

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

CH. 77.16

"What's the problem, girl?", Asked Nigel, he was looking at the end of the hallway while stealing glances over Feika, she was still afraid.

Suddenly, Nigel started hearing noises coming from the right passage at the end of the current hallway, Nigel stepped back.

"That's elven voices, they don't sound as demons at all.", Thought Nigel while stepping back before looking at Feika that was still hissing on his arm.

"What is she trying to warn me of?", Thought Nigel while looking incomprehensibly at Feika before suddenly the sounds of running footsteps were getting closer mixed with tired pantings of the upcoming elves.

"QUICKLY, OVER THERE!", Shouted one of the running elves before finally they emerged in front of Nigel's sight and immediately the elves panicked a bit when they saw Nigel.

"Calm down, why are running like that? What's going on, guys?", Asked Nigel, they were three elves, two males and a female, young ones, just as Nigel, and from the way he's talking to them, he clearly knows them.

"Nigel? Thank the gods it's not one of them, quick, let's head inside the research department and close the gate, they won't be able to reach us that way.", Said one of the elven males as he approached Nigel, the other two followed him, all of them were looking afraid though.

"They? I don't understand anything.", Said Nigel before looking at Feika, she was still looking at the end of the hallway and hissing in a threatening manner, it's obvious now that she wasn't warning Nigel about his colleagues.

"Demons, Nigel, scarlet demons, they are here in this building.", Said the elven male seriously before Nigel's face expressions turned into fear and he went completely silent.

"Nigel? Nigel? What's problem?", Said the elf in front of him before the other elven male behind him tapped on his shoulder from behind.

"We don't have much time, they're getting closer, let's talk inside.", Said the second elven male before looking at Nigel, the elven female walked past them.

"No time for getting surprised, Nigel.", Said the second elf seriously before a fearful cry caught their attention but Nigel was still looking forward.

"What happened to the gate?", Asked the elven female while both of her hands were covering her mouth, the other two elves followed her and saw the completely shattered gate.

"Oh my god! It's completely destroyed, no way we can hide inside for too long without it.", Said the second elven male while looking in fear at the front of the research department, the first serious elven male noticed the strange device at the entrance before turning back towards Nigel who was still in shock.

"You did this, right? You used your da** mind once again, right?", Said the first elven male angrily before standing in front of Nigel and looking at him seriously, Feika was looking in anger at the elf.

"Do you like the situation that we're in now, huh? The only tactical divine caster between the four of us is me and I'm only trained in earth divine magic which makes it useless inside this building (he can literally destroy the building if he used this type of divine magic as it depends on manipulating the earth elements), so right now all of us are easy preys for the demons because of your idiotic thinking, so tell me, Nigel, what will you say to defend yourself this time?", Said the angry elf, he was boiling in rage from Nigel's irresponsibility, but Nigel wasn't even focusing on him, he was still looking down before finally looking at his colleague, the other two looked at them in worry, they can easily feel the tension in the air.

"She might be in danger now, I've to help her.", Said Nigel seriously, the angry elf didn't understand him.

"What? Who?", Asked the angry elf.

"Elviera, she left while ago to help the divine casters, didn't you see her on your way here?", Asked Nigel in hope, it's like he completely doesn't care about the dangerous situation they're currently in.

"What? Elviera? She left you to go and fight and you're still thinking about helping her? YOU WILL GET ALL OF US KILLED JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE STILL RUNNING AROUND AN ARROGANT HUMAN WHO DOESN'T EVEN NOTICE YOUR STUPID EMOTIONS.", Shouted the angry elf and immediately Nigel grasped the elf's clothes aggressively from his neck.

"You call her arrogant once again and I will forget our friendship in the past 4 years.", Said Nigel angrily and immediately the elf did the same and the two were about to fight each other, the female was pulling the angry one and the calmer elf was pushing the angry serious elf back.

"You want to do it now, Nigel, fine, let's do it.", Said the angry elf before finally the other two elves intervened and separated the fighting elves away from each other.

"Fighting won't lead us to anything, calm down, both of you.", Said the calm elf while trying to calm the angry one.

"Come on, Nigel, it's the first time that we see you like that, no need to fight with each other.

"He started it, not me.", Said Nigel angrily while looking back at his elven female colleague.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have gone wild and destroy something important as the gate of the research department just to help someone who is already stronger than you.", Said the angry elf before the growls of the demons echoed in the close hallways, they are very close now!