
Chapter 9: Keep Your Friends Close


They had been on the march toward the Westerlands for a few days when Ghost and Greywind had found a narrow path that circumvented round the Golden Tooth Fortress, and allowed them slightly easier passage into the Westerlands, as well as giving them a clearer indication of where Stafford Lannister had kept his army stationed- Oxcross. Jon thought it odd that the man being a Lannister had not thought to post outriders and scouts out around the surrounding area to warn him of any approaching hosts, and when he had brought this up with Ser Barristan the old knight had said that Ser Stafford was a old and feeble man who had only been allowed to hold the Lannister name because of the love Tywin's wife Joanna had borne him as her brother. Otherwise Ser Barristan had said Tywin Lannister would have removed him from the family tree in a heartbeat.

Though of course Ser Barristan did warn Jon against being too over confident and suggested that perhaps they had best wait and see if Ser Stafford realised the force of men that was at his doorstep. As it turned out the man did not, and he sent neither scouts nor outriders during the day that Jon and his men spent going over their battle preparations, so that when night finally fell, Jon said his farewells to Robb and Theon who were to be leading the Vanguard, and with Ser Barristan walking a few paces behind him made his way back to his tent to get into his armour.

Once he had worn his dark blue armour and put on his wolf's head helm and entrusted Serrax to one of the helpers near his tent he mounted his horse and rode on to where Ser Barristan and Lord Karstark waited for him. Moving his horse in between the two of them Jon lifted the lid of his helm and spoke "It is a clear night tonight. A good sign from the gods. This should allow us to see more easily."

To which Ser Barristan replied "Aye and keep our approach more hidden due to the presence of crickets and such."

Lord Karstark said nothing; the man had not been keeping very quiet as of late, not saying much in council sessions nor was he the talkative Lord who had laughed alongside Jon on their march south those many years ago. Jon had asked Torrhen about it, and his friend had said that Lord Rickard had taken the death of his son Eddard very, very hard and was also sick with worry about how safe Harrion could truly be. Jon could sympathise with Lord Rickard for he constantly worried for Robb's safety during battle and also worried about how safe and secure Arya and their mother were also, he also worried consciously for Sansa and ached to see her again, and to hold her in his arms and never let her go.

He was brought out of his musings when he heard the sound of a horn being blown. Rickard Karstark perked up at the sound of the horn and said "That is Lord Umber's horn Your Grace, the attack has begun."

Jon nodded and said "Sound you horn then Lord Karstark and let us begin."

Lord Karstark sounded his horn and Ghost answered with a chilling howl, which further afield was answered by Robb's direwolf Greywind. Jon pulled down the lid on his helm, and drew his sword, he rode forward and in commanding a voice as he could muster said "Men of the North, before us stand Lannisters. The Lions who would have us bend to their bastard King. We shall defeat them and take their gold and land. Let us show them that winter has come for them." Jon heard the answering roar of the soldiers behind him and then spurred on his horse and charged forward into the brewing melee, Ser Barristan never far behind him.

The main force of the Northern army was commanded by Jon and it smashed into the right flank of the host commanded by Stafford Lannister. Jon immediately began swinging his sword left and right, bringing down any soldier that wore the crimson red of the Lannisters as well as any man that bore the sigil of a Lannister Bannerman he recognised. He continued swinging his sword cleaving a bloody path in front of himself, whilst to his side Ser Barristan and Torrhen did the same, through his connection to Ghost he felt and saw his direwolf rip and tear the throats out of many a man. Soon Jon found himself face to face with a man bearing the hooded man on a field of Grey of House Banefort. The man snarled at Jon and drew his sword and swung at him. Jon managed to duck in time to avoid the blow, and managed to swing his own sword so that it dented the man's chest plate. The man drew his horse back and then swung again this time striking Jon's shield. Jon retaliated and swung his sword several times, sometimes striking the man's shield his sword or his armour. The Banefort man also swung his sword several times striking Jon's shield, his helm or armour, so that both Jon and the Banefort man were both covered with dents and scratches that oozed crimson blood onto their armour and swords.

