
NEEDED TO BE LOVED (suga ×reader )

= Now you are all mine ≈ and you are so into your dreams ___________________ ≈ I hate you more now = I love you more now ___________________ ≈ We never meant to be together = Cuz we meant to forever ___________________ = What are you doing to me? ≈ Nothing = No baby you are making this man go crazy for you so madly that i wanna fuck you right now right here, i wanna fuck you in every corner of this earth, i wanna fucking feel you inside me, i Fucking wanna seed you, i Fucking want you in every possible way ___________________ = Damn!! i am obsessed with loving you ___________________ = You destroy me ≈ you too __________________ ≈ No i don't love you anymore nor you do, right? _________________ = I make everything a mess ≈ yes you did _________________ = Please let me take you back ≈ please do-n't to-uch me Mr min _______________ = I am sorry ≈ I am sorry

Sabi_Petrov · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


" .....FUCK YOU!!! " I shout standing in the middle of nowhere walking past him angrily, hitting his shoulder on purpose.

My head turn again to the side to see six another fucker who come out of the alley, glaring at them i again move my head in front way walking away after showing my middle finger to them.

Actually everyone is the MOTHERFUCKER in this planet, who the hell even do that huh like how bitch? How the fuck bitch?

Today was a fucking, Fucking day for sure. Form the morning actually. Is he for real, or maybe them? There was six no-no seven Fucking freaking men's but no one tries to help me, ohh why they would even they might be enjoying seeing a girl like that

wanna know my fucking, Fucking day.

( To understand what happened just now )


I walk to other side hide hearing a familiar baby cries. To my surprise i saw yeonji crying standing in front of a man who is silently sitting in the park bench.

Not doing anything. Nor even trying to help that crying baby...

Whispering motherfucker to my own self, i make my way there and bend down in front of yeonji.

Turning his body lightly, he jump but calm down when he remove his small hands from his eyes to see who it is.

Making a smile on my face, i wipe his tears, ignoring the stare from the mask man who still don't react. Is he blind?

No, he might be mute? ....or deaf?

.... everything i guess.

" Yeonji darling what happen why my baby is crying? " Hearing my soft voice which i just pretend in front of child, yeonji pout and look down

" Ohh baby aren't you gonna tell me " i sadly ask which make him look up in denial and state silently some words

" Noona he reject my ball " pointing at the mute,deaf,blind man yeonji pout.

( Why i feel weird writing this line, you gonna understand if you are dirty minded 🌚)

" So you are his noona, god finally. Take thisshit away from me he is annoying and wasting my time " that mask man suddenly spoke whom i was considering as mute, blind and deaf.

He cross his hand together and put his one leg on another, leaning on the bench staring at me.

His eyes are dark and so dark that they were shining by the reflection of the sun ray. They seems to be hard like really hard, as if he is hiding the most terrifying secret in them

Clearing my throat i look away for some seconds when i found myself lost somewhere......his eyes.

I again look back speaking the truth " uhmm no Mr. I am not his noona i mean i am not his biological sister just a friend of his mom.

And maybe i would love to say that you should keep your mouth shut if you just gonna make a child cry by your harsh words " at first i was soft than i remember the reason of me speaking to this stranger and my savage side was here by now

He seems to be taken back by my words and put his hand somewhere i confusing look at the way to see an ahhuji standing there looking like he was ready to walk toward me

But was stopped by that mask man's hand gesture. Ohh his bodyguard.

" But he was the one who come here first to disturb me " hearing his words i look at yeonji who kept on pouting, my make a face which says - tell me what happen?

" Noona, i was just playing football with my friends but suho hit it hard so it come here, when i come here to pick it up, he said bad words" yeonji explain the situation to me.

Now my head turn to the mask man again " excuse me sir, atleast have some respect you are older you should know that you can't speak in bad language to a child " i spoke as much calmly as much i can be.

" But he was the one who offered me the ball for no reason and you know that ball hit my head here see " srsly, i can't tell who is the child here.

I literally look toward his bodyguard with done face, because he is the only one who know this old child.

" He don't even said sorry!! " His voice bring me come out my thought and i sign. Fighting here won't solve anything for sure so i am just gonna....

I hold yeonji's hand and his football with other hand while the stranger stare at me, with a sign i bow to him " i am sorry for the hit sir but it's wasn't from him, his friends hit the football as he said, now we will take our leave " i don't know how the hell i was so calm. Maybe because i wasn't in mood to fight with this man.

