

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
128 Chs


Jaxith was sitting on a chair in front of the counter inside the inn while holding a large glass of orange juice and there were two empty plates with tiny food bits against him, Miller was on the other side of the counter arranging some glasses before he picked up the empty dishes in front of Jaxith.

"I guess the food was good.", Said Miller while cleaning the counter.

"Obvious, right?", Said Jaxith while smiling.

"Yes it's.", Said Miller.

"She ate very well compared to her weak appetite.", Said Jaxith.

"You're welcome, by the way, she looks good compared to her state last night, I thought for a moment that the inn was going to burn into ashes as her screams were heard all over the village, hell I thought she would wake up with a broken state but she looks really fine Jaxith.", Said Miller.

"I got my own way to deal with her.", Said Jaxith calmly before taking a sip from his juice.

"It's good that you can deal with her because you will surely need that if you want to help her.", Said Miller, Jaxith listened to him before he looked at the glass in his hand, Miller noticed that he zoned a bit.

"You okay there?", Asked Miller.

"Yeah I'm fine.", Said Jaxith without removing his eyes away from the glass, it's like he's deep in his thoughts.

"So, did Emelia help you with Irene?", Asked Miller.

"Yeah it did, even though she doesn't know a lot about them she helped and made this potion for Irene's face, she even decided to go to your house and look for a book that she remembers it has a part about hybrids just like Irene.", Said Jaxith.

"Well that's good, she really wasn't concerned about the demons at all, you know, Emelia is obsessed with alchemy, but I know that she would definitely do whatever she can to help you, just like me.", Said Miller while smiling.

"I know, Miller, that's why I trust you most in this kingdom.", Said Jaxith.

"Don't mention it , you're a man of honor Jaxith, oh right, did she mention her little surprise to you? I told her that I didn't tell you about it.", Said Miller, Jaxith looked at him.

"No, nothing about a surprise.", Said Jaxith.

"Then I guess she didn't find a suitable time for it.", Said Miller, just after that the inn's door was opened.

"Speak of the devil.", Said Miller while smiling as Emelia closed the door behind her and stepped in with a small book in her hands.

"Hey father, sorry I wasn't able to help you until now but Jaxith wants help with Irene so I was searching for something to help him.", Said Emelia while walking towards them before she sat by Jaxith's side.

"Here it's, Jaxith, this book was written by one of the high priests in Reldret holy church, it's about the dangers of dark energy and avoiding using it in all of the different forms especially the dark magic, you can consider it a book with an educational purpose, anyway, it did have a part which, although being small, it may be useful to you.", Said Emelia while opening the book at a specific page and Jaxith started focusing with her.

"Look, this part talks about the demons that descended to Plistura after the great gods started perishing them, do you know the story behind that?", Said Emelia.

"I know the important things about it.", Said Jaxith.

"Well listen to me, the demons who were able to escape were just lesser demons, not strong at all, those you could say that they were the normal civilians, although they aren't matched with the demons that fought in the ancient war or the strongest ones named by the scarlet army, they could have done a lot of damage to the humans so the great god himself ordered his son to be responsible for cleaning the continent created specially for us.", Said Emelia.

"Yeah I know about that part too.", Said Jaxith calmly.

"Good, at the end the prince of the gods nearly finished them all including some of the dangerous ones, only a few non harmful demons managed to hide among the humans and after years they even started loving some humans and also the opposite, that's when the hybrids started appearing, but that doesn't change the overall way the humans looked to the demons and even the hybrids.", Said Emelia.

"I don't know what that has to do with Irene.", Said Jaxith.

"I'll tell you, see, I took a look at the types of the demons that lived here while hiding from the gods and most of the humans, after the gods nearly ended them.", Said Emelia.

"And did you find something important?", Asked Jaxith.

"Indeed, listen, all those types are nearly harmless with weak dark energy, they could just use it to defend themselves and it's not that dangerous, any good warrior can deal with them easily, the thing that picked my curiosity is that no one of those demons uses that strange vapour that Irene used last night, nothing is even close to this strength, also I read about the hybrids, I didn't find anything that involves strong headache with bleeding from a single eye and strange sounds always in her head that sometimes drives the hybrid insane, there was nothing like Irene.", Said Emelia as Jaxith was narrowing his eyes.

"What do you mean by that?", Asked Jaxith.

"I know it may sound crazy but, what if her demonic side comes from a strong demon that the prince of the gods may have missed?", Asked Emelia seriously.

"That's so far, Emelia, all the scarlet demons were sealed.", Said Jaxith in a surprise manner.

