

**Chapter 1213: The Troublesome Devouring Gold Beast Emperor**

The deep blue star emitted a scorching light, feeling like a star without flames. When Lin Muyu saw this blue star, his heart skipped a beat.

At that moment, he had the urge to turn around and leave.

He knew what the Devouring Gold Beast Emperor's body was.

This guy had turned the Beryllium Gold Source Star in front of him into its own body.

This star, with a diameter of over 50,000 kilometers, emitted a deadly poison and had become its body. There are many stars with a diameter of over 50,000 kilometers in the great world.

Some massive stars even have diameters exceeding millions of kilometers, incredibly huge.

But those stars are mixtures of various flame substances.

Unlike the Beryllium Gold Source Star in front of him, which is entirely composed of Beryllium Gold and Gold-Silver Stone, with a core of magical Beryllium Gold essence.

The high-purity Beryllium Gold and Gold-Silver Stone give it unparalleled hardness.

If the Beryllium Gold Source Star collided with a star, it would definitely create a huge crater in the star.

The Beryllium Gold Source Star gave the Devouring Gold Beast Emperor an incredibly powerful body, and the Beryllium Gold essence inside provided it with strong soul defense.

Lin Muyu felt at a loss for a moment.

This guy was not just a hedgehog but a solid steel ball, unbreakable and indestructible.

Besides this massive Beryllium Gold Source Star, there were two smaller Beryllium Gold Stars.

These were also occupied by Devouring Gold Beasts and had become their bodies.

These two stars, each with a diameter of about 1,000 kilometers, were like footballs compared to the Beryllium Gold Source Star.

Lin Muyu realized that they had been planning for a long time, and three Devouring Gold Beasts had successfully gained intelligence and new bodies.

Seeing them, Lin Muyu also understood why there were so few Devouring Gold Beast Kings along the way.

Most of the Devouring Gold Beast Kings had likely failed in their transformation, with only a few succeeding.

As for the other Devouring Gold Beasts, Lin Muyu didn't take them seriously.

As long as he could deal with these three big ones, the other Devouring Gold Beasts would be easy to handle.

If he couldn't deal with these three, killing all the other Devouring Gold Beasts would be meaningless.

Lin Muyu pondered deeply, trying to find a way to deal with them.

But he couldn't come up with a good solution for the moment.

"It's you who ruined my plan!"

The metallic soul voice was deafening, the friction sound extremely harsh, making even the soul frown.

Lin Muyu sighed lightly, "No choice, you were just born at the wrong time."

The blue light vibrated like ocean waves, surging violently.

The Devouring Gold Beast Emperor's voice became even more piercing, filled with strong aversion, "You humans are always annoying."

Lin Muyu guessed that when the Devouring Gold Beast Emperor was born, it killed a third-rank God King, who was likely from a hostile race to humans.

So the Devouring Gold Beast Emperor inherited part of its consciousness and also hated humans.

Lin Muyu sneered, "You sealed off the entire area, trying to create a new race, but you should know that's impossible."

"In this area, due to special laws, if it were outside, any God Sovereign could destroy you in minutes."

"Even if you successfully create a race, will you guard this place forever? Guard this cage with a diameter of only 0.01 light-years?"

The Devouring Gold Beast Emperor laughed, "You don't understand! But you're right about one thing, this area is sealed by me, and no one can escape, including you!"

The blue light vibrated violently again, and Lin Muyu's expression changed slightly, knowing the opponent was about to act.

Sensing the movement, the Golden Eagle God King retreated quickly.

But the blue light moved faster, instantly enveloping him and the Golden Eagle God King.

At the same time, a huge suction force from the Beryllium Gold Source Star tried to pull Lin Muyu over.

"Gravity law?"

Lin Muyu paused slightly, and his law domain expanded to counter the gravity law.

The gravity law was strong, between the second and first tiers of laws.

It was a fundamental force in the great world, with almost all matter having gravity, the greater the mass, the stronger the gravity.

The Beryllium Gold Source Star in front of him had an extremely terrifying mass, and with the gravity law, it became even stronger.

"Even harder to deal with!"

Lin Muyu countered the gravity law with his law domain, ordering the Golden Eagle God King to retreat quickly.

Two Beryllium Gold Stars flew over from the left and right.

Without any technique, they just charged straight at Lin Muyu.

A simple attack, yet extremely terrifying.

Even a God King would be severely injured or killed if hit.

Under the interference of the gravity law, Lin Muyu's retreat was very slow.

The two Beryllium Gold Stars, unaffected by the gravity law, charged at high speed.

Lin Muyu was unafraid, knowing pure physical attacks couldn't harm him.

"If you want to pull, then let you pull!"

Lin Muyu suddenly retracted his law domain, allowing the gravity law to pull him over.

He not only stopped resisting but also ordered the Golden Eagle God King to accelerate towards the Beryllium Gold Source Star.

Passing right between the two Beryllium Gold Stars.

There were over 50,000 Devouring Gold Beasts outside the Beryllium Gold Source Star.

Among them were elite members at the God King level and second-rank God King captains.

They immediately attacked Lin Muyu.

The Devouring Gold Beasts' attacks carried unique laws, both sharp with metal laws and poisonous. Lin Muyu's fingers glowed, and with a thought.

In the starry sky, countless Skeleton Generals appeared like raindrops.

This time, he went all out, with no one else around, he didn't need to hide anything.

Over 500,000 Skeleton Generals appeared in the starry sky.

Countless sword auras swept out, almost instantly crippling the Devouring Gold Beasts.

In just one round of attacks, at least ten thousand Devouring Gold Beasts died under the swords.


The Devouring Gold Beast Emperor roared angrily, these were his subordinates, and if they all died, he would waste a lot of time.

Lin Muyu heard his curses, knowing these Devouring Gold Beasts weren't just cannon fodder.

If they all died, he would be heartbroken and waste a lot of time.

So, the Skeleton Generals began to madly hunt the Devouring Gold Beasts.

Facing the overwhelmingly powerful Skeleton Generals, the Devouring Gold Beasts suffered heavy casualties.

Lin Muyu took out a Fixed Space Pearl, imprisoning the space, preventing the Devouring Gold Beasts from escaping.

The gravity law spread wildly, blue light falling on the Skeleton Generals, firmly holding them, preventing them from chasing the Devouring Gold Beasts.

Lin Muyu felt lighter, realizing that the more targets the gravity law affected, the weaker its effect.

Originally, the gravity on him was 100, but if it acted on 10 targets, it would be 99 on him, slightly less.

As the targets increased, the gravity continued to weaken.

"If you don't let me kill, I'll kill anyway!"

With a thought, another 500,000 Skeleton Generals appeared.

His limit was 3 million Skeleton Generals, and he had only summoned 1 million so far, with 2 million in reserve.

The newly appeared 500,000 Skeleton Generals began to hunt the Devouring Gold Beasts again, not letting any escape.

"Bastard, bastard!"

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

The Devouring Gold Beast Emperor screamed madly, blue light shooting from its body like swords towards Lin Muyu. Gravity turned into swords!