

**Chapter 1000: Time House, You Can't Say That!**

The Suzaku 98 star system had returned to peace, with all defensive measures lifted, indistinguishable from a peaceful day. Lin Moyu returned to the 98 star system, watching the God King-class warship disappear into the distance.

He knew that there should be many soldiers on the God King-class warship. However, he and these soldiers were in different spaces and would not meet each other.

In the human race, the hierarchy was equally strict.

Soldiers had their own world, different from that of ordinary people.

Even if one earned military merits and was promoted in rank, as long as they had not joined the army, they were not considered soldiers.

Lin Moyu understood military merits as the military's currency, which could be used to buy things that couldn't be bought with points.

Military rank was equivalent to level permissions; different ranks allowed the purchase of different items.

But no matter how high your rank or how many military merits you had, as long as you hadn't joined the army, your rank was useless.

Even if you became a general, without joining the army, you couldn't command a single soldier. This was fundamentally different from the small world.

In the small world, once you became a god general, your orders were absolute.

In contrast, the big world was much stricter.

The military was completely independent.

Lin Moyu currently knew that the human race had both the military and the War God Hall.

The military, represented by Domain Master Zhu Tian, controlled the world where humans lived daily.

The War God Hall, represented by Luo Qiankun, was more like a religion, representing the spiritual belief of the human race, lofty and mysterious.

The scene before him gradually darkened, and light replaced the darkness.

Lin Moyu passed through the dark starry sky and entered the bright stars.

The familiar scene appeared before him.

Star 98-1 was still bustling with people.

There was a clear separation yet integration between the living areas of ordinary people and those of cultivators.

Many cultivators would enter the living areas of ordinary people to relax and enjoy some delicacies.

Among ordinary people, some would go to the world of cultivators to interact and work with them. This world was beautiful and peaceful.

But Lin Moyu knew that countless human warriors were out there, shedding blood for this peace. Countless ancestors had paid the price in blood to achieve this peace.

Lin Moyu had come from the small world, experiencing storms rather than a nurturing environment.

His feelings were different from many in the big world.

"Brother Lin, you're back."

A loud voice rang in his ears.

Lin Moyu saw Ren Qiang, who seemed to have been waiting at the mission center.

He hadn't sent any messages, probably fearing it would disturb him.

But from Ren Qiang's actions, Lin Moyu felt a bit of warmth; he was a good friend.

Lin Moyu didn't have many friends, especially after entering the big world. Besides Gu Qingban, it seemed only this guy in front of him.

Ren Qiang looked Lin Moyu up and down, "Good, good, no missing arms or legs."

Lin Moyu laughed, "So what if I was missing an arm or leg? It's not like it can't be healed."

"That's different. The ones that grow back aren't the same as the ones you're born with," Ren Qiang said exaggeratedly.

Lin Moyu asked, "Were you waiting for me here?"

Ren Qiang replied, "What else? You went to the front line, and I was afraid you wouldn't come back, so I waited for a few days."

"How did you know I went to the front line?"

"I'm not stupid. How could I not guess something so simple?"

"Alright, alright, you're not stupid."

"Exactly. What are you planning to do next?"

Lin Moyu thought for a moment, "I plan to train a bit. I've been doing tasks too quickly. If I continue, I'll reach level four permissions."

According to Zhu Tian, permissions shouldn't be raised too quickly.

Wait until reaching the true god realm before raising permissions to level four.

Lin Moyu thought it made sense; he had been a bit impatient.

But time waits for no one, and improving strength isn't something that can be done overnight.

Strange stars aren't everywhere.

The nearest one was in the White Tiger star system.

He didn't know how many light-years away it was, and he wasn't qualified to go there yet.

Ren Qiang's eyes lit up, "You want to train? When the Human Emperor Network opens, you can go to the Human Emperor Training Ground."

Lin Moyu shook his head, "I don't need to go to the Human Emperor Training Ground; it doesn't have the laws I need."

Ren Qiang was slightly stunned, "Your laws are that rare? No problem, I'll take you to a good place."

"What place?"

"The Time House."

"Time House? What's that?"

"Come on, I'll explain on the way."

After Ren Qiang's explanation, Lin Moyu understood the function of the Time House.

In general, the Time House was similar to the Human Emperor Training Ground, both could accelerate time flow.

In the Time House for super gods, training for 10 days only took one day in the real world.

But it didn't have the Law Sea, so it couldn't help comprehend law stars.

Similarly, it was ten times cheaper than the Human Emperor Training Ground.

A room with ten times the time flow for super gods only cost 100 points per day.

Because it couldn't help comprehend laws, many people preferred the Law Sea, even though it was ten times more expensive.

The Law Sea's help in comprehending laws couldn't be compensated by a tenfold price difference.

But Lin Moyu was different; he didn't need to comprehend law stars, so the Law Sea was useless to him.

Thus, the Time House, which was ten times cheaper, was more suitable for Lin Moyu.

Ren Qiang said as they walked, "I didn't expect Brother Lin's laws to be so rare. It's said that the Law Sea already contains most of the world's laws..."

At this point, Ren Qiang suddenly paused, as if struck by lightning, and stammered, "Brother Lin, the laws you control, they aren't those second-tier strong laws, are they?"

"Only second-tier laws are hard to find in the Law Sea. Many second-tier laws can only be found in the Law Sea of the Central God City."

Lin Moyu shook his head, "No."

Ren Qiang sighed in relief, "Not second-tier, then it must be too rare."

Lin Moyu raised a finger, "It's first-tier."


Ren Qiang fell to the ground, prostrating himself, "Brother Lin, I surrender! Do you know that scaring people can be deadly?"

Lin Moyu pulled him up, "Didn't mean to scare you. It's just first-tier, nothing special."

Lin Moyu didn't want to hide it; his control of first-tier laws couldn't be concealed.

He had already been very high-profile, and soon others would know.

Especially with his performance on the battlefield, seen by countless demons.

His information had probably already reached other races.

Ren Qiang exclaimed, then quickly lowered his voice, "You can't say that! Who says first-tier laws are nothing? Saying that makes others feel hopeless!"