
Chapter 7: Brave This Storm


King's Landing was as big and as foul a city as he remembered it being. Tyrion had been to the capital of the Seven Kingdoms exactly four times in his whole life before now. The first time had been for his sister's wedding when he was no more than a boy, the last three times had all been for tournaments. This was a city full of vipers and Tyrion had the feeling he was going to like living here, at least for the time being.

His first day serving as Hand of the King had not however, gone accordingly. He had at first been refused entry into the Small Council chamber by Ser Mandon Moore of the Kingsguard, and only after subtly threatening the man's safety had he finally albeit grudgingly allowed in. His sister had greeted him coldly questioning why it was he, and not their father who was in the city, why it was he and not their father who had come to curb Joffrey's madness, why it was he and not Jamie who had been sent to help defend the city. She had asked him, or more like demanded these answers from him in front of the whole of the small council and Tyrion had had to ask of a private talk with his sister before he could deem it sufficient to give her the answers he had.

Looking back now he knew that the answers he had given Cersei had not been entirely truthful nor had they really helped his cause in anyway. Cersei seemed to be growing more and more paranoid by the day, fearful it seemed for her and Joffrey's safety should Stannis or Renly took it into their heads to invade King's Landing. She spared not a thought for Tommem or Myrcella, and it was only when Tyrion had played a trick on Pycelle, Littlefinger and Varys as to whom the Prince and the Princess were to be marrying that she had truly shown any interest in her two younger children at all. Questioning whom he thought he was to betroth Myrcella to a Prince of Dorne, when Dorne were just as likely to kill Myrcella as welcome her with open arms. As usual she had missed the point; Dorne had yet to declare for anyone of the Kings currently fighting in the realm, and could provide a suitable distraction for the forces of Highgarden should they so choose to do so. They only needed a reason to mobilise their spears, and by betrothing Myrcella to Prince Trystane, Tyrion had explained, he hoped to give them such a reason.

Of course what he hadn't mentioned was that he hoped to get Myrcella and Tommem away from Cersei's maddening influence and try and prevent them from becoming like Joffrey, who by all accounts was turning into a right little tyrant of a monarch. Twice Tyrion had walked into the Throne Room to see him having Sansa Stark beaten by men of the Kingsguard simply because of her last name, Tyrion had questioned him as to whether he had completely taken leave of his sense that he thought beating his betrothed whose cousin had declared himself king and was winning that side of the war was really a good idea. Joffrey had of course replied with an answer that was so Cersei in nature, Tyrion was surprised that she was not the one sitting the Iron Throne. Joffrey had said that Sansa was a traitor and a savage and that savages needed to be brought to heel through any means necessary.

One look at Sansa Stark after the second beating told Tyrion all he needed to know. Joffrey had lost any love or loyalty that she may have had for him, and so he had put himself in significantly more danger than if he had only let her be. For though Sansa Stark seemed to be demure little lady, there was a steel in those Tully blue eyes, that reminded Tyrion of the steel he had seen in Eddard Stark's eyes at Winterfell, Tully she may look but the girl had the hardness of the North in her veins, and there was a common saying amongst the small folk "The North Remembers." At the rate Jon Snow- or was it Targaryen?- was winning battles it was very likely that all of their heads- Joffrey, Cersei, Tyrion, Jaime and Tywin- would be gracing spikes up on the walls of the Red Keep.

News that a host led by Gregor Clegane had been severly defeated at the Battle of the Red Fork, by forces led by Jon had severly worsened spirits amongst the Lannisters in King's Landing. Clegane himself had managed to retreat back to Harrenhal with some three hundred men out of the 2000 he had left with. Though there was some good news to be had for all of this, King Jon had allowed his riverlords to retreat back to their own holdfasts and castles to drive out the remaining Lannister forces not at Harrenhal and to bring in one last harvest. This news Tyrion knew gave his father a small opening to perhaps lay siege to Riverrun once again, and with Tyrion's uncle Stafford assembling another host at Casterly Rock, by the time King Jon knew what was happening he would be surrounded and unable to move. Something that would hopefully give them a chance to deal with the Baratheon brothers, both of whom it seemed were content to simply allow the Lannisters and the Starks to spend their forces on each other before probably making a claim on King's Landing itself. It was surprising Tyrion had to admit that Stannis had not yet declared for King Jon, given the fact that the man was so wedded to his duty and honour, Tyrion had assumed he would rally behind the man Lord Eddard Stark had named as the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, something Tyrion knew was the truth given Joffrey's actual parentage but that was hardly something he would care to share with either his nephew or sister, if he wished to keep his head.