The man though was beginning to tire and so Jon retreated ever so slightly and feinted to his right hoping to draw the man into an attack that would leave his neck open, the man fell for the ploy and swung wildly at Jon, allowing Jon the chance to lift his shield to block the man's sword and then whilst the man raised his sword in attempt of another attack Jon moved to the left and swung out at the man's exposed neck striking true and drawing blood. Jon watched rooted to the spot as the Banefort man fell down off his horse bleeding to his death on the ground.

Jon rode on continuing to slash and hack at any man that stood in his way so that when he came face to face with Lord Roland Crakehall his sword was stained red with blood. Both men were tired beyond the point of exhaustion yet none the less moved their horses round in a circle until Lord Roland swung first, his sword screaming against Jon's shield, denting it slightly. Jon replied by swinging at Lord Roland only find his sword connect with the man's sword, so that steel screeched on steel. Their dance continued like this for what seemed like hours, days even but really only lasted a matter of moments. One man would swing the other would either block with sword or shield or would have his armour dented. This continued until both men looked beaten and black and blue with bruises, Jon could feel his bones beginning to ache and felt tiredness making his movements lax and slow, but so too were they making Lord Roland's. Jon lurched forward sword in hand horse pushed in front of Lord Roland's and before he knew what he was doing Jon had grabbed hold of the Lord's horse and had swung his sword right down the middle of a stunned Lord Crakehall who soon was in two halves.

Jon stood there for a moment merely looking at Lord Roland's horse not hearing the cheering of men or how they cried his and Robb's names in triumph. It was not until Ser Barristan rode up to him and lightly touched him on the shoulder that Jon was broken out of his stupor. Turning round to look at his Lord Commander Jon asked "Have we won ser?"

Ser Barristan nodded and then said "Yes Your Grace. The Lannister host has been severly beaten. Ser Stafford was killed by Lord Karstark."

Jon nodded then said "Is Robb okay? Torrhen?"

Barristan did not speak for a moment before saying "Lord Stark is well your grace as is Lord Torrhen, both did them proud today. Lord Stark waits for you in your tent."

Jon nodded and followed Barristan back to the clearing where their campsite was all the while merely hearing but not truly hearing as the men he had fought alongside cheered his name and bent their knees and bowed their heads for the man they called the White Dragon King.

Jon dismounted and walked into his tent followed by Ser Barristan, to find Robb and Theon sitting in two chairs beside the fire, both were in normal clothes – a tunic and some breeches- and were sipping on some wine by the smell of it.

"Gods you look a state Jon," He heard Robb say.

Theon smirked and said "Aye that you do Snow. We need to find you a whore to get that bloody glum look of your face eh. Come on Your Grace smile some more why don't you? We smashed yet another Lannister host, and the remenants have ran back with their tails between their legs to Lannisport."

Jon said nothing but sat down in one of the chairs and accepted a cup of wine from Robb. He drank deeply then put the cup down and said " What were our losses Robb?"

Robb looked at a piece of parchment then said "At last count 300 Your Grace. The night time attack caught them by surprise once again. So our losses were minimal whilst theirs were large. Though Ser Stevron did receive quite a fatal blow to the chest during the fighting and is being treated by one of the camp maester's now. So what do you plan to do next Your Grace?"

Jon took another sip of his wine before saying "We spend a day here no more, then at first light we ride for Ashemark. We take that keep and we are near to the gold mines. Go the both of you, go now and rest."

As it turned out the day they were due to march for Ashemark was the day Ser Stevron Frey heir to the Twins died from his wounds. Robb came and found him before he broke his fast to tell him the news. So of course Jon had to put of marching for another day as they allowed the Freys in their army to grieve and light their former future Lord's funeral pyre. Ser Stevron's drunkard son Ser Ryman was now heir to the Crossing and as such began to try and get himself ingrained into Jon's conscience or perhaps he merely was trying to make up for calling Jon a low born no good bastard as they had marched for the Whispering Wood.

Jon did not know nor did he particularly care, all he truly cared about was taking Ashemark as bloodlessly as possible. That want turned out be nothing more than a dream, though lightly garrisoned with some 400 men, the men there commanded by the old but stubborn Lord Damon Marbrand put up a bloody fight, right until the last man did they fight and Jon sword was once more bathed red as were the keep's walls. Once Lord Damon was killed by Jon's own hand, the remaining men at the keep surrendered and Jon made use of the Lord's Solar to call a council of his lords.

