jaxith's mother looked at him strangely.

"What're you doing Jaxith?", Asked Jaxith's mother.

"Son, from where did you get that sword?", Asked his father worryingly, Jaxith removed his mother's hand from his face calmly before standing up.

"Don't worry father, I know what I've to do, I need you to forgive me for not being able to help you.", Said Jaxith.

"Son, whatever you do you're still a member of this family, nothing will change this fact, and also nothing will change the fact that you're a tough one, you always have been one.", Said his father, Jaxith looked at him for a moment before nodding to him.

"Thank you, father.", Said Jaxith before looking back to the ground.

"Now I've a single request from you, can all of you close your eyes for a moment, I need to give you something, a present.", Said Jaxith, they all looked in wonder to each other again.

"Fine sweetie, surprise us.", Said his mother before all of them closed their eyes, Jaixth looked at his sword then looked at his surrounding, the village was beautiful and peaceful, suddenly memories of screams from horrific pain hit him, the sound of flames tearing everything, he grasped his sword tighter.

"You're done there son?", Asked his father.

"Just a second.", Said Jaxith before he raised his sword and put its blade side on his throat, he closed his eyes and a single tear dropped from his left eye.

"I'm sorry for not being the best son, sorry for not being the best brother.", Said Jaxith in a quiet voice that nearly no one heard him before immediately.


Jaxith woke up while breathing heavily on the forest ground before a loud neigh emitted from behind him, he looked around to find the horse still by his side and around him existed the mist, still as it is, and Irene wasn't around.

"Good boy, you were the one in that dream, you were trying to wake me up, thanks for helping me.", Said Jaxith while comforting the horse.

"Now we need to find Irene and fast, we're dealing with one of the rarest beasts, although it's not a demon it's very tricky and sly, if I'm not mistaken, this is an Onohly.", Said Jaxith before he drew his sword to get ready.

Something was moving indeed, fast running through the mist, the creature was getting ready for the encounter with the hunter, a loud monstrous groan declaring the battle echoed between the trees and the blinding mist!

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:


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