

In a whirlwind of high-stakes heists and intricate friendships, the lives of multiple characters intersect as they navigate success, betrayal, and the pursuit of wealth. The story unfurls with a group of friends who successfully pull off a massive heist, resulting in unimaginable wealth. However, their dreams of business success quickly unravel as differences in vision and dedication to their ventures drive them apart. As they scatter across the globe—some reveling in newfound fortunes while others face devastating losses—their lives take unexpected turns. From luxury getaways to criminal endeavors and business pursuits, each character finds their path amid the wealth they've acquired. But their lives take a dramatic turn when a mysterious figure steals their riches, setting a challenge that demands a high-stakes race across Nigeria to reclaim their fortunes. The ensuing race becomes a battleground, revealing alliances, rivalries, and unforeseen twists as they navigate treacherous obstacles, police pursuits, and dangerous confrontations. Amid the chaos, alliances are formed, betrayals are uncovered, and the characters face the consequences of their actions. Despite the challenges, one racer emerges victorious, reclaiming the stolen wealth, but choosing to return it to its rightful owners, signifying a sense of honor among the chaos. The story concludes with the characters coming full circle, released from imprisonment and ready to confront their unknown enemy, setting the stage for a sequel that promises more high-speed action and the pursuit of justice in "Need for Revenge."

AHD25 · Action
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          They were all surprised to see the amount of money they had gotten from just a small heist of 685million pounds "Just a small jewelry store" .Shamsuddin said A knock on the door then Ibrahim opened the door it was Haneef a tall, chubby, light skin handsome guy "Time to split the money I have places to be "he said. After shared the money, they left and locked up their hideout 

           On that same afternoon around 8am Ibrahim, Al-amin, Mansur and Abdulwahab are in a bar taking beer and having a discussion" Abdulwahab, what do you think about the condition of our business? Mansur asked "Well I think if we dedicate enough time to it, I think we might succeed" he replied "No, no money and time wastage I am done" Al-AMIN said .As he gets up to leave Ibrahim gets up with anger and drags his shirt and says" You stupid idiot, you're not even thinking straight you inpatient fool we are only two weeks into the business and your saying you're done? Fine you can what you want ,but when the business blows never ask me for money in your damn life again "Stop fighting it's his choice" Mansur said " more for us " Abdulwahab said (AL-amin leaves and the rest of them sit back down and continued their discussion)

2 days later 3 tall muscular guys Abdullahi, Idris and Sodangi are walking down the shore moving towards Idris's yacht they are involved in a conversation " guy where are we going "Idris asked " We are going to an island where my warehouse is" Abdullahi said " SANNU rich man so your business is bringing money home " Sodangi said as they boarded the yacht. Abdullahi then after arriving at his island showed them his security system and his 85 trucks of money.

1 month later Muhammad , Hassan and Ameer are having fun in Muhammad house " This is amazing we are successful "Ameer said happily "We should calm down and celebrate properly" Hassan said "Fine lets go to a cooler place where we can have as much fun as we like "Muhammad said calmly(they leave to have some better fun)

The next morning Ayman Jamari and Faruk are in two different cars MERCEDES AMG and Ferrari ENZO, they are on their way to Faruks private jet to RIO they don't waste any time in getting into the jet and taking off on the way they start discussing " When we get there who is going to consult us " Faruk asked " Sammani off course, while on the road I asked him to get ready to see some old friends after a long time " Jamari answered " What about Ayman Lawal, I heard he is also in RIO can't we go to see him " Faruk asked " maybe we should call both of them and tell them to meet us in the airport " Jamari answered again " ok I'll call Ayman and tell him to meet us there as well and try calling Khalifa to see whether he is around "Jamari added.

In the afternoon Abbas Mahmoud is in his backyard relaxing when Umar comes in and sits down close to Abbas " how is it going " Abbas asked " Everything is going well "Umar replied "Its all good " just then Moddibo, Jaji, And Kabir they greeted each other and discussed all day.

The next day Buba, Muazzam and Bosso were in an arcade playing video games they were involved In a discussion "what do you think we can do about this game we are creating " BOSSO asked " I think we should observe the good things in this game and differentiate ours with this one " BUBA suggested " to get more money and users " MUAZZAM continued they continued playing until they eventually went home.