When the council met his lords were all still caked in dirt and blood from the fight and were all weary and tired. A few days rest Jon knew would do them well but they did not have that much time, for by the time word reached Riverrun of the fall of Ashemark, Tywin Lannister would also surely know and would be getting ready to march. By that point Jon hoped to be marching on Casterly Rock hopefully with the help of the Iron Fleet.

Jon spoke first calling for wine and food then congratulating his lords on a hard fought battle then asking "What were our losses my lords?"

Lord Umber spoke first "I lost 50 men, Your Grace including my son Dorren to an arrow to the heart."

Lord Karstark spoke next "I lost 50 men also Your Grace. Torrhen was injured during the fighting but the maester says he should recover."

Robb then spoke "I lost roughly 50 men also Your Grace."

Jon nodded and then said "So we lost 150 men roughly in total. That is not so bad though I would have preferred a bloodless conflict. It appears these Westerlanders are either to stubborn or stupid to know when is the right time to fight and when is the right time to peacefully surrender."

There was some chuckling at that, once it had died down Jon spoke again "Now we have crushed one Lannister host and have taken one keep. That is not enough. We must drain the Westerlands of their supplies and bring them back to Riverrun if we are to force Tywin Lannister's hands. That is why Lord Stark and myself shall march on the Crag with roughly 1000 men. Lords Karstark and Glover I wish for you to go raiding along the coast. Lady Mormont I wish for you to capture any and all livestock in the area and drive it toward the Riverlands. Lord Umber I want you to go raiding the gold mines around Castamere, Nunn's Deep and Pendric Hills and take your findings to Riverrun. We disperse at first light tomorrow."

In voice they all answered "Yes Your Grace. It shall be done."

As the Lords and lady, except Robb left the Lord's solar, Theon entered clutching a letter and looking slightly scared. That in itself was enough to make Jon feel worried, Theon never openly showed any emotion nearing fear, so the fact that his fear was so plain to see now was a major concern.

"What is it Theon, what's in the letter?" Robb asked.

Theon said nothing; he only gave the letter to Jon and then retreated to stand next to the door. Curious as to why Theon was so silent Jon looked at Robb who merely shrugged and pointed to the letter. Jon opened it and read it and what he read worried and deeply troubled him.


Yes that is right I called you boy.

Do not think that just because you wear a crown and bear the name of dragons that you can command me nor make requests of me. I am Balon Greyjoy and I was reaving and taking Salt Wives when you were just a speck in the sky.

Your envoy the Mallister Lord, I have locked up. He will continue to remain imprisoned until you return what your uncle took from me. You want my alliance send me back Theon Greyjoy or pay the iron price.

What is dead may never die.

Jon stopped reading the letter and passed it onto Robb and then looked at Theon. Now what was he supposed to do?


"It would appear that Lord Renly was murdered most fearfully in the midst of his army. His throat was opened from ear to ear by a blade that passed through steel and bone as if they were soft cheese." Varys said as he stood over the brazier.

"Murdered by whose hand?" Queen Cersei demanded.

"Have you ever considered that too many answers are the same as no answer at all? My informers are not always as highly placed as we might like. When a king dies, fancies sprout like mushrooms in the dark. A groom says that Renly was slain by a knight of his own Rainbow Guard. A washerwoman claims Stannis stole through the heart of his brother's army with his magic sword. Several men at arms believe a woman did the fell deed, but cannot agree which woman. A maid that Renly spurned claims one. A camp follower brough into serve his pleasure on the eve of battle says a second. The third ventures that it might have been the Lady Catelyn Stark."

The Queen was not pleased. "Must you waste our time with every rumour fools care to tell?"

"You pay me well for these rumours, my gracious Queen."

"We pay you for the truth, Lord Varys. Remember that, or this small council may grow smaller still."

Varys tittered nervously. "You and your noble brother will leave His Grace with no council at all if you continue."

"I dare say the realm could survive a few less councillors." Said Littlefinger with a smile.

Of course you would thought Varys, though when I am done you will begging for much more than your job. Aloud he only said " Dear, dear Petyr are you not concerned that yours might be the next name on the Hand's little list?"