The crown that sat atop his curls felt heavy upon his head but Jon dared not take it off, lest it be seen as a sign of weakness. He still had a hard time believing that he was truly king, everything had happened so fast one moment he had been grieving with Robb over the death of the only man he had ever known as his father, the next Robb was bending the knee to him and declaring him the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms, as did the rest of the men in Riverrun, be they northern lords or Riverlords, they had all declared him their King, the Seven Kingdoms King, and so Jon Snow the former bastard of Eddard Stark, had become Jon Targaryen son Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and King. It all seemed like a dream some sort of nightmarish dream that never seemed to end.

He had been crowned officially in the sept of Riverrun, the Septon had placed a crown which contained the runes of the first men and the written letters of the Andals and had seven blades face upward representing the seven kingdoms on his head, and had declared him King Jon Targaryen, King of the First Men, Andals, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Jon had sworn to himself that he would try and be a good king, he would try and make his father- uncle really- his aunt, and Robb proud, he wanted to be a king that knew his subjects and a king that put their needs above his own. This was why he was sat in the great hall of Riverrun with Robb by his right hand side, waiting for Ser Cleos Frey to be brought from his cell.

When the herald announced Ser Cleos' arrival Jon straightened up in the chair he was sat in and then called for his sword.

Robin Ryger said "Your grace here is the man you asked for."

"Kneel before the king Lannister!" Jon heard Theon Greyjoy shout.

The man kneeling before him did not look a Lannister, he did not have the blonde hair or the arrogant looking green eyes, nor the proud jutting of chest that the man's cousin the Kingslayer had. No this man was all Frey, he had the weasel look about him for sure.

"Rise Ser Cleos." Jon said trying to keep his voice as commanding as possible as he watched Ghost walk round him sniffing him, through Ghost Jon could smell the fear radiating of the man, which multiplied further when Greywind joined his brother in sniffing Ser Cleos.

"Thank you my Lord." Ser Cleos said.

"Your Grace!" Barked Jon Umber, ever the man to show his loyalty to Jon and to Robb.

"Your Grace," Ser Cleos said hastily "Pardons."

It would have taken Jaime Lannister much more than that to get him to give Jon his title, Jon thought, the man would more than likely want to dance with a bear than acknowledge me as king. Then again Freys are often a chinless sort.

"I brought you from your cell to carry my message to your cousin Cersei Lannister in King's Landing. You'll travel under a peace banner, with thirty of my best men t escort you."

Ser Cleos was visibly relieved. "Then I should be most glad to bring his Grace's message to the queen."

"Understand, "Jon said his voice becoming like iron "I am not giving you, your freedom. Your grandfather Lord Walder pledged my cousin his support and that of House Frey. Many of your cousins and uncles rode with us in the Whispering Wood, but you did not. You chose to fight under a lion banner that makes you a Lannister not a Frey. I want your pledge, on your honour as a knight, that after you deliver my message you'll return with the Queen's reply and resume your captivity."

Ser Cleos replied at once "I do so vow."

"Every man in this hall has heard you," warned Lord Edmure Tully who spoke for Riverrun and the Lords of the Trident in place of his dying father. "If you do not return, the whole realm will know you forsworn."

"I will do as I pledged, "Ser Cleos replied stiffly. "What is this message?"