" Yaah why you are saying sorry, this bratty child should say sorry to me now " this mask man shout crossing his hands again.

Now i lose my shit,

In Swift motion i leave the hold on yeonji's hand and the football, snatching his mask out of his face. I shout.

" Yaahh what you think of yourself hmm i apologise on behalf of him than what's the problem, you look to strong to get hurt by a childer football you dumbass, you don't even have respect go fuck yourself" breathing heavily, picking my things up.

I don't gave him a chance to speak,  glancing at him on more time, before walking away angrily with yeonji..

Huhhh why the hell his mom even told me to take care of him and why the hell i agree knowing he is a brat but still i fight for him knowing he might has been done.some.shit.there with that stranger.

Ufff gosh lemme just drop this child to his mom than ....oooo fuck i got no time to go my job place .....shit..


Finally, i sign as i clean another table of the cafe where i work, i drop that child to his mom with Naruto speed and come here in 5min

Now i am left with no energy, i pull my hand in front of my face to see the time, just 40 min than i can go from here

The bell rang, informing me that a new customer has arrived, i look at the person who is a cashier in this cafe. He was signalling me to come there.

Holding the left tray i goes toward him after bowing to the customer who just come and told them to have a sit.

" Siji! I have to go now, can you please take care of it.....i am sorry i am lefting you alone but i got a call from my parents, saying they are at my house and my girlfriend is in the house. Please help me " he said everything in one go, making me chuckle darkly while i shake my head.

" No problem just go and take care of everything ok " i said as politely as i can be because i am not a talkative person so ... whatever.

He gave me a hug from another side of the table, running outside not before grabbing his bag, he even left his apron here.

Again i sign and turn my head when i hear a cough. Ohh shit the customers. I notice there are three customers sitting together, probably waiting for someone to come and take there order

But i am the only one left, great. Grabbing the menu from the table i walk toward them, bowing again i glance at each of them and they did the same.

Why it's awkward ohh everything is awkward if i am with a human.

" Hello sir, i will be taking your orders please tell me what you want " i ask silently not wanting to make my voice aco in the cafe.

Because the cafe is empty just one person sitting far away near the window.

" I would like to have yo---" i glance at person who just grab the other person mouth before he can complete his words.

Why everyone is annoying.

Clearing my throat i ask again " sir what you want "

" Uhmm nothing just gave us cold coffee" said the guy who was still grabbing another guy's mouth.

Nodding my head, i walk away from saying" your order will be here in 10 minutes"


The girl put the money on the table saying thank you before walking out of the cafe and i put it in the cashier box and take the plate of three coffee with me for those three black suit guys.

I am embarrassed because while making there coffee i recognise that one of those guys is the guy whom i insult in the morning. By his clothes

He was sitting silent tho glancing at me time to time, but i guess he forget what happen in the morning

My luck✨

I put the coffee in front i of each of them while they eye me hmm nice perverts. " Enjoy" whisper the word silently i walk again toward the counter.

Using my phone until they finish there coffee.


God they also left after putting the money on the table, i sign again wowww i am tired as fuck.

I clean the left thing and wash the dishes, cleaning my hands with a small hand towel i look toward my hand watch to see it's 9:56 pm

Hmm time to close this shop, i come out the room after changing into my outfit, glancing at everything i switch off the light..

Turning the open sign toward closed one, i took the keys out and walk out of the cafe to lock it.

As the lock was a little down so i have to bend down a little, while i did that i felt some stare. It's not usual thing tho.

I kept my calm and look upward and see the reflection of some ..... drunk mans coming my way, as the door was made of glass i saw it.

Shit, just don't let any shit happen, titling my head i turn when i heard one of them speaking.

Clucthing the key tightly in my hands, i look at them " hey baby girl we want some drink, is it available here?"

" No Mr. And the shop is already close " i calmly said not showing any fear. If i do than they will think i am weak and will try to take advantages of me.

" But i guess you are available...for us ain't you?"

Closing my eyes tightly, i try hard not to make any move here as i am already soo tired....i am not a working person

They laugh together while i open my eyes to glare at them, huh you bastard think that i am weak than fuck you to hell.

" Excuse me sir but i gotta go " saying that i calmly tries to walk past by them but someone, definitely one of them grab my left hand.

And push me toward the wall next to the door.

