
Happy or Sad?

Everyone's destination is written. The things happen with us depends on krama. The question arises is it really true?This story is also about it .

A small girl named Sui, living in a small town happily with her parents. She have one brother and one sister who irritate's her everytime. The whole family was living happily. Sui loved to dance , sing , draw something according to her imagination . She loves cooking . She was average in studies . She lives her life on her own rules and her nature was too sweet and funny . When she got promoted in 6th class due to death of her brother she was unable to focus on her studies and failed in exams . She was very frustrated and got depressed. And started shouting on everyone for no reason. Her parents know her problem very well because they are able to understand her problem . They decided to give her some time so she can recover from her pain and get well soon .They decided to talk her for while so she can feel relief. They reached to her room and knocked out . But Sui didn't reply because she was not in mood to talk as she was so depressed.

After some time when Sui reached near dining table to have dinner she heard conversation between her mother and father . After that she was so upset .