
NECRO-Driver Dawn

(WARNING: This story is heavily anime inspired. This story takes inspiration from other stories. I DO NOT take credit for any of their works, or ideas. This story is my own original work of art, but was created with both my ideas, and the inspiration from various anime, video games, and movies. The hope is that if you like my story, then perhaps you may give these other stories a chance as well. I edit my own story, so certain parts may change. As I continue to write, I will begin to notice more and more errors and inconsistencies. Please bare with me, as I am always trying to fix such errors. Thank you for your support) Our story takes place on the planet Sarina, where a major conflict is on the horizon. After overpopulating Earth, the humans had no choice but to move to another planet for extra living capacity. Because of the difference in gravity in the two planets, special living accommodations had to be made. This planet also had vast resources that could be used for technological advances. In addition, the effect of having less gravity made the humans able to think and do more. They began to advance in all sorts of weaponry, AI, and mental capacity. They began to think of endless possibilities, and if everything they knew was really what it seemed to be. With all of these advances, the human race looked to be more prosperous than ever. However, there is always bound to be some sort of conflict among humans. And that conflict came in the form of revolution. Tired from corrupt leaders using their power to make everyone but themselves poor, an uprising group called The Principality of Shirina, staged a violent coup. With promises to lead Sarina with peace, freedom, justice, and security, many followed their way. However, there were some, including the master of Shenrei Densetsu, Master Tazz, who would not stand idle for such a violent coup. When people began to speak out against them, they were violently executed. Believing his master to be dead, The Principality took in Shenrei, and turned him into a Shirinan. During this time, The Principality had done everything they could to stop anything related to the belief of the Sarlen, their only opposition. The Sarlen, a celestial race with a mix of human blood and pre human magic, powers come from the belief that they exist, thus they fade away if nobody is actively believing in them. With nobody left to oppose them, The Principality of Shirina (POS) have been able to rule freely with little opposition. With all of their power and resources, they plan to work on new weaponry and continue to spread their influence of power. With Shenrei as the commanding officer of her military, The “Mistress of Evil” Shirina, believes that she has nothing to worry about. The legend of the ”Violet Shock” has instilled fear into all of those who even dare oppose The Principality. Unbeknownst to them, Shenrei has deep hatred for the entire family, and seeks revenge for the “death” of his master. After hearing of a great power in Wabba City, Lady Shirina sends Shenrei and some soldiers to go on a reconnaissance mission. With Shenrei wanting to indulge in his own ambitions, however, he simply leaves. However, the soldiers become reckless, and do things their own way. Despite the efforts of four friends by the name of Jin, Khan, Sonjo, and Skia’, they are entirely powerless to save Sarina. The Sarlen, up to this point, have been gone for millennia. Ever since The Principality had taken over, their life essence had been constantly waning. With their power regained, the Sarlen look to defend those who had forgotten them. Led by C, Ja’Skaar and Baron Hampton, they have declared war on The Principality. The battle for the fate and future for all of Sarina, has officially begun.

MalcolmH25 · Action
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134 Chs

NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 17: The Pain of Betrayal

(Meanwhile in a plain and spaced area…)

Master Tazz: Here, this is it.

Khan: So this is the place huh? There doesn't seem to be anything alive out here besides plants.

Master Tazz: Exactly. Here, there's nothing but you and your thoughts. There's nothing here that can divert your attention, the perfect place to train.

(Play Dragon Ball Z: Budōkai Tenkaichi 3 ‒ "Menace" (Extended)

Khan: Alright, then there won't be any reason to hold back here. *Stands in fighting pose*

Master Tazz: You know Khan, I've seen what happens to those who are obsessed with power. Such lust for power won't get you anything but killed.

Khan: This coming from the person who's "unrivaled in martial arts"? That screams an obsession for power to me. Besides, being strong is all I care about right now.

Master Tazz: Surely you know the outcome of challenging me right?

Khan: I don't care, I'm tired of being weak.

Master Tazz: No matter how strong you are physically, that means nothing if you are weak minded.

Khan: Hmph, you're quite the wise guy.

Master Tazz: (He still doesn't get it…) Alright then, let's begin.

*Master Tazz stands in his fighting pose. The two of them stand for a few seconds, before Khan charges at Master Tazz.*

Master Tazz: Let me show you the power that let my martial arts be known as "unrivaled"!