On the Tenth day of February at exactly 10 AM in the morning Haneef was taking coffee and using his phone then his phone rang, He picked up the phone and checked the number and did not recognize the number on it " Hello, who is this " Haneef asked " You don't recognize my voice it's me Muhammad from Esteem " He said " I heard you're doing awesome in Rio how is the business coming up " Haneef answered " the business is going great how is your criminal business going in America " Muhammad asked " Alhamdullilah " he answered just then Mansur, Abdulwahab, DK and Shamsuddin came in "Hey guys how far "DK greeted before anybody could talk Umar, Abdulsamad and Muhammad Bello opened the door "come talk to Muhammad" Haneef said " give me his number I will call him later but this is urgent " Umar said " I think we call all our friends from ss3 and have a reunion "he continued " good idea man but 1 problem we do not know where they are " Kabir added "we can contact others to contact others so everyone gets the news" Haneef answered (they did so and the went round to all of them and the date was set at 28th of April)

On the same day Faruk , Jamari , Ayman Lawal were chilling in Sammani's house when they got the news and as they talk about it Khalifa arrives in the house and knocks the door " hey guys it's me "he said " have you heard the news "he continued " yeah it will be fun if we want it to " Sammani said "Ok where is the venue " Faruk asked " here in Rio " Khalifa answered "well I think it will be awesome if we make it so " Faruk continued " what do mean " Sammani asked " let us make it a night we will never forget" Faruk answered " Ok let's see that day.

A few weeks before the reunion Ibrahim, Mansur and Abdulwahab were in Mansur s house when something shocking happened" I cannot believe it, our has been stolen" Ibrahim said "who could have done this" Mansur asked sadly "I am suspecting 1 person "Abdulwahab said "who "Ibrahim asked "your brother "he replied "he can do it lets find out "Ibrahim said as they move to solve the situation.

Abdullahi and Idris were sailing to ABDULLAHI'S Island when he opened the warehouse and sees nothing "what where are my 85 trucks of money, I am going to kill whoever did this "he said angrily as he charged back to the yacht,they went back to solve the mystery of who stole his money

On 21st of April Abbas Mahmoud was using his computer when he found out that his money has been stolen with only $1600 left "What! Someone has stolen my money maybe it is a mistake Umar made " he said he picks up his phone to call Umar and asked him whether he did something wrong and he said he has not even opened his account then he called him to his house to solve the problem.


23rd of April all 32 former esteem students came to Gravel jump national park with every one enjoying drinks, Music, Food and all other good things then suddenly towards the end of the party the TV suddenly started flashing then a man appeared on the screen " Hello my name is Salis Rabiu, all of you for the past week have noticed that your money and riches have been stolen I am the one who stole your money and if you want it back you will have to do something for me. You are going to race not in Rio but in your home country Nigeria from Kaduna to Abuja and you will use only cars, no trekking, no flying or sailing such activities may disqualify you and you will have no money, the winner shall take all the money and whatever he does with it is his business you all have six weeks to prepare see you in Nigeria "the man on the screen said.

Haneef, Shamo and Dk are together in their hideout where they want to set a plan to get back their money back from Salis " how will we go about this" Dk asked " I think we can call Bukar and ask him help us hack his security system or we can set up a heist " Haneef suggested " No that will be too risky and if we make mistake we can lose our money " Dk said " I know there Is going to be a carriage of some of the money we can identify it with the company logo like an umbrella " Shamo said " is the road not going to be secured " Haneef asked " we can find that out later but for now let's get ready for the job" Shamo said " how will we track the carriage " Dk asked " using the god's eye system and a few other connections " He said " now let's suit up " Haneef commanded .

The next day Abdullahi, Idris and Sodangi are going to their garage to choose the car they will use for the race, as they opened the garage they saw three cars La Ferrari, Mustang Gt, Aston martin vanquish " pick the car you bought " Idris said as they pick the cars to test drive and customize.

