

**Chapter 542: Pharmacist, A Unique Profession**

Three women entered the dungeon simultaneously, not just them, Lin Moyu also saw Mu Qianqian. Mu Qianqian was among this group of people.

Mu Qianqian had a simple smile on her face and even waved at Lin Moyu.

Meng Anwen laughed, "Xiaoyu, this young lady's profession is quite rare."

Lin Moyu nodded, "Indeed, it's very rare, I also encountered it by chance."

Meng Anwen patted Lin Moyu's shoulder, "Not bad, make good use of it."

Lin Moyu felt a sense of alarm all over his body, what did Meng Anwen mean by this?

Bai Yiyuan, who was standing nearby, said, "Indeed, make good use of it. If you don't understand something, ask your teacher Meng. In this field, if he claims to be second, no one dares to claim first."

Lin Moyu had no choice but to keep quiet and not argue with these two thick-skinned individuals.

Ning Yiyi was an assassin, and a legendary professional, possessing extremely strong combat power.

Mo Yun was a mid-level legendary Holy Spirit Summoner, also possessing the [Primordial Rune], her combat power was no weaker than the previous Feng Xuan.

As for Mu Qianqian, although she was not a combat profession, her talent and skills were too abnormal.

As long as they were used properly, she also had a chance.

What intrigued Lin Moyu the most was Shu Han.

He knew Shu Han's level was not low, probably over level 65.

But he couldn't figure out Shu Han's combat style.

There were too few pharmacists, and the information was too scarce.

The world knew that pharmacists were just for making potions and had no combat power.

Moreover, Shu Han was not yet at the god level and had not transformed.

Meng Xing'an said, "Watch carefully, your senior sister Shu will surprise you."

Lin Moyu did not respond, what did he mean by "my senior sister Shu"?

Meng Anwen's words were ambiguous, he did not respond, absolutely not falling into the trap.

Seeing that Lin Moyu did not take the bait, Meng Anwen seemed disappointed that his plan did not succeed.

The first two stages were still without any difficulty, any professional who was not an idiot could pass.

Then came the third stage, the Wind Tiger appeared.

Ning Yiyi's figure flashed, and 0.1 seconds later, she appeared on the Wind Tiger's head.

The dagger stabbed directly down, exploding with a bang.

The Wind Tiger was instantly killed without any suspense.

Mo Yun's Holy Unicorn opened its mouth and shot out a beam of light, also instantly killing the Wind Tiger with overwhelming force.

Mu Qianqian swung her platinum giant hammer, smashing it down on the Wind Tiger again and again.

The Wind Tiger did not move, letting her smash it.

Everyone was shocked, why didn't the Wind Tiger resist?

Only Lin Moyu knew that Mu Qianqian had used a skill to stun the Wind Tiger.

After just four or five hits, the Wind Tiger was smashed to death, its death was tragic, its head was smashed to pieces.

Shu Han's side was extremely strange, her fingertips glowed, and then a pill appeared.

The pill exploded, turning into a cloud of green smoke.

The Wind Tiger merely smelled a trace and fell down, sleeping deeply.

The dungeon judged that Shu Han had passed.

Zhu Qingliu giggled, "Xiaoyu, did you see that?"

Lin Moyu nodded, "I saw it, but I didn't understand it."

In his eyes, Shu Han's skills were somewhat eerie.

Meng Anwen said, "Shu Han's profession is very special, strictly speaking, her profession is also unique."

"Her profession's full name is: Pharmacist!"

"Her skills can create various potions, and these potions have very peculiar effects."

"Just now, her skill was called Sleep Death Smoke, after smelling it, one would sleep to death, possibly for a lifetime."

Lin Moyu was truly shocked, there was actually such a profession.

"Can potions be directly created through skills?" Lin Moyu found it hard to believe, wasn't that creating something out of nothing?

Meng Anwen laughed, "Creating something out of nothing, turning stone into gold, nothing is impossible in this world."

"If you think it's impossible, it only shows that you have seen too little."

"When you reach the god level in the future, you will understand."

"Understood." Lin Moyu remembered this sentence.

The dungeon's challenges continued, still not difficult for the four of them.

Among them, Shu Han's combat was the most eerie, each time using a skill to create a pill, and the battle would end.

Mu Qianqian fought the most fiercely, but with her combat instinct talent, although fierce, she was at ease.

Ning Yiyi's figure was like a ghost, the fierce tiger couldn't touch her shadow.

It wasn't until the eighth stage that the real pressure began to appear.

Four tigers merged into one, the BOSS's attributes greatly increased.