"Before you Varys? I should never dream of it."

"Mayhaps we will be brothers on the Wall together you and I." Varys giggled again.

"Sooner than you like if the next words out of your mouth are not something useful eunuch." Cersei said.

"Might be this some ruse?" Littlefinger asked.

"If so, it is a ruse of surpassing cleverness. It has certainly hoodwinked me." Varys said.

Varys could tell Lord Tyrion was getting impatient and so went on "The greater part of Renly's foot remains at Bitterbridge. Most of the Lords who rode with Lord Renly to Storm's End have gone over banner and blade to Stannis."

"Led by the Florents I wager." Littlefinger said.

Varys nodded "Many led by Lord Alester Florent."

"Many, not all?" Asked Lord Tyrion.

"Not all," agreed Varys "Not Loras Tyrell, nor Randyll Tarly, nor Mathis Rowan. And Storm's End itself has not yet yielded. Ser Loras is likely making for Bitterbridge, his sister is there, as well as a great many soldiers who suddenly find themselves kingless."

Lord Tyrion then said something that made Varys inwardly groan "Joffrey shall marry Margaery Tyrell. Mace Tyrell has always wanted his daughter to be queen and a grandson on the throne. Give him Joff's hand and Highgarden and their forces are as good as ours as is the war."

Cersei of course protested "Joffrey is betrothed to Sansa Stark."

"Betrothals can be set aside," Lord Tyrion said dismissively. "Besides it would be better were Joff not married to a traitors daughter or sister."

Varys could have sung to the gods up high when he saw Cersei nod her approval "Very well then but it's your neck on the line if Joff doesn't like her."

And with that the council meeting was called to a close.

Over the next few days Varys continued to gather information about the movements of the Tyrell host and Littlefinger's progress toward their camp. When he received word that Littlefinger was no more than a day's ride from Bitterbridge, he sent word to one of his little birds in the Tyrell host. It was imperative that Lord Tarly be away from Bitterbridge when Littlefinger arrived.

Varys also continued to play his part in making Lord Tyrion believe that he was a friend to him. Showing him ways in which to visit Shae undetected, and feeding him the choicest bits of gossip that his little birds had told him, without giving away all the juicy details. He also continued to keep an eye on what Stannis Baratheon and his red woman were doing. They had yet to sail from Storm's End and whether or not the red woman would be with Stannis when the man attacked King's Landing remained to be see. Varys deeply hoped that she would not be, for if his plan was to work she would need to be on Dragonstone and dead.

When news came of Ser Cortnay Penrose's death through mysterious circumstances Varys began to fear, if this Red Woman had Stannis Baratheon wrapped around her little finger enough to convince him to allow her to shadow assassinate Ser Penrose, there was no telling what she might convince Stannis was necessary to remove King Jon from the game. No Varys needed her gone and soon.

As the royal party including the Lady Sansa went off to the docks to see off Princess Myrcella on her voyage to Dorne, Varys paid two visits to old friends. One was a trained killer whom he had known since his days in Lys and Pentos as they walked the streets of Steel Varys whispered the name of the red woman to the man and said "She must not be alive when the King makes his move on the capital." The man nodded and went on his way.

Varys next paid a visit the woman Lord Tyrion thought himself in love with. Shae had been a camp follower whose mother Varys had known both in Pentos and in King's Landing. When he knocked on the door she opened the door and allowed him without complaint.

"My lady. I trust all is to your liking?" Varys asked.

"Yes my lord, it is. I thank you for providing me with such hospitality."

"No need to thank me, it was the least I could do. I do have one small favour to ask of you."

Shae looked curious, "Oh and what is that my lord?"

Varys sighed deeply then said "Lord Tyrion is going to ask me where or how to get you closer to the castle so he can visit you without suspicion. I am going to suggest that you become Lady Sansa's maid. When he asks you, accept."

"And why should I?" Shae asked.

Varys laughed then, not his usual high pitched giggle, but a deeper manlier sounding laugh. "Oh my sweet Shae. You know why. Stannis Baratheon is but a fortnight away from attacking the city and I mean to see Sansa Stark safely away and ensconced in Riverrun when he attacks. I need you to communicate with Sansa in such a way that she knows she can trust you and that the person who left that note in her pocket many days ago, is helping her."