I close my eyes bearing the pain which i feel on my back after the harsh push. Fucking bastard. " Leave the fuck me " i whisper greeting my teeths in anger.

I don't like physical touch.

" Ohh baby we haven't even grab what we should" he murmure near my eyes, my head shot up toward his direction with a glare.

" Fuck off ! " I yell yanking my hand away from this bastard's dirty touch.

They just came closer making me move back, biting his lips one of them scan my body. " Ohh baby let us in nah we will have fun " fine i am left with no choice.

Glancing at them one more time, in a second the front guy was pushed by me making other two behind him fall with a thud and i took this chance to run.


I don't know in which direction i am going right now because my all focus is on those fuckers who decided to follow me.

" Stop there you bitch " one of them shout

Ohh like i will listen to your shit

Turning my head back to glance at them, they are fast than me and i am the slowest, knowing my strength very well. I stop and turn which make them halt there steps too

They are just few steps away from, we are in the middle of nowhere it's fucking dark and quite. Duhh who will roam around at this time.

" So you finally decided to get fucked by us " hearing the bastard's say i clench my jaw harshly.

While smirking i make my firsts tight and stood in fighting position. " So you MOTHERFUCKER don't wanna give up fine lets see who gonna fuck who? " Stating that, i stood fearlessly.

And they start laughing" hahah one girl three guys ohh com'on bitch just let us fuck you, you can't win against us "

" Dumbheads you are drunk not me now imma giving you two choice 1- get the fuck away without making any scene and any broken bone and 2- or imma making you fuck away with your broken bones and a broken dick in bonuz"

Well i guess they get triggered by me because on if them throw the alcohol bottle away before running in my direction.

He tries to grab my hair but i dogde and kick where the sun don't rise and grab his hairs, hitting his head on my knees.

And he was on the ground

Another one come thinking he can fight while shouting but i simply hit my purse on his face and use my trick, twisting one certain point on his neck, and kick in his stomach when he loose his control.

Although he don't stop here but try to punch me on my face but i grab his fist before he can do that and twisted it behind his back making him yell.

In this mean time i don't realise that the last one was already running away while his friends lays on the floor.

One holding his dick groaning in pain and another one totally feeling paralysed. Huh they should read science.

" NOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE GOING YOU BASTARD COME BACK HERE AND FUCK ME NAHH WHY YOU RAN AWAY YOU DIRTY PIG " yelling out loud i pour my all anger on the the guys who lays in the ground.

I kick one's dick continuesly until i satisfy myself before going toward the next one, who whimper seeing me coming closer.

I sit on top of him, and punch once before opening my purse which hang around my shoulder now, taking one red lipstick.

And grabbed his face by his jaw turning his toward me, i open my lipstick and wrote on his forehead

' mother fucker '

" This is for irritating me while i was having a bad day" saying that i get up and throw the lipstick on him in anger while shouting" fuck you mother because of you i destroy my lipstick which someone special gave me "

Yelling that my head shoot open when i hear phone ringing sound but it's not mine nor there either it was coming from far.

My jaw clench when i saw the same man from the morning standing a little far away now hanging up the call for sure as the ringing sound was no longer playing.

His bangs hide his eyes and the darkness his figure lightly as he stand steps away with one hand on his waist

My anger rose up more and i dask toward him in rage. I guess today I will kill someone

Reaching him, my hands grabbed his collar harshly before pulling him closer and shouting at him

" You mother fuckers all this time you were watching everything but don't even try to help an alone girl who was getting harrassed by three Fucking mother fucker,

Actualy you all boys are the the same shameless, disgusting, and perverts always want a pussy but why I am saying this to you I should say

Ohh thank you sir for watching this show I hope you like it ........you know what .....FUCK YOU!" I shout standing in the middle of nowhere walking past by angrily, hitting his shoulder on purpose.

My head turns again to the side to see six another fucker who come out of the alley, glaring at them I again move my head in the front way walking away after showing my middle finger to them.

Actually everyone is the MOTHERFUCKER in this planet, who the hell even do that huh like how bitch? How the fuck bitch?

Today was a fucking, Fucking day for sure. Form the morning. Is he for real, or maybe them? There were six no-no seven Fucking freaking men but no one tries to help me, ohh why they would even they might be enjoying seeing a girl like that


While walking to my house in this dark, suddenly my brain remind me of something making my eyes go wide