"An offer of peace, "Jon said standing with sword in hand Ghost moved to his side. The hall grew hushed. "Tell the Queen Regent that if she meets my terms I shall sheath this sword and end this war between us." Out of the corner of his eye Jon could see Torrhen Karstark holding onto his father's arm, preventing him from storming out of the hall.

Jon continued drawing the paper out of his sleeve "First the queen must release my cousins and provide them with transport by sea from King's Landing to White Harbour. It is to be understood that Sansa's betrothal to Joffrey Waters is at an end. When I receive word from Winterfell's castellan that my cousins have returned unharmed, I will release the queen's cousins, the squire Willem Lannister and your brother Tion Frey, and give them safe escort to Casterly Rock or wheresoever's she desires them delivered. Secondly my lord uncle's bones will be returned to us so that he may be buried in the crypts beneath Winterfell as he would have wished. The remains of the men of his household guard who died in his service in King's Landing are also to be returned. Third the greatsword Ice must be delivered to my cousin Robb's hand here at Riverrun. Fourthly the queen will command Lord Tywin to release those knights and lords bannermen of my cousin and Lord Edmure that he took captive during the battle of the Green Fork of the Trident. Once he does so, I shall release my own captives taken in the Whispering Wood and the Battle of the Camps save Jaime Lannister who will remain my hostage for his father's good behaviour. Lastly Joffrey Waters and Cersei Lannister must renounce all claims to holding the Iron Throne, Cersei Lannister must spend the remainder of her days either in the Silent Sisters or in Casterly Rock. Joffrey Waters for the crime of executing my Lord Uncle for no rime nor reason can suffer either death by execution or he can take the black it is up to him. Tommem and Myrcella Waters shall become wards of the Iron Throne and will be free to do as they wish once they come of age. Tywin Lannister must also revoke his claim to Casterly Rock and take the black as must his son Tyrion Lannister. In addition the Lannisters and their bannermen must deliver ten highborn hostages each year as a pledge of peace, which shall be treated as honoured guests as befits their rank and station. I shall release two hostages each year and return them safely to their families. These are my terms Ser Cleos; if she meets them the land shall know peace. If not then winter shall come for her and hers with Fire and Blood."

"The Queen shall here your message Your Grace." Ser Cleos said looking the colour of curdled milk.

"Good, then we are done here. Ser Robin see that he has a good meal and clean clothing. He's to ride at first light."

"As you command your grace." Ser Robin Ryger replied.

Jon sat down as Ser Cleos was led away and turned to look at Robb then and said "What is next Lord Stark?"

Robb had a wry grin on his face when he replied "One more petitioner your grace and that is that."

Jon nodded "Good bring them forward. I would hear them speak."

As he said those words Jon saw an old man with a cane and a young boy with closely cropped brown hair step forward. There was something familiar about the boy, though Jon could not quite place what it was. He felt like he had seen the boy somewhere before, though he could not be sure.

"What is your business here good friend?" Jon asked.

The old man spoke then " I have travelled many a mile Your Grace, to return to your family something that it lost when Lord Eddard was executed."

Jon was curious now and he could tell Robb and Aunt Catelyn were as well, so he asked "And what could this possibly be good friend?"

The old man smiled then and turned to the boy and said "Show them your eyes girl."

And the person Jon had thought a boy did that, and Jon nearly had a heart attack looking at him were the same grey eyes as his, those grey eyes that belonged to a girl he had called little sister for as long as she had been alive, whom he had last seen in Winterfell all those years ago. "Arya!" He whispered.

And Arya it was, for only she could race up the stairs to where he sat in such quick time and throw herself into his arms without a care for the people watching. As she hugged him tightly and Jon hugged her back just as tightly, he said "Good Ser, I thank you for bringing my cousin back to us safely. Whatever reward you wish if it is in my power to grant it, you shall have it, you need only name it."

As Arya disentangled herself from Jon, and ran to hug Robb then ran down the steps to hug and stand beside her mother, the old man had drawn his sword and had laid it down on the ground and had kneeled beside it and spoke in a voice of iron "Your Grace, the only reward that I could truly wish is that you grant me the chance to make up for the sins I have committed in my life, and give me the chance to serve you as I once served your father and grandfather."

