

I walked with the man towards the location we were meant to be meeting the organizers of the attack. I didn't bother asking his name and he didn't ask mine, so we just walked in silence. He would occasionally glance at Shade, but he never did anything too suspicious.

"And here we are." We stood outside of a warehouse that seemed abandoned, definitely a cliche villain hangout. I walked towards the door but the man spoke before I could push it open. "You should be the last one, good luck in there."

I didn't bother waving goodbye to him as he walked away. I instead looked towards the door and prepared myself to open it. Pushing it, I was instantly hit by a wave of pressure, everyone in the room looking at me to see who it was that arrived last.

"Sorry I'm late, didn't want to miss breakfast." I didn't mind their gazes looking at me, instead opting to move towards the edge of the crowd with Shade. I wouldn't call out the other skeletons just yet, not until we were in the place we were attacking.

The other people continued talking to one another until finally someone that looked to be the leader called for everyone's attention. The man had greyish blue hair and his face and body were covered in hands.

"Now that everyone's here, I welcome you all to the attack on the symbol of peace. We're going to be attacking a UA class in an off campus site known as the USJ, where All Might and two other pro heroes will be teaching." The man explained what we were doing and then turned his back.

"Kurogiri." He spoke one more time and a man made of cloud walked up and made a large purple cloud that the man walked into. The man named Kurogiri ushered us all to walk through after him and we did just that.

On the other side of the portal we were greeted with an open space in front of a large staircase that led to what we assumed to be the entrance. One of the teachers up there called something out, but I was too far away to know what or to care.

He even decided to jump down from the staircase and start attacking us on his own. I decided that I didn't want any part of that, if he was confident to take on this many villains on his own then he had to be a strong pro.

I walked around the building, hearing the sounds of fighting coming from that large open area. I eventually stumbled upon a group of villains going up against a group of three students by the looks of it.

There were two girls and one boy, the girls wielding weapons and the boy running around like an idiot. I don't understand why he didn't just use his quirk, maybe it wasn't suited for things like this? But then shouldn't his costume have made up for that?

I eventually found out why he couldn't use his quirk when one of the girls kicked him into another villain and he electrocuted him. He probably can't control where his electricity goes so he doesn't want to hurt the girls. He definitely should've added an aiming device to his costume.

The girls were doing alright on their own, knocking away villains with their weapons with ease, but not managing to really take any out of the fight. It wasn't until one of them got the idea to cover themselves in a blanket that I saw one of the girls quirk in action.

She created that blanket from her body, something that should be impossible, but just is in this day and age. And you know what? I want that quirk. I have to have that quirk. I want to see her die, I want to see them all die. Maybe I'll get their quirks for my collection as well.

The boy discharged his electricity after the girls hid, and once the onslaught was over I ended up calling my other skeletons out. But then I noticed something, a hand had punched out of the ground.

'This could be interesting.' The students were celebrating, well two of them were and the other was just walking around like an idiot. Before they even thought about what to do next, the villain that had erupted from the ground had grabbed onto the idiot boy.

"Get your hands up and no quirks, got it? Use your powers, and I'll kill your friend here." The villain held up the boy and his own hand, activating his quirk to produce electricity that sparkled and intimidated the girls.

"I feel a little brotherhood with other electric types, so I don't want to-" Before he could finish what he was saying, I had walked up behind him and had stabbed him in the neck. He dropped the boy and stumbled forward, turning to see who had stabbed him.

Upon seeing me, his eyes widened. He probably recognized me for being late, but I didn't care. His shock was beautiful, the blood pouring from his neck and the gargling sounds music to my ears. I had a crazed smile on my face as he tried to pull the knife out of his neck, only to die before he could.

"And here I thought he would've lasted longer." My smile had fallen, I walked forward to pull the knife out of the villain's neck and looked up to see the girls looking at me with pale faces. One of them, the one that didn't have the quirk I wanted, tried to use her quirk, but Tazer had walked up behind her and stunned her before she could activate it.

"Sorry about that, can't let you do something you might regret." I had my smile back up as I walked towards the boy. I didn't need his electricity quirk, but I wouldn't be opposed to having another skeleton for my collection.

"No, don't please, I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt him!" The girl with the quirk I wanted begged me to stop, but I didn't. She would join him soon anyway, she just had to wait a bit longer.

The idiot didn't know what was happening, still having a stupid smile on his face as I walked towards him with my knife dripping with the blood from the villain. When I finally placed the knife against his throat his smile faded, but he couldn't scream before I slashed.

"No!" The girl cried out in shock seeing her friend dying in front of her. It was very pleasurable, but I didn't want any unwanted attention from the heroes that are here so I had Tazer shut her up by stunning her.

It took a while, but eventually the boy died. Luckily for me he did have the white fire over his corpse so I could bring him back. But I wouldn't do it here, I didn't know when the other heroes would get here now that I've killed the electric guy that was probably jamming the signals.

I had Tazer pick up the girls, occasionally shocking them to make sure they were stunned, then I had Falcon pick up the corpse of the boy. We walked to the open area that we came in from and to the side of the leader man.

"Warp me out of here, I got something I need to take care of." I had a crazy smile on my face as I spoke to the man. He turned his face to me, but I couldn't see his eyes behind the hand.

"And what might that be?" He sounded annoyed, but I didn't care. I wanted to make sure that I got what I wanted, and I certainly did.

"I got some new friends to play with." I pointed to my skeletons behind me, holding the corpse and the girls who had by now fallen unconscious. The leader man was wide eyed when he saw who I was carrying, but then he started laughing.

"You are different from the rest. I don't know where Giran found you, but you should join us in the future." He gave me a compliment before he continued laughing. Finally he turned to the hero who was fighting a group of villains and started yelling.

"Oh Eraserhead, I guess you aren't that great of a hero after all!" This caught the heroes attention as he turned to me and went wide eyed as he saw my skeletons carrying his students. "You should've done a better job! Hahahaha!"

"No!" Eraserhead started plowing his way through the villains, trying to reach me and to save his students, but before he could Ember stepped forward and activated his quirk. Eraserhead was too busy stopping one of the other villains from using his quirk to notice Ember before it was too late.

The hero was able to jump out of the way, but he was forced to move back, away from me and his students. Before he could start making his way back, Kurogiri, the warper, appeared and made a portal for me and my skeletons to walk through.

"Please wait on the other side, we will talk more to you when we get back." The cloud villain spoke and I just walked through, my skeletons following me. I gave one last look around before spotting another group of three students by the water side. I gave them a wave and walked through the portal.