

**Chapter 1553: Shock After Shock**

The golden light filled his vision, and the rapidly enlarging fist left Dongfang Ze stunned. By the time he reacted, Lin Moyu's fist had already landed squarely on his face.

His head throbbed with pain, and his entire body was sent flying uncontrollably.

Lin Moyu caught up to Dongfang Ze with even greater speed, delivering a flurry of punches and kicks, showing no mercy.

Dongfang Ze screamed in agony, trying to fight back, but he found himself unable to use any spells. The Forbidden Law Disk was a double-edged sword, sealing not only Lin Moyu's spells but also his own. Dongfang Ze realized he had overlooked Lin Moyu's physical prowess.

Lin Moyu possessed a powerful body, comparable to the mysterious physical form of the War God Hall's Great Strength, far surpassing his own.

Faced with Lin Moyu's relentless storm of punches and kicks, Dongfang Ze had no chance to retaliate.

Dongfang Ze roared, and a hazy, mystical Law Star River appeared above his head.

The Law Star River was far less clear than that of a true God-Sovereign. Dongfang Ze had only undergone a partial baptism, so his ability to harness the power of the Law Star River was limited.

However, the Law Star River was still a power of the God-Sovereign realm. Even a portion of it was enough to dominate all minor God-Sovereigns.

The Law Star River poured down, its immense power crashing into Lin Moyu, sending him flying.

At this point, Dongfang Ze's face was bruised and swollen, and his bones were mostly cracked. Fortunately, he was a minor God-Sovereign and could withstand it.

Had it been half a minute later, his body would have been completely destroyed by Lin Moyu. Dongfang Ze, feeling a lingering fear, thought, "I miscalculated this time, forgetting about your powerful body."

"I must admit, you are a formidable opponent, stronger than any minor God-Sovereign I've encountered." As he spoke, the Law Star River flowed down, enveloping Dongfang Ze and protecting him.

Lin Moyu waved his arm, "Your body is too weak; fighting you is no fun."

Dongfang Ze snorted, "Who cultivates their body these days? No matter how strong your body is, what's the use?"

"Now that spells are sealed, I can still harness the power of the Law Star River. What do you have left?"

The Law Star River was not a spell but an ability.

With spells sealed, Lin Moyu couldn't possibly withstand the Law Star River.

The Law Star River rapidly expanded, its waves surging with immense power.

The Law Star River had many uses and was one of the primary means of combat for God-Sovereigns.

Although Dongfang Ze was not a God-Sovereign, his ability to manipulate the Law Star River was limited, but it was enough to deal with Lin Moyu.

Unfortunately, he saw no panic in Lin Moyu's eyes.

Lin Moyu's calm demeanor made Dongfang Ze feel uneasy. He decided not to delay any longer and directed the immense power of the Law Star River towards Lin Moyu. In an instant, the entire law domain was filled with surging waves, and the attack swept towards Lin Moyu from all directions.

Lin Moyu remained unflustered, with no reason to panic. The Forbidden Law Disk had indeed sealed his spells, but not all of them.

At least the Skeletal Hell could still be used. This spell, led by [Infinite Fusion] and based on the Chaos Law, combined multiple stellar-level spells, making it high-level and unaffected by the seal.

Additionally, his two Origin Spells were also unaffected by the seal.

[Strong Soldiers] and [Gathering Power], the two Origin Spells, were of such high level that the seal had no effect on them.

Although he couldn't summon the undead army, it could still provide power for [Gathering Power].

A sword appeared in Lin Moyu's hand, a low-level True God realm magical treasure.

Dongfang Ze sneered, "A low-level True God realm magical treasure, what's the use?"

The next second, his eyes widened in shock.

Lin Moyu's aura suddenly intensified, reaching the minor God-Sovereign realm almost instantly.

"What kind of spell is this? How did you suddenly become stronger?"

"Why wasn't this spell sealed?"

Dongfang Ze couldn't believe it. There were indeed spells that could instantly boost strength, and quite a few of them. However, these spells typically only boosted one or two levels, with the best boosting four levels. But Lin Moyu had directly jumped from the fourth stage of the God-King realm to the minor God-Sovereign realm, crossing six levels in an instant.

Dongfang Ze felt a moment of panic but quickly regained his composure.

"So what if you reach the minor God-Sovereign realm? You still can't withstand the Law Star River's attack."

"It must be a talent, not a spell. His talent allows him to instantly boost his realm, that must be it!" Dongfang Ze seemed to find an explanation, regaining his confidence.

At this moment, the Law Star River's attack reached Lin Moyu. Dongfang Ze roared, and the Law Star River enveloped Lin Moyu, its powerful attack crashing down on him.


Dongfang Ze roared in his heart, fully controlling the Law Star River to attack Lin Moyu.

Suddenly, a massive pressure surged, and the waves of the Law Star River were repelled, flowing backward.

Dongfang Ze let out a muffled groan, his body also being sent flying for nearly a thousand miles.

He stood high in the sky, looking at Lin Moyu in shock and disbelief.

Not only him, but all the God-Sovereigns in the audience stood up, their eyes wide, staring at Lin Moyu in astonishment.

The guests from other races, also God-Sovereigns, were equally shocked, unable to speak.

Lin Moyu's aura was like a dragon, spiraling into the sky.

Above his head, a gray-white Law Star River shone brightly.

Lin Moyu's Law Star River was different from Dongfang Ze's. His was incredibly solid, indistinguishable from that of a true God-Sovereign.

Compared to Dongfang Ze's illusory Law Star River, Lin Moyu's was far superior.

The Law Star River roared with waves, emitting a thunderous sound.

Dongfang Ze muttered in disbelief, "How is this possible? How could you reach the God-Sovereign realm?"

From the God-King realm to the God-Sovereign realm in one step, what kind of talent was this? How could such a talent exist in the world? He couldn't believe it, not even in death.

Not only him, but even Xu Laozu in the Beyond Realm found it hard to believe.

Lin Moyu had shocked everyone time and again, each time more terrifying than the last.

With spells sealed, facing Dongfang Ze's Law Star River, Lin Moyu could only counter with his own Law Star River.

Using his Origin Spells and the power of billions of undead, he directly pushed himself to the God-Sovereign realm.

His soul had already undergone the baptism of the Law Star River, allowing him to fully harness its power.

At this moment, his combat power was no different from that of a newly ascended God-Sovereign.

In fact, if he continued to push without restraint, he could be even stronger than a newly ascended God-Sovereign.

However, his current state was more than enough to deal with Dongfang Ze.

Upon reaching the God-Sovereign realm, the seal of the Forbidden Law Disk lost its effect.

The Forbidden Law Disk could only seal spells below the God-Sovereign realm. Once he reached the God-Sovereign realm, the seal was nullified.

Lin Moyu didn't bother explaining further. To someone like Dongfang Ze, explanations were a waste of breath.

With a light swing of the low-level True God realm sword in his hand, Lin Moyu didn't use his full strength or the power of the Law Star River.

As for spells, although the seal was broken, he didn't use them.

He couldn't use too much power, or he might accidentally kill Dongfang Ze.

He only used the most basic God-Sovereign power, sending out a sword energy.

The low-level True God realm sword in his hand shattered into powder with the swing.

Dongfang Ze had no way to dodge Lin Moyu's attack and was instantly engulfed by the sword energy.