Heist day Haneef, Shamo and Dk are waiting in a cargo plane they are all in black ford Gt , the cargo planes opens " show time " Shamo said as he puts his car in reverse and drives backward as he drops straight to the secured road while Haneef and Dk followed . As they come closer to the ground the meter increases immediately the meter reached 1000 the pulled their parachute and safely landed on the ground and set route to the money carriage. When they came closer to the carriage an alarm went off, then the cars beside the 3 buses moved out of their formation and blocked their way Haneef and Dk shot missiles at the leading cars while Shamo threw 3 grenades at the other cars and all of them went up in flames " nice job, time to intercept " Haneef said .They went beside the three buses and put Emp and destroyed their systems the buses came to a stop they came out of their cars and opened the first bus but just to see nothing inside " what happened are these not the buses you said are holding the money " Haneef said " it was a trick " Dk said. Then suddenly 3 cars came out of the forest with 3 men coming out of the cars shooting Haneef in the leg, Dk in the lap and Shamo in his ogs after shooting them the 3 men drove away and left them there.























17TH march all the racers are lined up under Kaduna state bridge "all right we will start from here and stop at Abuja city gate "on your mark, get set, go!!!" he commanded. The cars went in blazes Abbas M. started first with Umar on his tail "on your way you will face different obstacles ".Salis said as the race went on, the road safety started following them, 1 of the road safety cars jammed Moddibo and he flipped out and crashed through a kiosk and stopped on the road, as he was apprehended the racers got some space to deal with themselves. Buba and Alamin are battling with themselves "I am not losing to you bum" Buba said "Neither am I "AL-amin said. The 2 were hitting themselves until a cable car was coming right behind them when it was ahead Buba hit AL-amin and he hit the back of the cable car and without him knowing the cable was hooked to the bottom of AL-amin;s car at that time he was ahead of BUBA so he increased his speed eventually coming in front of the cable car .as soon as the cable stopped AL-amin car was tugged and he flipped through the air and while coming down he landed straight into the front of BUBA S car making him come to a stop the police came with an ambulance and restrained the 2 racers. "Oooo that was stupid and harsh" Salis said. Abdulsamad was coming closer to racers with Abbas behind him when he noticed Abbas was coming closer he tried to turn and hit him Abbas dodged and zoomed passed him and gave him a good gap. Ibrahim was on his way to victory " let's use some tech " he said while turning on his Emp meter and aimed it at Abdulsamad and fired" what is going on" he shouted as all his gadgets stopped working and his car came to a stop.

Sodangi was speeding with Abdulwahab on his tail then he deployed a spike strip on one of Abdulwahab tires " shit!!!" he said ,Sodangi turned 180 degrees trying to hit Abdulwahab but he dodged and hit a uncompleted building. Umar, Idris, Mansur, Bello were battling each other then they surrounded Umar and blocked his path "Out of my way fools "he said while turning on his shock ram and hit Idris directly in front of him, then the other two tried to block him but before they could he turned on his Esf and hit both of them almost critically damaging them and got space to continue the race and Idris still behind him. Abdullahi and Ayman L. , the two Ferraris were neck and neck they got to a turn Abdullahi started drifting and Ayman turned 180 facing him, He then turned on his shock ram and made Ayman spin out "ha, ha "he shouted and hit a civilian car, Ayman then restarted the engine and continued the race. 

Ibrahim had already beaten five racers it now came down to Khalifa he was focused on beating Khalifa and winning the race but so was Khalifa, in front of them was a heavy truck that blocked half of the road and only one car could fit through the remaining space Khalifa then turned on nitro and started passing through the space Ibrahim, followed and hit him with a shock ram Khalifa got angry and charged hi shock wave to full power when he deployed it the truck shifted close to an edge he turned on an Esf and hit him again and mistakenly hit a truck and made it fall straight down the cliff and dropped straight into the sea and they continued the race. Ameer and Faruk were racing while approaching and uncompleted bridge the police were there because it was a usual street racing area for criminals, a police officer spotted them " dispatch this is 10-44 officer link reporting 2 speeding vehicles on east wood bridge " he said " this is dispatch requesting more information on suspects " dispatch reported " suspects are both Lamborghini's Gallardo and aventador " he replied " all units move in to intercept " as the police cars headed towards them, thy dodged the cars ahead of them and Ameer deployed a spike strip and hit 1 of the police cars, they it was over until a big S.W.A.T car came from behind them. Suddenly from behind the car an Audi R8 shot a missile at the S.W.A.T car and it flipped over and crashed on the ground, it was Muhammad smiling at the destruction and speeding passed it and throwing a grenade and causing more destruction and the 3 of them got back to the race.