Jon was intrigued now "You, you served my father good ser? You served Prince Rhaegar Targaryen?"

"Aye Your Grace I did. I fought beside him at the Trident during Robert's Rebellion. I should have kept fighting for your uncle and grandfather and never have bent the knee." The old man replied.

"Who are you?" Jon heard Robb ask, though Jon had begun to suspect who the man could be.

"I am Barristan Selmy my lord, known as Ser Barristan the Bold. A knight of the Kingsguard since I was twenty and three, and I would serve the rightful king of Westeros till the end of my days if he shall have me. That is the only reward I ask for."

Jon looked at Ser Barristan for a long moment considering what he had just heard, the man had fought alongside Prince Rhaegar and had seen him grow up, there was some innate part of Jon that wanted to know more about the man whose seed he was, but more insistently there was a part of him that knew that with Ser Barristan fighting alongside him, he could draw more men to the cause and besides Ser Barristan had returned Arya to them, when the Lannisters had not even said she was missing.

Having made up his mind Jon said "Very well. Ser Barristan I accept your request and shall name you to my Kingsguard as Lord Commander. If that is all, you may all go, except yourself Ser Barristan and you Robb. Mother and Arya I shall allow you two to rest in your rooms."

As the rest of the lords began to file out of the Great Hall, Jon remained seated on his chair and stroked Ghost's fur wondering what Ser Barristan could tell him off the Lannister's plans. When the last lord had left the room and the doors to the Great Hall had closed behind him, Jon rose up of his chair and made for the middle of the room where Ser Barristan stood, Robb and Greywind followed Jon into standing next to Ser Barristan.

They stood in silence for a few minutes before Ser Barristan spoke, "Your Grace, I have come bearing more items, I could not present them to you in front of court for I was unsure if there would be Lannister spies within the ranks. But the person who made it possible for your sister and myself to come before you today, told me to give you these two things."

Ser Barristan handed Jon a letter that was sealed with a symbol of a spider on the back and an egg, but not just any egg Jon realised it was a dragon egg, black dragon egg with swirls of red on it, that began to shake as soon as Jon touched it and he could feel the live from within it struggling to get out and when he rubbed his right hand over the top of the egg, it broke open and in the remains of the egg sat in the palm of his left hand was baby black dragon with red eyes.

"Incredible." Jon whispered.

"Indeed. "Ser Barristan said.

"Now you have the two living symbols of your house Jon." Robb joked.

Jon merely grinned at Robb before turning to Ser Barristan and asking "Who sent you Ser Barristan and who gave you the egg?"

Ser Barristan merely said "Read the letter your grace and it shall explain all."

So Jon broke open the seal and together with Robb read the letter Ser Barristan had given him:

Your Grace,

If you are reading this then I shall assume that Ser Barristan was able to get you unharmed and unscathed and was successful in returning Lady Arya to yourself and Lord Robb and Lady Catelyn. You may be wondering whom in this city of lions would wish to help you or the Starks, but let me just say that I have seen enough innocents killed to know that the Lannisters would stop at nothing if it meant harming your progress to what is yours by rights.

I have been keeping an eye on you since the day your uncle Lord Eddard brought you to Winterfell, for I have eyes and ears everywhere. Everything has been done to ensure that you remained protected and were allowed to grow up young and healthy and have the life that your siblings Aegon and Rhaenys could not have.

I know that you may be wondering what to do next, considering that Lord Tywin is camped at Harrenhal and you destroyed Gregor Clegane's host at the Red Fork. I would suggest invading the Westerlands and drawing Lord Tywin out of Harrenhal would be a good idea. I would also suggest sending someone from your camp to treat with Lord Renly, for though the man has crowned himself king he will be more willing to bend the knee to you if given the right terms, for truly it is the Tyrells who control him and not the other way around. Stannis Baratheon is under the influence of a red priestess from Asshai who will likely try and get him to fight you. DO not worry as even as you read this I am working on dealing with her.