Shae nodded her approval.

Varys went on "Good. Tyrion shall ask you tonight, accept and tomorrow you will meet Lady Sansa. I shall leave a note telling her a white dove is in the godswood, you shall encourage her to go. And there she shall be seen for a week, and then you shall tell her that the black wolf sails at midnight and urge her to go to the godswood to pray. Someone we both know shall be waiting there. Is that understood?"

Shae grinned and said "Yes my lord."

Varys smiled then and said in his deep voice "Good, now I shall take my leave of you. I have a Queen to plot against."


She had returned to Riverrun after her failed mission to get the Baratheon brothers to bend the knee to Jon, with Brienne at her side to find Edmure had called the banners. When she had spoken with him after first talking to Arya and finding out how she had been, he had told her that his scouts had reported seeing Tywin Lannister's host marching from Harrenhal, and coming west. News of Jon's victories had been told to her by both Martyn Rivers and Arya, he was closing in on Casterly Rock and clearly Tywin Lannister meant not to allow him to take the Rock without a fight.

Edmure had told her before mounting his horse and marching of with his men, that he meant to make father proud and make Jon trust him, as he trusted Robb and their uncle. Catelyn had told Edmure that their father had always been proud of him, but she hadn't the heart to tell him that Jon trusted Robb because they were the each other's balancing act, and that anyone who tried to come between their understanding would not fare well. Instead she had merely kissed his cheek and bid him good luck and so far had spent most of the day and night waiting for Edmure to return or for any news to reach them, just as she had waited first for her father, then Brandon Stark and then Ned.

She had just put Arya to sleep after reading to her, when Maester Vyman came up to her, by his heavy breathing she could tell that he had either been walking incredibly quickly or he had run here to find her. "What is Maester Vyman? Has something happened to my father? Is he well?"

Maester Vyman took some time to catch his breath before he said "Your father is fine my lady. He sleeps. No I have come to give you news of the battle."

Catelyn felt butterflies floating round in her stomach "Go on." She urged Vyman.

"A Lannister party came close to the western bank of the Red Fork but were thrown back by Lord Blackwood and were crushed by Lord Bracken's pincer movement. Another Lannister party was crushed between Lord Vance's forces of men." Vyman said.

"That is good, what word of Edmure though Maester?" Catelyn asked.

"As of yet there has been no word from Lord Edmure though he is leading the reserve so whether or not he shall be engaged is an entirely different matter." Vyman replied.

"Okay, Maester Vyman I wish to speak with Ser Cleos, but I want him well into his cups when I do speak with him." Catelyn said, having decided whilst waiting for news that she would speak with the man who had indirectly tried to help free the Kingslayer.

If Maester Vyman thought her request odd he made no mention of it when he nodded and made way to Cleos Frey's chambers to tell the man. When Catelyn entered the man's rooms she was glad to see him unsteady on his feet as he got to one knee and slurred out an apology about how he did not know about the rescue attempt until it had happened. Catelyn was not in the mood to listen to a drunken Frey and so she cut him off. "I am not here to speak with you about the failed attempt to free the Kingslayer Ser Cleos. No I am told you brought terms from Tyrion Lannister. I would hear them."

Ser Cleos swallowed nervously before saying "Okay my lady, but I do not think that you or his grace will like them." Once he had finished speaking, Catelyn agreed with him. Those terms were not terms at all but once again displayed Lannister arrogance. The Lannisters were losing the war in the Riverlands and their home was being destroyed in the Westerlands and yet they still thought it wise to threaten the King. Clearly they had not heard of Jon's dragon.

Instead of saying as much to Ser Cleos Catelyn said "Did you see my girls? Are they treated well?"

Ser Cleos hesitated "I...yes, they seemed..."

He is fumbling for a lie, Catelyn thought; he knows not that Arya is here in Riverrun. Shall I tell him to put him out of his misery or not? Instead she said "Ser Cleos, your forfeited the protection of your peace banner when your men played us false. Lie to me, and you'll hang from the walls beside them. Believe that. I shall ask you once more- did you see my daughters?" She was careful to emphasise the word daughters so as not to arouse suspicion from Ser Cleos and to put pressure on him.

