

 Chapter 1393: No Weaknesses, Stepping into the Seventh Layer

Under the gaze of dozens of people, Lin Moyu effortlessly crossed the fifth layer area. 

Lin Moyu surpassed the geniuses in the fifth layer, causing some dissatisfaction among them. However, instead of feeling discouraged, their fighting spirit was ignited even more.

The competition among the fire seed geniuses is not about current strength but about potential.

Current strength is temporary; what matters is where you can ultimately reach and what your limits are.

Not everyone can reach the peak. Some may start slow but keep moving steadily, eventually surpassing those who started fast.

Those who start fast may find themselves unable to move halfway up the mountain.

But those who climb steadily may eventually reach the summit.

It's not about rushing; it's about long-term perseverance.

Lin Moyu continued flying, feeling the increasing pressure from all directions, which was becoming stronger.

Compared to the outermost first layer, the pressure had increased several times.

If the pressure in the first layer was 1, then the current pressure was about 6.

The pressure came from all directions, as if countless hands were trying to compress his body and soul into a ball.

His flesh made creaking sounds, and the laws inside and outside his body were compressed together, constantly roaring, appearing on his skin like veins.

The same was true for his soul. The invisible pressure fell on the crystal barrier, causing it to tremble slightly.

Lin Moyu let out a light shout, and his talent tree swayed, releasing invisible power.

The Nine-Colored Dragon Soul Crystal roared, exhaling dragon breath onto the crystal barrier.

With the combined effort, his soul world stabilized.

At the same time, his heart beat violently, and the Heart of Flame burst with powerful energy.

Blood flowed like a great river, roaring.

His muscles slightly bulged, stretching his clothes.

The pressure he felt instantly disappeared, and Lin Moyu became light again.

Facing the immense pressure, he let out a light whistle, and his speed suddenly increased.

Lin Moyu's soul had reached the peak of the fourth grade, with a jade-like soul.

Both his physical body and cultivation were at the ninth rank of a true deity, progressing together.

It could be said that Lin Moyu had no weaknesses.

He saw others cultivating in this area again.

In the sixth layer area, there were also people cultivating, all of them fire seed geniuses of the Human Race.

Compared to those in the fifth layer, their cultivation was higher, and their endurance was stronger.

In the fifth layer, Lin Moyu saw both true deities and God Kings, with their numbers almost equal.

But here, the number of true deities sharply decreased, from a 50-50 split to a 30-70 split, with most being God Kings. It was not surprising that God Kings had stronger endurance.

However, Lin Moyu felt that true deities who could cultivate in the sixth layer had greater potential than the God Kings in the same area.

Lin Moyu's arrival attracted everyone's attention.

"Another genius."

"A true deity reaching here is rare."

"Our Human Race is full of geniuses, truly remarkable."

"Our race's fire will be passed down, and one day we will reach the peak, with all races bowing to us."

"Hmph, that's a bit too much. Even the War God Xiao couldn't achieve that. How can we?"

"Hope is necessary for motivation, isn't it?"

Everyone discussed as they watched Lin Moyu approach.

A middle-aged God King said to Lin Moyu, "Young man, not bad. Reaching the sixth layer as a true deity is better than I did."

Lin Moyu smiled and nodded, "Thank you for the compliment, senior."

"Come, find a good place and cultivate well," the middle-aged man continued politely.

Lin Moyu shook his head, "Thank you, senior, but I plan to go deeper."

As he spoke, Lin Moyu flew past them and headed towards the deeper area.

A few seconds later, Lin Moyu's figure disappeared from their sight.

They looked at each other, "His talent is truly high."

"We underestimated him. He's not an ordinary genius."

"Could he be a core genius? True deities who can enter the seventh layer are extremely rare."

The God King geniuses sighed, while the true deity geniuses showed dissatisfaction in their eyes.

One of them suddenly stood up and silently flew towards the seventh layer.

He was also a ninth-rank true deity, with a look of strong dissatisfaction and pride in his eyes.

As a ninth-rank true deity and a fire seed genius, he believed he was no worse than anyone else.

But it was clear to everyone that he couldn't fly as easily and naturally as Lin Moyu.

The pressure from all directions forced him to exert all his strength to resist.

Everyone recognized him; his name was Luoxing, a genius from the Divine City.

He was proud by nature, usually silent and always looking dissatisfied, but he wasn't a bad person.

Stimulated by Lin Moyu, he became somewhat dissatisfied and wanted to try.

After flying a few hundred kilometers, Luoxing suddenly stopped, then flew back, his face pale. In just a few seconds, his body had cracked, covered in blood and wounds.

If he had retreated a bit later, he might have turned into a pile of flesh.

"The gap is quite large."

Everyone sighed inwardly.

Luoxing sat back down, healing his injuries.

Lin Moyu continued towards the seventh layer, feeling the pressure from all directions and making his own assessment.

From what he had seen, the main issue for these God Kings and true deities was their physical bodies.

In the fifth layer, the pressure was enough to harm a super deity's body.

To stand firm in the fifth layer, one's physical body had to be at least at the high rank of a super deity, which is above the seventh rank.

However, according to the cultivation methods of most of the Human Race, when they first step into the God King realm, their physical bodies are usually between the third rank of a super deity and the fifth rank of a super deity.

The physical body is their weakness. In daily battles, the laws protect the physical body, so this weakness isn't apparent.

But here, where the laws can't protect the physical body, this weakness becomes evident.

The geniuses here all pay attention to their physical bodies, which are clearly stronger than most.

Some ninth-rank true deities or God Kings have physical bodies reaching above the seventh rank of a super deity, allowing them to cultivate in the fifth layer.

The fifth layer continuously compresses the physical body, gradually strengthening it.

This method is gentle and safe but takes a long time.

Using the Flash Star and Flash Fire to cultivate the physical body is the fastest method, but it's too dangerous and can lead to death.

Only someone like Lin Moyu, who isn't afraid of death, would choose such a cultivation method.

In the sixth layer, a true deity's physical body is required to withstand the pressure.

It doesn't need to be too high; even a first-rank true deity's physical body is enough to move in the sixth layer.

True deity geniuses and some God Kings who have cultivated their physical bodies can achieve this.

In the sixth layer, besides the physical body needing to reach the true deity level, the soul must also reach the third grade. Otherwise, it can't withstand the pressure.

The soul isn't a problem; almost everyone who enters meets this requirement.

But to enter the seventh layer, the difficulty is much higher.

Lin Moyu already felt the pressure from the seventh layer.

After a brief assessment, he determined the requirements.

A physical body above the seventh rank of a true deity and a peak third-grade soul.

"Unexpectedly, a true deity can reach here."

A hoarse, deep voice echoed from the dark void.