
Necromancer:I Am the Cataclysm

As reality merges with the game, the world's rules are overturned. Choose your profession—be it a warrior, mage, healer, or even a farmer—to face the looming challenges! Now, monsters wreak havoc! Countless secret realms, dungeons, and abysses await! Terror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity walk hand in hand! Only by becoming a job changer, leveling up, and growing stronger can you ascend to the pinnacle of the world! On the day of his job change, Silas Thorne became the sole possessor of a unique, hidden class: the Necromancer. He acquired a god-level talent, which at just level one, enhances all his skills tenfold. He gained a divine passive ability that transfers all damage to his summoned creatures. As long as his summons are immortal, so is Silas Thorne. "Endless legions of god-level skeleton warriors!" "Billions of lich mages!" "Countless undying bone dragons!" Under the curse, gods turn to bone. Corpses explode, the heavens collapse, and the world falls apart. "I sit high on the throne of bones, walking the line between life and death." "I am the Cataclysm!"

Justin_Won · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Job Change Ceremony Begins

In the Empire of Solstice, within Riverhold Province, lies the city of Westhaven.

On the playing field of Westhaven Elite High School, several professionals are busy setting up a magical formation.

Today, over a hundred senior students at Westhaven Elite High School will undergo a unified job change.

Sitting upright with serious expressions, they listen to Principal Lucius Gale's speech.

"My students, after three years of studying the theoretical knowledge of job changers, you have all mastered it" Principal Gale begins. "Today marks the day of your job change, a day that will determine your future lives. I won't mince words; I hope each of you reaches the heights of Sage Sterling, who has become a pillar of our human race."

Sage Sterling, once a student at this very school, changed his job to become a Holy Mage and has now reached the impressive level of 80. 

Principal Gale often uses his achievements to inspire the students.

Silas Thorne, gazing at the nearly completed job change formation on the playing field, feels a subtle sense of anticipation.

Having been in this world for several years, he knows well what kind of world this is—a world fused with the game, where people undergo job changes after their senior year in high school.

By clearing dungeons, exploring secret realms, joining battlefields, or slaying monsters in the wilderness, one can gain experience.

With experience comes higher levels, improved skills, and enhanced strength.

Fighting various demonic creatures, the human race carves out a space for survival, fueled by the blood and sacrifices of countless ancestors.

The success rate for job changes has reached one hundred percent, though the quality of one's profession can vary.

Combat roles are most coveted, followed by support roles, with lifestyle roles being the least desired. However, these are general categories; a powerful support role is highly valuable, whether in dungeons, secret realms, or on the front lines of the battlefield, making it indispensable.

Even in some places, they'd rather have one less attacker than be without a support.

Likewise, lifestyle professions have had their legends, with some reaching god-like levels in their craft.

In Silas's view, the effectiveness of a profession largely depends on the individual. There are mediocre warriors as well as godly supports.

As a beam of light shot into the sky, the job change formation was completed.

 Lucius Gale waved his hand grandly, "Follow me, let's go!"

He led the over a hundred seniors to the playground.

Silas followed the crowd, pondering what profession he might change into.

What job one changes into is unpredictable. Some who perform averagely might end up with a powerful combat role, while others who excel might only get a lifestyle profession.

Although he and Serena Frostwere known as the two prodigies of the school, what he could actually change into would only be revealed once he entered the formation.

A tap on the shoulder interrupted his thoughts; Gavin Bright approached with a grin, "What job do you most hope to change into?"

Silas looked at him and shook his head without responding.

Gavin continued with a laugh, "Come on, it doesn't hurt to say. I'll tell you, I want to be a knight. With my tall stature, I'd look imposing as a knight and then I could protect the ladies."

His physique did indeed suit the knight profession well.

 However, changing into a combat role was difficult.

Silas had calculated it was about a 10% chance. Out of these more than one hundred people, no more than fifteen would become combat professionals.

Gavin kept talking, but Silas just smiled faintly without responding. Silas was a man of few words, and though he had good grades, he didn't have many friends.

 Many thought Silas was odd.

Gavin spoke a few words and then went to talk to others. Someone pulled Gavin aside, "What are you talking to the mute about? He won't respond to you."

"Exactly, just because he gets good grades, what's so great about that?" 

"Today he might even end up with a lifestyle profession."

A few people gossiped as Silas, generally unpopular among his classmates, was considered too cold and arrogant because of his good grades.

Gavin laughed, "Actually, Silas just doesn't like to talk."

Unfortunately, no one believed this.

Silas didn't bother explaining; there was no need.

The group arrived in front of the formation, and Lucius Gale approached an elderly man with respect, "Master Zane, thank you for your assistance today."

Master Zane shook his head, "It's what should be done."

 Master Zane did not hide his information, and everyone could see, [Zane Quest, Level 52, Master of Formations].

Silas was slightly surprised; it was indeed a Master of Formations, and a high-level one at that.

Masters of Formations are a rare support profession and not commonly seen, but highly valued on the battlefield.

Once a formation is set, it's deadly for anyone who enters.

After exchanging a few words with Zane Quest, Lucius Gale returned and pulled out a list, looking at the students, "The following students I call will enter the job change formation. Everything that needed to be taught has been taught, you all know what to do, just relax." 

"The first one, Xavier Dale!"

Xavier Dale stepped forward, slightly nervous, and entered the job change formation.

The formation roared to life, accompanied by a burst of brilliant light, and Xavier Dale's job change was complete.

[Lifestyle Profession: Farmer]

Xavier 's face paled, not expecting to become a farmer.

"Xavier became a farmer."

"Well, even a farmer is fine. If he could level up to become a Great Farmer, or even a Holy Farmer, that's not a bad profession at all."

"Yeah, in the realm of lifestyle professions, being a farmer isn't so bad."