

Arcadia, world full of fantasy and destruction. Powerful foes and immortal beings. Millions of achievements waiting for our necromancer to grab. And unveiling the history you have never heard ..........................THE NECROKING.........................

Bobby007 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Beginning of the new era

" task completed

New Achievement unlocked : Overlord

Rewards: new troop class Assassin available

You are now the lord of the city


City was the total mess, thousands of corpses were scattered around the city. Bandits made 55% of the population of city from which only 40% corpses were qualified for summoning and other were smashed, crushed or sliced. City was brimming with lifeforce which was scattered around the city after Massacre.

As phoenix has introduced Magnus as messenger of god, the favourability of all races increased towards him which was also the task Reward. Demihumans recognised Magnus as their new lord whom they will follow until the death.

First of all, Magnus ordered his troops to gather the corpses and carry them outside of city for summoning. As for prisoners, Magnus made Ebina to take care of things that were needed for recuperation of the prisoners.

There were total of 48000 corpses which took few days for troops to gather and transport.

There were total of 5 different races who were imprisoned by bandits i.e elfs, dwarfs, wolfkin ,rabbitkin and lizardfolks.

The five races have different features of their own. Dwarfs were given with the task of rebuilding the city, as they were excellent engineers. Wolfkin and rabbitkin were given duty of hunting and gathering the food with the company of dead army. Lizardfolks is the race of giant lizards with sturdy bodies so the task of physical labour was given to them. As for elfs they were given the duty of guarding the city due to their ranger abilities.

Every race chose their own representative who will serve under the direct order of the city lord. The governing system was like this, representatives would be head of their races and will suggest the measures for the betterment of city and the reports on the tasks given to them.

The first demand of Magnus was to build an temple for the great spirit, phoenix in which the sacred flame can be placed and worshipped to thank the phoenix for his great help.

Secondly the layout of city, Magnus wasn't an professional in governing so he left this task to the professionals in the field he would just give out orders and manpower for the tasks and the blueprints or materials gathering were done by the respective representative.

The power balance was absolute, noone can revolt Magnus because their miserable lives were coming back to the tracks due to Magnus.

Leaving most of the work to the representatives, Magnus left for the grand summoning.

A total of 48000 corpses covered the huge grassland near the city, monster were being attracted due to smell of flesh and blood of bandits which made the hunting easy. As for the summoning, Magnus forbade everyone in the city from going out as he was being cautious of devouring process which can consume out lifeforce even from living.

As summoning began instead of single large void, several medium voids were formed and one by one troops were coming out of them.

As for the Assassin troops , they had slender bodies which was suitable for agile movements and for stealth. Due to the increase of dead forces the workload on people decreased by several times.

While others were spending their whole day in making the city suitable for living. Magnus was spending his days, appraising the tressure and commodities of the city. Since Bortos city was famous for its black market, Magnus found many documents preserving the deals with people of high status .

Most deals were on slave trading and magic tools. Since humans weren't much proficient in magic as elfs they use an medium through which they can manipulate the mana according to their will.

In the tressures, Magnus found many magic books whose languages were unknown to him because they were written in ancient language hence He gave those to the representatives for deciphering.

The southern side of city with huge towers, were filled with human slaves, most of them were war prisoners. Some were already dead and those who were alive was immediately treated.

Since the knowledge of present world was unknown to Magnus, he will get it from them.

The area around the city was full of monsters and resources, so Magnus took the initiative of cleaning and conquering the resources in the area. A massive monster extermination took place about 20,000 troops massacred the monsters around the areas of the city which covered about 65 km. The wolfkin who were natural hunters were given the task for processing the meat and valuable materials.

A month passed since the raid, the city was reborn. Everyone was cheerfully working on their tasks.

A group of men far from the city were inspecting the city, they were none other than the spies sent by human higher ups. Since the city stopped supplying the goods to the clients, they were suspicious of Hugo for frauding.

But they were shocked on seeing that demihumans had conquered the city. This left a rotten taste in their mouths as they treat demihumans as inferiors or slaves.

"what the hell happened to this place?"

"this isn't the work of these slaves, there must be some powerful figure hiding in the city"

"what are those black things? "

"looks like some kind of army"

"immediately send the messenger this isn't a small issue, maybe demihumans had finally decided to make the last stand".

As the conversation continued, a spy left to gather some water. A river was close to their location, the surroundings were calm and quiet which made spy lower his guard, just as he bent to gather some water, a dagger was thrown towards him from shadows. Spy immediately grasped the situation and dodged it.

After dodging he immediately sent signal to his teammates to be on guard. As he was searching for the enemies, a figure came out of water and took him into it .

As the signal reached the other spies, they immediately decided to retreat but it was too late, they were being surrounded by Assassins of dead army. One by one, spies started to dissappear and everyone disappeared from the site.

Magnus who was enjoying his tea in the garden, knew about the whole situation and left

"looks like its time for meeting".