His brow was damp with sweat. "I saw the Lady Sansa at the court, the day Tyrion told me his terms. She looked most beautiful, my lady. Perhaps a, a bit wan. Drawn as it were."

Catelyn said nothing then got up to leave saying as she got to the doorway "Thank you for letting me know Ser Cleos. I shall let you rest now."

As she left Ser Cleos' room she found Maester Vyman standing outside as well, when she looked at him questioningly he said "Lord Edmure has returned my lady. He requested your presence in your Lord Father's solar."

Catelyn nodded her thanks and made her way over to her father's solar wondering what could have been so urgent that Edmure would summon her now and not in the morning. As she entered the room she found Edmure sitting in a chair beside a roaring fire, he was still in his armour caked in blood and mud. He turned round at the sound of the door closing behind her and whispered "Cat."

Catelyn replied "You asked and I have come. Why did you wish to see me Edmure?"

Edmure remained silent for a moment then said "We won Cat, we smashed the Lannister host to bits, not one of their men lived."

Catelyn knew not to say, but Edmure continued "Strange thing was though Cat, Lord Tywin was amongst his men. In fact the host we fought was not even his entire host. No it was only 6,000 of his 20,000 men commanded by some Crakehall or Brax."

Catelyn felt dread begin to pool in her stomach. "What do you mean Edmure? Where was Lord Tywin and the rest of his host if not fighting here?"

Edmure gave a sad laugh and said "Gone. The one man who we let live for long enough to tell us where he was told us that when they were still at Harrenhal, Lord Tywin received two riders from Bitterbridge, Lord Rowan and Lord Rowan's son. They came to tell Lord Tywin that the Tyrells were camped close to the Kingswood and that Stannis was a day's march from King's Landing. Lord Tywin immediately gathered 14,000 men left some 6000 behind in Harrenhal and rode with Lord Rowan and his son, to where the Tyrells were camped and joined with them. Cat the Lannisters are allied with the Tyrells now."


"March and lay siege to Riverrun Randyll. We must prove our loyalty to the Lannisters now that Renly is dead." Mace Tyrell had told him.

Randyll Tarly ever the dutiful vassal had nodded his head and agreed and so had led 20,000 reachmen including his son and heir Dickon as they marched north to lay "siege" to Riverrun. Along the way though Randyll had begun having second thoughts about laying siege to Riverrun. He began to question why he always followed what Mace Tyrell, the fat fool, always told him to do. He was the one who had won the Battle of Ashford during Robert's Rebellion whilst Mace Tyrell had dithered and arrived when Robert's forces had scattered, and yet the man still claimed credit for the battle. Throughout his time as Lord, Mace Tyrell had continually blundered from one misstep to another, the only reason House Tyrell had not fallen into disrepute amongst the Reacher Lords was because of Olenna Tyrell and Willas Tyrell, Mace's mother and son respectively. Both of those two Tyrells had more political and mental acumen then Mace had brain cells. They had kept House Tyrell and the Reach prosperous throughout the years since the Rebellion, and yet Mace took the credit.

Randyll Tarly had had enough of it, he wanted some recognition he wanted Dickon to inherit a house that was respected not just for its martial prowess but because they were loyal. The Targaryens had made House Tyrell lords when they had just been stewards previously, and Mace seemed to have forgotten that in his bid to get his daughter seated on the Iron Throne next to Joffrey Baratheon. Randyll knew however, that if the Lannisters lost this war then Mace would try and switch sides to the one that gave him the most benefit, and the way things were looking now it appeared that that would be the Targaryen boy, the last living son of Rhaegar Targaryen. Randyll wanted to make sure that he was the one who proved his loyalty to the Targaryens once more and wished for his son to benefit from him doing so.

It was much to his surprise thought that just as Randyll and his men got to the Mummer's Ford they found tents camped around the ford bearing various sigils but the most prominent one was the black portcullis over sand of House Yronwood, Randyll had heard that the Yronwoods had raised their banners and declared rebellion against House Martell and yet he was surprised to see hidden deep within the cluster of tents, one of the tents still flew the sun and spear of House Martell.