*Khan unleashes an offensive flurry while chasing after Master Tazz and keeping him on the defensive.

Master Tazz: What's wrong Khan? You can do better than that! You looked better when you sparred with Jin! *He continues to either evade or catch Khan's punches*

Khan: (Man he's good. I can see why they said his martial arts is unrivaled. But I'll find a way to beat him, he's gotta have a weakness.)

Master Tazz: Alright, I've let you have your fun, now it's my turn. *Master Tazz unleashes his own offensive assault and Khan immediately gets on the defensive. He's able to block most of the blows, but they still inflict damage since he isn't able to fully block them.*

Khan: It seems you live up to your reputation after all.

Master Tazz: If you truly want to be strong, you'll find a way to best the unrivaled in combat. This is a true test on just how much your goals mean to you Khan. The time is now for you to prove to yourself just how much you want to become strong.

Khan: And I will find a way to best you. Are you ready now Master Tazz? With everything I've got, I will defeat you here and now!

Master Tazz: Come at me.

*The two continue to fight. Khan is determined to achieve strength and no longer feel weak. Master Tazz is a formidable opponent however, and it will take Khan a great deal of effort if he wishes to defeat him. Will Khan be able to defeat Master Tazz? Or will he continue to be weak?* (Meanwhile… stop playing the song.)

Jin: Hey so answer me this. How did you know that someone needed help?

Unknown voice: (Because my soul rests within the realm of evanescent, I am able to detect those whose presence is also fading.)

Jin: But why me? Surely someone else could do just as much, if not more to help this person than I could. What's so important about this person and my past that you needed my help?

Unknown voice: (I'm sorry, I cannot say. You're almost there though, you'll know the truth soon enough.)

*Jin continues walking until he stumbles across the abandoned building*

Jin: Is this it?

Unknown voice: (Yes, this is the place.)

Jin: What is this place?

Unknown voice: (This is the old, abandoned Radeon hospital. Publicly it was said to have been made to treat Principality soldiers.)

Jin: I imagine by that statement that's not what it was used for.

Unknown voice: (No. Instead, this place was used for their inhumane experimentation.)

Jin: Project VP.

Unknown voice: (Yes that's right. We should move quickly, this place isn't safe.)

Jin: Don't worry, I can take care of myself.

*Jin heads inside the old hospital and begins to look around*

Jin: Man, this place is in bad shape. It looks like they abandoned this way before the war broke out. Now where is this person that needs my help?

*Just then he hears the sound of a woman screaming. He rushes and follows the sound to the lower part of the building. He finds a young woman lying on the ground. She appears to be unaware of her surroundings. She's constantly screaming for someone to get away, while refusing to open her eyes. Her body is very cold, the amount of sweat she has isn't helping the fact that she's also trembling in fear.*

Jin: *Gasp* There! Hey, hey! Are you okay?

Mysterious woman: No no! Stay back! Get away from me! I've had enough of the people in this building!

Jin: What's wrong? What people?

Mysterious woman: I won't be subject to your inhumane experiments anymore!

Jin: What experiments?

*The woman continues to scream before suddenly going quiet.*

Jin: Huh? Hey. HEY! Open your eyes! *Checks her pulse* Good, she's still alive. She must've passed out from shock or something else. What could've happened to her? At any rate, it's clear to me that she needs some medical assistance. I'd better take her back to the Blitzwing.

*Jin locates the nearest exit of the hospital. He prepares to pick up the woman, when something catches his eye…*

Jin: Huh? What's this? *He notices a blinking light, and walks towards it.* A monitor? Strange, it looks like it's still on. Let's see if I can get it up and running again. *After a bit of tinkering, the monitor begins to power on.* There, that should do it.

*The monitor turns on and displays a woman on the screen.*

Automated voice: Welcome.

Jin: *Gasp* This woman feels so familiar. But how? I've never seen her in my life.

Automated voice: Place your hand on the sensory pad to your right.

Jin: Okay… *He feels his mind being connected to the monitor* What the? My head…

Automated voice: What is it that you desire to know?

Jin: I want to know about the Principality.

Automated voice: The Principality of Shirina: A long standing dominion that came into existence after the war of Sarina.

Jin: The war of Sarina? (This is crazy… Not sure how much this computer knows, but it's worth investigating.) Tell me everything.

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