(you have gained 12,045 battle exp)
That was a good gain, or as good a gain as he would have gotten from the ant queen. They were enemies now, and Rezar knew that was mostly his fault for intruding. But never the less all bridges have been burned by this point, and he knew there was no going back for the both of them but mutual destruction.
But never the less, Rezar happily led his new army of ants back to his abode and to his teacher, however the moment he got close enough, he noticed that they seem to have visitors. Priest was standing right outside, and standing with him was Lenore with her militia, or at least the part that followed her around.
Rezar scrunched up his eyebrows in annoyance, he did not have to submit anymore quota for a very long time, three whole months to be exact, so why were they here. Above all else, he really wanted to keep his distance from people in general as nothing but trouble would come from it, but it seems they've come looking for him after all.
"Well hello Lenore! What can I do for you this fine afternoon, do you want to arrest me and have me killed again? I'm pretty sure we can fit that into your schedule." Rezar said as he got closer, since it seemed he was the one they were waiting for.
"Rezar don't be rude to the forewoman, she comes in peace, plus she needs our help." Priest explained, in an attempt to prevent Rezar from saying things he shouldn't out of anger.
"The answer is no! whatever it is, I'm not doing it." It wasn't as if what had happened was Lenore's fault, but frankly speaking she was the only one Rezar could project his anger at. But even with all that, she didn't even have a change of expression as she strode forwards and swiftly wrapped her fingers around Rezar's neck and lifted him off the ground, before throwing him at a wall.
Rezar smashed so hard into the wall that he left cracks on it and fist sized pieces of rock fell to the ground. His bones creaked in pain as he lost his breath, his entire body seemed to burn with pain and agony, but that wasn't enough as Lenore strode forwards and smashed her foot into his stomach, raising him up like a soccer ball and blasting him back into the wall. This time, ribs were actually broken, as shoulders were dislocated and his vision developed dark spots for a few seconds.
Neema hissed in pure animosity as she grabbed her massive axe and took a step forward, Screet and the fire ants also made efforts to move forwards to attack, but Lenore quickly grabbed Rezar by the neck and smashed his back against the cavern wall, this time forcing him to cough out blood mixed with saliva, that slowly dribbled down his chin.
"Tell your undead to stand down, or ill snap your neck like a fucking twig!" Rezar didn't need to say anything as Neema hissed in annoyance and turned to the other undead.
"Neema says stop!" her words were crisp and clear, though she was referring herself in the third person, it was already obvious that she had gained quite a few levels, but while Lenore and her militia, along with Priest were surprised by the fact that she could talk so clearly and well, what surprised Rezar was the fact that she could command the other undead and they stood their ground. It was totally unexpected, but at least this proves that she wasn't a simple zombie.
"Neema hates you, pretty woman!" she said to Lenore as she kept her eyes on both her and Rezar, Lenore on the other hand just smirked and said to her,
"There's a long line of people that hate me freak! Get in line." Rezar would have given a witty retort, but considering this demonic woman had her hands wrapped around his throat, there wasn't much he could say, plus he was in a lot of pain, or at least he was until he received a system alert.
{Holy Cell has been activated, your body is slowly healing itself}
{the holy cell passive skill has now leveled up to 2}
it was slower than when he first started using the earthworms, and considering that at the moment, his body had built up a resistance of sort to the earthworms, this effect was load better than he expected. His bones popped back into place, as the bruises on his skin healed rapidly. Whether or not she noticed it, Lenore didn't care as she smashed a fist into Rezar's stomach, crushing his already healing ribs, but at this point she had already made her point.
"Listen to me, SLAVE! I don't give a shit what sort of negative feelings you have against me, because quite frankly your worth is as much as the very ants that crawl under my shoes! As long as live here, as long as you're under my jurisdiction you will do as I say.
If I say you should jump, then you fucking worm! You will jump! Do I look your mother? Or your fucking woman that you would have the audacity to give me attitude! If you're so hungry for death, you fucking bad omen, then tell me! Ill happily send you to the next life! Now will you listen, or do I have to take a few toes?"
Rezar couldn't speak, but while he wasn't afraid, he very much wanted all of his toes to remain where they were, so he shook his head in answer and Lenore let him down. He hacked and coughed as he tried to catch his breath, but before he knew it, his mouth went on and got him trouble again.
"Jeez Red, is it that time of the month or what?" safe to say, the boot to the face that smashed the back of his head into the wall behind him and knocked him out was well deserved.
"oww my fucking head!"
Rezar muttered as he opened his eyes to the concerned look on Priest's face, while Lenore stoically looked on, and her Militia jeered at him. Rezar was tempted to tell one of the soldier ants to just try snapping their necks in half with those massive pincers of theirs. But so far, it was his mouth that got him in trouble, so it would be smart to take things a bit easier and shut the hell up, he wasn't too keen on getting beat up again.
"Now that you're awake, let's get down to business. There are two things that are needed from you, I won't waste time and get straight to the point. It has been proved that your undead moles are quite adept at mining, and with the Quota you delivered, you increased the entire mine's output by at least 75%. As such I've been ordered to reach agreement with you.
If you provide the mine with a mole, we would give you twenty silver coins, and 25% of whatever yield that particular mole mines. This is not up for negotiation, if you do well, they might increase the price, but for now, that's all there is to it, and you would do just that. I expect you to provide twenty moles every two days, which rounds up your money to four gold coins every two days. Keep that up, and eventually you would have enough money to buy your freedom.
In about 30 years give or take a few months. But never the less I'm sure you'll be out of here in no time seeing as you have Priest running around selling ores for you. Regardless, this is what is expected from you, however your weekly quota will remain the same, so don't think this would get you out of it."
Rezar was shocked, they were totally taking advantage of him, 30 years! Was a long time, but Lenore was right that he wouldn't need that much time. But then again he was sure a single platinum coin would not be enough to buy his freedom, he would need a lot more to be fully free of the constraints of being reincarnated a slave for all of his lifetimes, but this was a way to get more money, however he just had to increase the level of his (Raise Undead) skill, this way the undead would last longer and earn him more ores.
"So you said there were two things you had to talk to me about, what's the second thing." Rezar asked as he shakily got back to his feet. Lenore suddenly adopted a serious look on her face as she turned to him.
"a dungeon has been discovered within the mines of the east quadrant, normally that shouldn't be a problem, but said dungeon is filled to the brim with monsters and is almost ready for an outbreak. Should that happen, then a lot of people will die. It would take some time for us to get a force ready to dive into the dungeon, so you'll be leading a vanguard of new slaves who have combat classes. Your job is to help them train, and keep them safe. Do you have anything to say about that?" Lenore asked, and of course Rezar had something to say, but he didn't want to get his ass beat again so he said.
"when do we start?"
sorry this was late, but never the less, thanks for reading and God bless you