"I don't mean a scarlet demon, we know that all of them were sealed, I talk about the few demons that escaped from the demon's army, the normal ones that were going to lose before the scarlet army existed, maybe that's one of them or mostly one of his sons or daughters was the one that fell in love with the human parent of Irene, don't you think?", Said Emelia, Jaxith wasn't believing what he's hearing, he was understanding it but still can't believe it because she actually got a point.

"Jaxith, listen to me, Irene may be good at heart, but that doesn't mean that she's safe to deal with, we know nothing about her and that makes her even more dangerous, I'm not trying to make you leave her without help, but be careful Jaxith.", Said Emelia.

"For the second time, she's not dangerous, she's hopeless, and what do you expect from me after listening to that? Simply tell her that she's on her own.", Said Jaxith while looking seriously at Emelia, he felt that Emelia is trying to make him abandon Irene's situation, Emelia herself felt that Jaxith wasn't reacting well to her.

"Okay, I didn't mean to upset you, I knew that you won't leave her alone, I didn't even mean that Jaxith, even though I dislike any demons even the hybrids but she seems good and what's more important is that you care about her so I would do the same just for you, but you need to to know that we care about Jaxith, the one who helped my father with several things and saved my life, Irene didn't do that, we haven't been knowing Irene for seven years, but it's you.", Said Emelia in a caring manner while closing the book and looking to the other side.

"It's okay, I understand the motive behind your words, but you just can't imply that we can do nothing to help her, come on, Emelia, I know you're smarter than that.", Said Jaxith calmly, Emelia sighed before looking back to him.

"Maybe that's not everything.", Said Emelia.

"What do you mean?", Asked Jaxith.

"What's written in the book, maybe those were just examples and there were other types that the writer didn't talk about, this book was written more than a hundred years and I told you that it's for an educational purpose, so I mean that you shouldn't lose hope.", Said Emelia.

"I won't, but don't you know someone who's interested in studying the demons who can help us?", Asked Jaxith.

"Seriously no, it's already rare to find books about them or people interested in them, but I think that Vidin's library at the capital may behold some books that will pick your interest.", Said Emelia.

"That's a long journey but thanks, I'll see what I can do after getting her to that man named Lance.", Said Jaxith before he took a sip from his juice.

"By the way, I read another article that may help you but I need you to focus on a specific part." Said Emelia.

"I don't lose focus even while sleeping.", Said Jaxith boldly before he looked at her, Emelia seemed startled for a moment.

"Yeah I just witnessed it this morning, anyway, was she always like that or no?", Asked Emelia.

"She told me that she started having those strange nightmares after her last birthday.", Said Jaxith.

"And before it there was nothing like that.", Said Emelia.

"No, but she was still able to use the divine energy before that time.", Said Jaxith.

"We previously talked about the divine energy part, she is unique to be able to use both types of energies and I think that divine energy at this age is strange enough without any proper training, but that's not what I wanted to say, about those dreams, sounds and pain with bleeding, maybe that's a defense mechanism from her human side against the demonic side.", Said Emelia.

"Do you mean that her body is somehow trying to resist her demonic side?", Asked Jaxith.

"Exactly, brilliant thinking, Jaxith, although I didn't find any similarities between her case and the normal hybrid cases who suffered from the same problem, and although it's uncommon, in some cases, the hybrid body tries to prevent the demonic side from taking any sort of control, this leads to painful aches across the body, this happens gradually after the moment the demonic power inside the hybrid starts getting active.", Said Emelia.

"And how long does this process usually take?", Asked Jaxith.

"Until her body accepts it, that's if we're sure she's suffering from this case, that could be an entirely different thing.", Said Emelia.

"I get it.", Said Jaxith before thinking about what she just told him and remembered how Irene was requesting death due to the intolerable pain, Emelia noticed that.

"Did I say something wrong?", Asked Emelia.

"No, it's not about you, you're trying to help, I'm trying to connect between what you said with what happened to her.", Said Jaxith.

"Do you mean losing control?", Asked Emelia.

"No, requesting death, she requested that I should end her life better than to endure what was happening to her.", Said Jaxith while looking annoyed.

"Did she ask that yesterday? I thought she was asking you today because she was afraid to lose control again and hurt someone.", Said Emelia.

"Both of them.", Said Jaxith.

"Oh gods, is it that bad? Even if she's a hybrid that's too much, you're right about the part where it's not her fault that she's born like that, I'm really sorry about her Jaxith.", Said Emelia while looking both afraid and surprised.

"It's okay, thank you for your help by the way, at least I got some leads for now.", Said Jaxith before looking back to the unfinished glass of orange juice.

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:


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