Ahmad was first with Muhammad, Mansur, Idris, Umar, Faruk, Ameer and Ibrahim behind him then his systems detected an Emp was locking on he then deployed a shock wave and dropped an Emp ring, it hit Muhammad and the shock wave affected the others then they surrounded Ahmad, Ameer and Idris tried to side slam him but he dodged them and they hit each other. Jamari was behind trying to catch up to the others as the others were now in a hot pursuit with 2 helicopters on top of them, the first helicopter moved forward and dropped a spike strip ahead of them and behind it a serious blockade they now moved off road "racers ignored blockade "an officer reported as they passed the blockade Ahmad and Muhammad threw grenades at the blockade and it destroyed the whole thing. The police were on their tail, they approached an active gas station, the police then started side slamming them, Idris used the power of his Mustang to give him a strong side slam which made it spin-out and hit a fuel machine and caused a major explosion, which affected some other police cars, other cars that were not in the explosion continued the pursuit. Beside the road was a high ramp as they approached it Muhammad had a plan to confuse the remaining police cars as they came closer to the ramp Ahmad and Muhammad went off road while all the other continued following the main road some police that attempted to follow Ahmad and Muhammad got confused and hit the edge of the ramp hard others still followed them ,when Muhammad reached the edge of the jump he turned 180 degrees and Ahmad still went for the jump there plan was to make them think they were going for the jump and they fell for it they all dropped down the canyon and they both got back to the race.

The finish line was less than an hour away and they started gaining some speed on themselves then suddenly a huge tank came out of a construction site it was coming right in front of them it started shooting the mountain and small rocks were falling down. Then the tank shot a giant missile and destroyed 1 part of the Zuma rock which made a very large bolder to come crashing down on top of them ,as all hope seemed to be lost a helicopter came a none military helicopter and shot 3 missiles and destroyed the large bolder , it was Haneef , Dk, Shamo, Bukar and Bello " thought you guys needed help " Haneef said " thanks guys , help us take down that tank and you will make our day " Ahmad responded happily and Haneef shot 2 missiles at the tank and it went up in flames " thanks man, we will take it from here " Idris shouted. And the race continued into Abuja and to the finish line. 

After the madness of police trying to catch them the racers were now determined to win the race, the suddenly Bello with a Ferrari spider came out from the fields and came In front of Faruk, then Faruk deployed a shock ram, Bello lost control and hit Khalifa, then when Ahmad saw the chaos he deployed a shock wave which affected all the other racers, he was now first and heading to Abuja city gate and Ahmad noticed a blockade and a tank behind it, he tried to go off road but the tank shot the car and Ahmad flipped in the air and landed hard, but still on the finish line, the police apprehended him with an ambulance while the other racers were arrested. They were all sentenced to 8 months imprisonment because of destruction of government properties and disobeying of police and finally illegal street racing.


            Finally, everyone was released from prison it was not that tough, but it was a good experience, Haneef and his gang managed to escape in the helicopter, Ahmad however had a broken arm and injured leg but recovered after his 8 months in jail.

Ahmad had won the race, and all the money was his, but he decided to give them back their money. So he decided to throw a proper party and as everyone was enjoying themselves he stood up and called their attention " Ok guys all eyes on me, it has been a hell of a year for us we have been through a lot for the injuries the accidents ,the cars and most especially the money we can happily say that we have practically beaten our enemy and the next time he steps in our way again he will know that we can do anything to him without hesitation, and I am sure we will see him again. So let us forget about him and arrange a better and fair race and let us really know who the best driver among us is.

               Read on to the next book: NEED FOR GREED 2: REVENGE 

This is the first book I have ever written and I wanted to post it here for you to see where I came. You will recognise some scenes from popular movies, so be ready for that. I am working a NEW and IMPROVED version of this book and its sequel. so watch out for that. And pls keep in mind that I wrote this when 13. ENJOY!

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