
How to end a Civil War I

Sorry for the delay.


The Decepticon War Machine is in full action. The City of Iacon led by Optimus Prime was the last bastion of the Autobots and they were holding their ground. The Decepticons were launching what they thought would be their final offensive against the Autobots of Iacon. But the angry and emotional Megatron thought that about all his offensives. By his side was the cowardly but loyal Starscream, flying in their jet forms. 

"Attack!" Megatron shouts and the Decepticons start their offensive. 

The weapons shot their destructive shots and caused much damage, while from the ground and the air, the Autobots lay in wait and suddenly counterattacked. The Autobots had expected the Decepticon attack already, which was why Shockwave created the plan for a distraction. But with Hasyn's intervention, this was a clear loss for the Decepticons and they were more or less surprised. 

Optimus Prime stood as a beacon of hope, courage and strength for his forces, the Autobots. He commanded the Autobots into battle and had shown tremendous success in doing so. He used the strengths of his Autobots wisely. He asked Prowl, who was known for his strategic genius, to create the perfect ambush for the Decepticons and he delivered. Black Shadow attacked first, trying to repel the well-placed ambush. Starscream, ever the hothead tried to use his guns and shoot the Autobots from the sky. 

He shoots across the sky and fires at the Autobots below. His senses alert him to an attack, but it is too late. A second later, Arcee arrives in front of him and shoots him at close range. 


Starscream falls but manages to catch himself before falling to the ground and shoots off. This starts an aerial battle between Starscream and Arcee who chases him. On another front, Ironhide the Autobots' resident weapons specialist and Optimus Prime's old friend, tears through the Decepticons who have the sad fate of meeting him. His two arm cannons fire into the crowd of Decepticons, while he switches and tears the arm off another Decepticon in one fluid manner. He moves like a bulldozer that has grace despite his size. He fires his rocket launcher once more, killing many in the process. 

*BOOOM* x20

His unstoppable advancement is halted though as a large Decepticon stands in his way. Devastator is a mighty warrior, and the combination of the Constructicons into a merged being is a huge success. 

"I will kill you!!!" he roars and charges at Ironhide. 

Mentally, on the other hand, Devastator is very much less than the sum of his parts. Devastator's primitive psyche is limited to only the thoughts and actions on which all his components can agree, resulting in bouts of destructive fury. But Ironhide is not one to stop fighting because the odds might appear slim. On the contrary, he shines in these types of situations.

"Come then."

The two powerful warriors clash, causing wide destruction.


As his forces are clashing with the Autobots, Megatron the leader of the Decepticons is angry. He didn't listen to Shockwave as it was not his style to stop an attack midway. He'd rather just use more force than retreat. He blasts through straggler Autobots and kills them as he makes his way towards his eternal rival, Optimus Prime. The Prime didn't use the first opportunity to seek out Megatron; instead, he used his skills and might to cull the Decepticon forces. And it is starting to show, as he alongside Prowl are doing a lot of work. 


The loud enraged roar of Megatron sounds through the battlefield. Optimus shoots a Decepticon and then turns to the approaching Megatron, preparing himself for this fight. They knew each other from the fighting pits, where both of them were famous gladiators. 


"This is the day I will destroy you, Prime!"

"We shall see."


The two titans clash, causing a wide ring of space to form around them. Their fights are usually long and important. Both of them can decide the outcome of the war, should either of them succumb in this fight. 


One of the Decepticons has not entered the battle. Soundwave has been floating in the air, watching the fight unfold and listening to the thoughts of all the Cybertronians. As an outlier with extremely powerful hearing and limited telepathic capabilities, Soundwave's unusual powers made him a freak and an outcast in the stifling days of functionist Cybertron. But after finding a mentor in Ravage, Soundwave's aspirations saw him join up with Megatron's Decepticon movement, dreaming of a Cybertron where every Cybertronian could stand as true equals.

What sets Soundwave apart, is that his senses, especially hearing, are amplified to a far greater extent than anyone else. Not only that, Soundwave can hear the thoughts of those around him, and can hear certain things from millions of miles away. He is also a technological master. He can hack virtually anything and is also adept in weapons and combat. Five Mini-con's were flying around him. 

"What's wrong Soundwave?"

"Did you hear something?"

"Of course he did, you bird-brain."

"Hey! ... you know this is better than the cassette to move around."

"Leave Buzzsaw alone, Rumble. Not all of us can turn into mini-tanks like you."

"Thank you, Laserbeak," Buzzaw says. 

"Eh, of course, you would say that you are a bird as well," Rumble says. 

"Leave it, Rumble, we have more important things to worry about now. What's going on, Soundwave?" 

"I did indeed hear something, Frenzy. A few minutes ago, I heard the group of Decepticons who were supposed to cause a distraction to be annihilated and a short while later, I heard Shockwave send Megatron a message that an anomaly had appeared on Cybertron. This gives me pause, that something we haven't accounted for may be happening."

"So what do you suggest? Do you want us to have a look? See what's going on?"

