
Nefarious Vampire lord.

Our Mc was a ordinary boy who was intelligent,and had bright future, he was hanging on boundary of good and evil . But as after he got reincarnated in world of magic and fantasy he decided to embrace his evil side. Decided to exploit everything to rise to peak. As he walk on path of evil, and darkness,he slowly turned into being worse than devil. This is the story of World's greatest villain. Authors note : Please continue to read because as story progress mc starts to show more of his evil side. In case of spelling and grammatical mistake please leave comment

GLIV11 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

2. Arthur Carter part -2

' Hahahaha' Arthur's laugh echoed through crowd it shook everyone to core.

Kevin ' why are you laughing child?'

Arthur looked at him 'I thought church was supreme, and powerful, but it looks very weak.'

Kevin was bit puzzled ' Who said church is weak, it is indeed most powerful... '

Arthur interrupted him

'Is it really? Then how come someone can defy order from church, if I remember correctly anyone who defied official order from church, even if they are noble are stripped from their power and has to serve church for rest of their life, so how come they have been not punished, is this power of church, it looks like church is weaker than nobles.'

Silence was broken crowd started to discuss among themselves.

Kevin lost his saintly demor he gritted his teeth, Arthur has touched taboo point of church, Gordon nation church and nobles were always in conflict, to establish supremacy, and he proved that church is weaker than noble, it damaged church's reputation, it was not first time incident like this has happened but such matters were not made public and sorted out internally, so in the end church maintained supremacy.

If new were to spread, it will sure damage church reputation greatly, Kevin might even be banished from church.

There was no one to stand for Arthur, so Kevin just wanted to make easy wealth. But Arthur turned tables around. He had not expected this lifeless bastard to suddenly speak.

Within seconds sweat poured from his forehead, this matter was already public.

Arthur step mother spoke up ' you sinner shut up, Saint Kevin execute him immediately.'

Arthur looked at this lady ' You arrogant bitch , how do you think you are to freely order saint from church , God ..., You and your children dared to offend church , church official order are words of God, you offended God , your crime way more sinister as mine.'

Crowds chattering increased even more. He used his glib tongue to exaggerate matter drag them with him.

Order to not torture was passed to show face to Arthur's father who was noble, ordinary person are indeed tortured before execution , but Arthur was no ordinary person he was heir of noble.

If his father was here, he might have pulled strings and suppressed mattered and he would have survived, but he was not there and he didn't receive help from his stepmother instead she made situation worse for him.

Kevin maintained silence for a while and showed hand to stop crowds chattering, matter already went out of his hand,

'Who said they are spared, no one can defy God ,God is supreme, they will be appropriately punished, Guards detain them, they will be presented before higher authorities from church, also noble William will be immediately summoned, for further proceedings, and this execution is postponed until further notice.'

Apprentice knights from church followed order.

Arthur smiled everything went according to his plan, he had already planned this, that's why endures torture till this moment, though he was not sure it will work or not but he still wanted to try.

Arthur sighed ' It went better than I thought, I estimated that I will be executed immediately and church will take care of them later, may be I have chance to survive.'



Entire mansion and guards temporarily followed Kevin's order.

Later at night Kevin, went to stepmother Lily's cell, she her daughter and son were held captive, there cells were right next to Arthur.

Kevin came to meet lily in her cell.

Kevin spoke in stern tone. 'I investigated on my own, I found certain things suspicious, tell me everything.'

Lily frightened she told him everything, how she faked human sacrifices.

Lily went on her knees, her eyes almost wet,' please help me'

Kevin sighed, 'This matter is already beyond me , reputation of church is at stake, nobody can save you and your daughter, you and your daughter will be nun at church for whole life , as for your son he might have hope , and that brat Arthur even if he hadn't used human sacrifices he is bound to be executed.'

As she heard these words hope shinned in her eyes ' What, how, can you save my daughter too?'

' No she has no hope, she commanded guard to torture that brat in public, as for your son he have tortured him but it was not in public I can bribe Guards ,also I can help you with fake human sacrifices, you won't be executed but..'

He looked at lily with playful eyes.

Lily understood his meaning ' I will give you everything I have, I have quit bit of money on myself.'

Kevin smiled ' Money off course I will be taking it , but I want your body, you must be my whore for rest for rest of your life, and also after your daughter becomes nun I will help her become priest and after that she must marry me, or worse fate awaits for you all.'

Lily panicked ' what no way, how can you do this, let alone my body, but my daughter she just 14 you are already in your 40, aren't you gods saint, how can do such heinous acts.'

Kevin held her jaw 'You bitch mind your tone , think of it again, do you want your daughter to be lowly nun for rest of your life , your son he has no talent, he will be guard till he die, if he is saved he will become heir of noble family, I give you half hour to think.'

Lily and her daughter were indeed beautiful, that's how lily became Arthur's father's concubine.

Arthur was all along listening their conversation,

'Sir Kevin can we have talk please'

Kevin frowned he went to Arthur's cell,

'What do you want?'

Arthur was tied by chains to ground.

'Sir Can you use your divine power to heal me and especially my face. '

'What? You brat dream on'

' Sir , think you to present me to higher authorities do you think with these types of wounds and such blood ,I will be alive till then, and also it will be insult of higher authorities to show such ugly face to them.'

Kevin hesitated bit, later he used his amulet to channel his divine powers, and white light filled entire cell, and intense itching followed after it, itching was even more unbearable than torture.

Arthur felt this warm white light penetrating, his body, healing his wounds.

After light vanished most of his wounds were healed, but some wounds and marks still remained on his body, but his face was not restored.

'Thank your sir, also can you, arrange for food or else I might die from hunger.'

Kevin snorted and clenched his fist, ' you ... you only have few more day.'

After half hour he came again to hear Lily's decision, she agreed.

Kevin laugh loudly,' Good decision form today you are my bitch, follow me warm my bed tonight,'

Lily was taken back,' what tonight ' she looked at Kevin he was serious, she knew what fate awaited her but she thought it will be after she became nun.

She followed him, her son and daughter were crying and shouting 'no mom don't go'

After Kevin went half way he stopped, and ordered guard ' Get meal for that sinner and special dinner for my future wife and brother in law,'

He turned towards her ' You better eat a lot I like big breast and thick thighs.'