At this moment, Mu Qianqian's skill's abnormality truly revealed itself.

As soon as the BOSS appeared, it was firmly controlled by her, continuously stunned.

The BOSS had no power to resist and was eventually killed.

Shu Han's pharmacist skills once again showed their eerie nature, she summoned a large number of pills that exploded, turning the dungeon into a foggy world.

The BOSS lost its target inside, eventually inhaling a large amount of potion, and its life came to an end.

Ning Yiyi and Mo Yun relied on their strong combat power to forcefully kill the BOSS and enter the ninth stage. In the most difficult ninth stage, Ning Yiyi disappeared directly.

The fierce tiger couldn't find her.

Lin Moyu laughed, "Knowing you can't win, so you don't fight, it's a good method."

He didn't expect that Ning Yiyi's special training for the ninth stage was to avoid fighting.

But this also fit the essence of an assassin, not forcing a fight.

Never fighting to the death, retreating immediately if one strike fails.

Mo Yun was much more domineering, her whole body shining with holy light, cooperating seamlessly with her Holy Unicorn, fighting fiercely with the fierce tiger.

Mu Qianqian was the same, her talent fully activated, extremely agile.

With the support of her combat instinct talent, as long as there was a bit of analysis, Mu Qianqian could dodge.

Shu Han was still the most eerie, she had turned the entire dungeon into a foggy city.

No one knew where she was, the viewers couldn't see, and the fierce tiger in the dungeon didn't know either.

The entire dungeon was silent.

Lin Moyu asked curiously, "If that's the case, wouldn't senior sister Shu be able to hold on for a long time?"

Meng Anwen laughed heartily, "Impossible, the dungeon has its own mechanism. The first 10 minutes are the easiest, after 10 minutes it gets harder."

Bai Yiyuan said, "Getting 90 points is not difficult, the hard part is after that."

Just now, Feng Xuan had just held on for 10 minutes, getting 90 points.

The difficulty had not yet been fully revealed.

Among the characters in Ning Yiyi's batch, only the four of them were still holding on, everyone else had been eliminated.

Time quickly reached 10 minutes, and the entire dungeon seemed to be filled with a mysterious and powerful force. Ning Yiyi's originally hidden figure was instantly forced out, and all the fierce tigers pounced on her. Under the interference of this mysterious force, Ning Yiyi could no longer hide, and her speed was much slower than usual.

Mo Yun was the same, her and her unicorn's speed both greatly decreased, and their attack power seemed to have weakened.

Mu Qianqian's situation was the worst, this force disrupted her rhythm.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qianqian was eliminated.

Mu Qianqian appeared outside the dungeon, still not realizing she had been eliminated.

Only Shu Han was still hidden in the fog.

But the fog seemed to be stirred by a giant hand.

Shu Han clearly couldn't hold on much longer.

Meng Xingwen said, "See, after the ninth stage exceeds 10 minutes, not only do the monsters' power levels increase, and their numbers increase."

"But there is also interference from the dungeon's own power on the professions."

"In this situation, they can't hold on for long."

Lin Moyu nodded, this force interfered with Ning Yiyi and the others, Mu Qianqian was the first to be eliminated, the remaining people couldn't hold on for long either.

The second to be eliminated was Ning Yiyi, she had no space to dodge in the end.

She held on for one more minute than Mu Qianqian, scoring 91 points.

In her mental world, there was also half a piece of talent god stone.

Although eliminated, Ning Yiyi was very happy, jumping back.

"I'm amazing, right." Ning Yiyi boasted to Lin Moyu.

She looked like a child who had done something right and was asking for a reward.

Lin Moyu smiled, "Very amazing, dodged beautifully!"

Ning Yiyi pouted at Lin Moyu, "This is the easiest method, not tiring, and safe."

Lin Moyu smiled, "Indeed, a very good method."

He spoke sincerely, Ning Yiyi's method was indeed good.

Less than a minute after Ning Yiyi came out, Mo Yun was also eliminated.

There were too many monsters, she couldn't fight them all.

92 points, a very good score.

Now only Shu Han was left inside.

Shu Han's performance was eye-opening, clearly the one who seemed to have the least combat power, but ended up laughing last.

The dungeon's power kept interfering with the fog she released, but never succeeded.

Until 95 minutes, a beast roar suddenly came from the dungeon.

A huge creature appeared in the air.

This suddenly appearing five-colored fierce tiger, over a hundred meters tall, like a mountain.

Its huge claw smashed down, dispersing the fog, and also knocked Shu Han out of the dungeon.

95 points.

Shu Han tied the highest record of the god stone dungeon!