"Indeed. I would like that. I shall enter the fight and will contact you later. Tell me all you see," Soundwave tells his Mini-cons. 

"Sure, we can do that. Happy hunting."

And so the Mini-cons shoot off into the distance, where Soundwave last heard the group of Decepticons fight. He had a strange feeling about this. If Shockwave had suggested pulling back, things wouldn't have been going well for them. But Megatron was not to be reasoned with. He had to find out what was going on and who this anomaly was. 


- A few hours later -

Soundwave was shooting through the air. The battle against the Autobots was over, ending with a clear loss for the Decepticons' side. Soundwave made sure to leave at the earliest convenience. Megatron would now be angry and try to release his anger, but that wasn't something he needed to see anyway. He could hear it from far away, anyway. 

Right now, Soundwave had more pressing matters to attend to anyway. His Mini-cons hadn't called back since he last saw them. This was unnerving as they always called him for various reasons. So if they didn't do that, then something had to have happened and it was hurting Soundwave to think about it. He searched for a few minutes until he heard something that reminded him of his Mini-cons. With his maximum speed, he appeared in the area where he had heard the sound and came across all the Mini-cons. 

"Here you were! I was getting anxious about you not calling in, but instead of doing what I told you, you are having fun and-"

Soundwave stopped talking when he realised that the situation was strange. The Mini-cons were looking at him with ... strange expressions. They weren't the cons he knew, but they were different altogether. 

Only now does he realise that another figure is sitting on a large green ... throne of some kind. Laid back with a look that despite being on a machine, somehow radiates power, he looks as if he is expecting Soundwave. Soundwave's response is immediate as he aims his guns at the strange Cybertronian he has never seen. 

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Answer me!"

"I am Hasyn, future Ruler of the Necron race. I have been expecting you, Soundwave. We have much to discuss."

"What do you want? And what did you do to the Mini-cons?" Soundwave asked angrily. 

"Nothing. I told them of their reality and how things could be ... will be. I know of your wish, Soundwave. You dream of a united Cybertron. A world where no one ostracises one another for special abilities, like yours. Sadly, there will always be differences and some will hate others for them. I can however promise you a future of a united Cybertron."

"And how would you do that? No one has managed to do that yet. The chances are best on the side of the Decepticons, which is why I am staying with them."

"Wrong. You stay with the Decepticons, because of your mentor. The Decepticons will fail, the Autobots will fail as well and the war will continue for millennia. I, however, will bring an end to the war."

"And how would you do that? We have been fighting for a long time."

"You are ridiculous creatures. You squabble for your one planet, while I have fought for millennia in wars for an entire galaxy. If this one planet is already giving you trouble, then you are hopeless in the grand scheme of things."

"You are immortal."

"I am persistent."

"Hm ... how would you unite Cybertron?"

"Easy. I will show you how I do battle and take over Cybertron."

"... Huh?"


In another location, Shockwave was standing next to Megatron and showing him something on his many screens. On the screen, they were going over some of the surveillance Shockwave gathered on the 'anomaly' who arrived on Cybertron. Megatron was quiet as he watched all the surveillance Shockwave showed him. Unlike his usual self, he didn't explode into anger, even if he wanted to. 

{'Easy. I will show you how I do battle and take over Cybertron.'

'... Huh?'

'I will use the current tension between the Decepticons and the Autobots and attack the Autbots' power base. Doing it this quickly after the latest battle will guarantee us victory and we can reduce their numbers quite easily. The people who follow me will help us in this endeavour. We will appear as Decepticons, on the off chance that we won't make it. This way all our options are covered.'

'But wouldn't they realise that you're not a Decepticon? You look nothing like one of us. You're also a lot smaller.'

'Don't worry about that. By the time they realise the discrepancies, it will be too late.'

'And you're sure this will work?'


'Very well, let's do it.'}

The surveillance stops at that point and Megatron stays quiet. Then he looks at Shockwave.

"When did you make those?"

"A short while ago. Just before you arrived."

"So this anomaly dares to take my glory and what is rightfully mine ... the rule of Cybertron!! I won't have it!" Megatron starts to rage. 

"I am aware of that. And that's why I have thought of a simple solution to this problem and use it for our benefit instead."


"I will leak the information you just heard to the Autobots. I will make it seem as if they finally managed to intercept some of my intel. They have been trying to do that for a very long time. If we do it this way, they will prepare for the attack coming from this anomaly."

"Ridiculous! Why would we help the Autobots in this case? They would only benefit from this, as they could use Soundwave against us, should they capture him!" Megatron argues. 

"Indeed. But they won't succeed, because we will instead use this chance to attack them."

"The Autobots?"

"Indeed. We will lay a trap for them this time. And using all our forces, launch a devastating attack. This way, we will also get rid of the anomaly and the traitor, Soundwave."

"Hmmm ... the plan is sound. I hate traps, but this has promise. Very well! We will do it as you planned."

As the different sides of this Cybertronian civil war were plotting and planning, the end was nearer than they all thought. Only one side could ever truly win in the end.