As for the Lady Sansa, I am doing all I can to see her safely returned to you and your cousin, never fear.

Yours faithfully,

The Spider.

Jon and Robb finished reading the letter at the same time and at the last word turned to each other and said "Varys."


"Surely my lord cannot mean to fight against Jon Targaryen! Eddard Stark named him the rightful king before he was executed why would he lie?" Davos asked

"I know not why Ser Davos. All I know is that the Lady Melisandre and my Lady wife have told me time and time again that this Jon Targaryen is an usurper and is not the chosen one and that therefore I must fight him." Stannis replied.

"But my lord, of course they would say that. So fervent is their devotion in that Red Heathen that they would will you to kill a child if it pleased their god. But you are not that sort of man my lord. You are just man; you are a man who believes in honour and duty. Eddard Stark was a man similar to you, he did not lie either, so why should you betray your vows and fight against a man that by all rights is your lawful king. You know that Joffrey is not Robert's son, so why not fight for the man who is Prince Rhaegar's son?"

Stannis seemed frustrated as if he were unsure whether or not to curse or praise Davos for his constant logical arguments. "I know that Davos, I know that. It is just that when the rebellion was fought and won the Targaryens lost their claim to the throne, for Robert and House Baratheon had won it through conquest. If this Jon Targaryen wishes to win the throne he too shall need to win it through conquest. But then why not go for another Baratheon king, and if so why not me it is my right as Robert's only true heir."

Davos replied "Because your grace, the Lannisters would never let you on that throne so long as Joffrey Waters lives. But if you were to support King Jon then surely you would get the rewards you deserve, surely there is more honour is supporting the rightful king than supporting a dynasty that has a baseborn incest born bastard as its head?"

Davos knew he almost had Stannis on side but before he could put another argument forward, Lady Melisandre or the red woman as Davos called her entered the room and said "There is no use fighting it my lord Davos, his grace is the one true king of Westeros and the only one capable of fighting the darkness and bringing the light. He is Azor Azahi come again, and he must be king."

"But that would be going against everything Lord Stannis stands for!" Davos argued.

Lady Melisandre smiled and said "Jon is just a boy, he knows nothing of the upcoming fight, he knows nothing of darkness. He is not the king or the chosen one. Besides your brother Renly has crowned himself King."

Stannis looked up from his brooding when she said that and Davos knew he had lost when Stannis said "Renly has crowned himself king? Ser Davos send word to the men; we sail for Storm's End at first light."


Oh it was so very cleverly done Varys could almost have applauded Littlefinger. Of course he would have had the attention of Littlefinger's little bout of treason had not been focussed on getting Sansa Stark away from the capital. Littlefinger had thought he was so smart by writing the note and then giving it to Ser Dontos to give to one of Sansa Stark's serving girls, thinking that no one would ever be able to trace it back to him.

Of course what Littlefinger did not know was that the spies he thought were his, were in fact Varys's had always been Varys's all the handmaidens that reported to Cersei belonged to Varys and only reported to Cersei what Varys told them to, it was all too much fun letting all these people think they knew how to play the game when really Varys was playing all of them. For he and his family had been playing this game since the Iron Throne had been made, of course he was going to be an expert at how to play against the odds and win each and every time.

So he sent one of his little birds to the godswood to listen to Ser Dontos drunkenly promise to take the Lady Sansa back home to her mother and brother, all the while knowing that really what Littlefinger planned on doing was using her to claim the north or perhaps even wedding her. Once the conversation was done Varys had told the little bird watching it to bump into Sansa Stark and slip a note into her pocket. The note said something along the lines of :

Trust not in mockingbirds for they are fickle creatures, one snagged a trout and thought himself in love. Trust not the rose that will come to the lion's den. Trust not the spider who works diligently for the lion. But do trust that the wolf and the dragon shall emerge victorious and your king shall be yours again.

He could only hope she was as smart as she seemed and would figure out what he meant in due time. He did not think the king would thank him otherwise.