Randyll called a halt to his party and dismounted from his horse ignoring his son's questioning calls. As he advanced into the entrance of the Dornish campsite he found Lord Anders Yronwood waiting for him with a sly grin on his face.

"Ah Lord Tarly, what a lovely surprise. I was not expecting you for a few days yet. What brings you to this side of Westeros?" Yronwood asked.

Lord Tarly tried keeping his voice neutral as he said "I have come with my men to lay siege to Riverrun. And yourself Yronwood why are you here? I thought Dorne had married into the Iron Throne, and that you had rebelled and yet I spy the Sun and Spear of House Martell."

To his credit Yronwood's smile never fell from his face as he spoke "Ah ever observant I see Lord Tarly. I must admit I was surprised to learn that Lord Tyrell wished to fight for Joffrey when there is a Targaryen claimant here in Westeros. Though that is neither here nor there. As to why I am here as you say in rebellion against House Martell, I have come to give my allegiance and that of my men to King Jon Targaryen."

"Very well then. Shall we march together then?" Lord Tarly asked.

"Why of course my lord of Tarly. How else where we to go?" Lord Yronwood asked laughing.

As Randyll made his way back toward where his men where and mounted his horse Dickon stopped next to him and asked him "What are you doing father?"

Randyll merely looked at Dickon and said "Renewing an age old vow son."

And with that he said no more as he rode on and followed Lord Yronwood's host to Riverrun. When the castle itself came into view Randyll felt like a little boy again, here he was about to do something for himself for the first time since he picked up a sword for the first time much to his own Lord father's dismay. There flying high and proud on the walls of Riverrun, were the leaping trout of house Tully, and next to that was the grey direwolf of house Stark and above the two flags, was the banner that King Jon Targaryen had adopted as his own, the three headed red dragon of House Targaryen halved with the white direwolf on a grey field said to represent the king's own direwolf named Ghost.

Randyll signalled for his men stop marching when he saw Lord Yronwood do the same and together the two men dismounted from their mounts and made their way to the gates of Riverrun where a sentinel halted them and demanded that they declared their intentions. Both men looked at each other and then Randyll said "We have come to pledge ourselves and our men to the cause of his Grace King Jon Targaryen." The sentinel said nothing for a moment then bid them declare themselves and they both gave their names and houses, there was silence for a moment before the gates opened to let them in. When they walked in Randyll found himself face to face with an old man who named himself Utherydes Wayn, who bid them follow him. Wayn led them to the Lord's solar where he knocked and when bid enter announced Lord Tarly and Lord Yronwood who both then entered the room, to find themselves looking at a rather startled looking Edmure Tully and Lady Catelyn Stark.

Lord Edmure bid them sit and so they sat, whilst he called for refreshments for them, Lady Catelyn looked at them both intently before saying "Whilst it is a pleasure to see you both my lords I find myself a bit confused as to why you are here. We have heard how Prince Doran agreed to marry his son to Princess Myrcella Lord Yronwood, and my brother has told me that Lord Tyrell has aligned himself with the Lannisters Lord Tarly, so do forgive us with we are a tad suspicious of you both."

Lord Yronwood smiled "It is good that you are suspicious my lady, I would be worried were you not. But surely you must know that Prince Doran would never willingly side himself with the Lannisters, that he has done so is more to do with the fact that he was left with no realistic option to visibly decline their offer when they offered him the chance of getting Princess Elia's killer brought to justice. Though of course we all know that justice shall never come to be so long as there are Lannisters alive. No, Prince Doran has bid me to renew the vows Dorne once swore to the Targaryens when Prince Daeron married Princess Myriah. W have come to fight for his grace King Jon, and to fight for his right that the Lannisters took away."

Randyll then spoke "Mace is a fat fool with no honour nor sense. He is ruled by ambition and that shall be his downfall. I have been his loyal servant for many a year, but my house served the Targaryens loyally for many a year as well. We came when the Blackfyres rebelled and when Robert rebelled we came also. I wish for my house to be remembered for its honour and duty. I have come with 20,000 men to fight for his grace King Jon. We shall not stop till the Lannisters are all dead and he sits the Iron Throne."