
Nazarick’s Monster Summoner

With the birth of Neuro Nano-Interface tecnology, the era VRMMORPG has begun. Kaiba Corporation, a massive technological empire launched a new Duel Monsters game called “Shadow Realms”. A new VRMMORPG based on the popular Duel Monsters game. The Year is 2138, nearing the end of the “Pharaoh’s Dimension” event. In about 30 minutes the server is going to shutdown for maintenance, but a single player has yet to give up on his quest to obtain the Millennium Puzzle. **** This is a Yu-gi-oh/Overlord Fanfic. I do not own Yu-gi-oh or Overlord ****

Ricky_Stalker · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 9 — Adventure Party

As the guardians entered the room, the supreme one was waiting in a dignified pose, sitting of his throne.

— The floor guardians greet the Supreme one, we await your orders, Ainz-sama.

As Albedo kneeled, the other guardians followed behind her.

— Good work, in moments I will be revealing the next step of our plans.

The doors of the throne room opened, the maids were bowing as Yuhan made his way through the carpet.

— You have arrived Yuhan, show us the results of your work.

Without saying a word, a black portal appears right beside Yuhan, reaching inside, the boy seems to take a little box, with wooden frames, adorned with some gold and jewelry, images of swords adorned the box.

From inside he took out two cards, closing the box and dropping it back inside the portal, the collector sent the two cards flying from his hand, and as the cards touch the ground, a rain of light particles happen and two new figures appears.

— These are the avatars we will be using, I have prepared them to make sure we will blend with everyone else.

At that remark, Demiurge had a slight confused look and his face.

— What do you mean by that?

With a sight Yuhan started to explain.

— Ainz-san and Myself, will be going undercover to infiltrate human society, gathering information, and moving our plans foward.

Albedo was displeased, and standing up in a hurry she interrupted.

— Ainz-sama can't possibly agree to this foolish plan! We can gather all intel in his place, there is no need for him to do such a thing personally.

"If only she knew it was your idea, Ainz-san…"

"Hey! follow the plan we talked about!"

— Albedo, although I have faith in the capabilities of all my subjects, somethings I need to investigate personally.

At that time, as Ainz explained his reason, Yuhan continued his explanation.

— These two are empty bodies, Ainz-san and me will we possessing these two and controlling them remotely, we won't even need to leave our quarters while blending in.

Taking a few steps foward, taking another two cards from the shadow realm, two pair of glasses appeared in his hands, as he approached Ainz, giving him a pair of glasses.

This was the Omega Goggles, a player using this glasses can share vision with a monster of his choice, it's one of the most common artifacts in the Shadow Realms game.

Yuhan had modified the glasses with the use of the continuous spell Brain Control, which means when Ainz or him put in the glasses, they could control the movements of the possessed monsters and share their vision, it was essentially a VR system.

Both warriors summoned started to get up from the ground, they were seen to be moving and getting used to their bodies.

The first to move closer to the guardians was a tall man, with a strong physique, dress in steel armor with a greatsword behind his back, that was the Noble Knight Artorigus, the card possed by Ainz, with a dignified build, short blonde hair and green eyes.

— As Yuhan have said, we will be possessing these bodies and use them to infiltrate this world's society, as you can see, my real body will be in a state similar to sleep.

From the dignified tone, to his posture, the guardians imminently recognized their supreme leader, and bowed once again receiving his orders.

— Ainz-sama if I may, having only the collector as support is far too little, please allow us to accompany you!

Said Albedo, but to that Ainz raised his hand. He didn't want the guardians to leave Nazarick unattended, besides the whole point of using these bodies was Yuhan's idea for them to have some fun.

— I cannot alllow the guardians to be absent, Shalltear has already left with Sebas to gather information and useful supplies, if more guardians leave we will have a security problem.

As he said that, Yuhan seems to approach with a little smile on his face, he has taken over the form of the Noble Knight Drystan, with a lyre in his hand, long brown hair, dressed in a darker steel armor with a transparent cape on his back.

— But we could take one of the maids as a personal attendant, of course, the one we will be bringing should be able to blend in with us.

Fortress city E-Rantel, one of the bigger cities located quite far from the capital, it was a pleasant day, there was not a single cloud in the sky, business was booming, and the bartender was cleaning up another one of his mugs, waiting for the next order.

At this time the wooden door opens, three new figures entender the bar, dressed in fancy steel armor, two men and a woman, their dignified and beautiful appearance made them stand out from the crowd.

As the trio made way to the counter, the blonde man in the middle addressed the owner.

— A room? It's 5 bronze pieces a night for two rooms. The meals are 1 extra piece per person.

The sound of coins hitting the wooden table was heard.

— That is quite acceptable, please see us to our rooms.

Looking up, the owner could see a shining copper plate attached to the fur on the blonde's armor.

— You're a copper plate huh? This place is a bit too..

Cutting of before the owner could finish, the other man with a happier attitude interrupted.

— We just registered ourselves as adventurers at the guild!

Most of the people on the room seemed to laugh a bit at the strangers. The owner told us the way to our rooms, Ainz is going to share a room with Nabe and Yuhan will be alone.

As they were leaving, an adventurer cuts their way with his feet. A childish behavior, scoffing at it a little, Ainz makes his way foward, and is suddenly the bald man starts to make a scene.

— Hey! That hurt! What are you gonna do about it huh?!

Looking at babe, a creepy smile is seen on his face.

— Looks like my injuries need to be treated kindly by that woman there!

"Ainz-san, is this a cutscene? This can't be real life right? That guy talks like a stereotypical punk npc!"

Ainz can't control himself and starts to laugh, the man takes offense in that and looks displeased.

— You talk like a weakling punk, so I couldn't help but laugh!

As the man takes a step toward, Ainz grabs him by the collar and throws him across the room with a crashing sound.

— So? What are we going to do next?

At this moment, a girl screams in the room, and storms in their direction.

— Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you gonna do about that?

She pointed in the direction the punk Ainz just threw away had landed, the table was broken and something has been spilled on the ground.

— My potion just shattered because of your little fight, you better pay for it!

Looking at the girl, Ainz throws a look at Yuhan who pretends to not know him and just looks up whistling .

— You just broke the potion I just bought Today!

Looking at the punks, Ainz just gestured at them.

— Then why not have them compensate you for it?

With an incredulous look on her face, the girl knew low-lifes like them can't possibly have that kind of money.

— 1 gold and 10 silver pieces, you drunkards are always spending money, there is no way you have that kind of money right?

Looking at Ainz, she just inspected him up and down.

— You have some nice equipment, there is no way you don't have one or two potions with you,

Ainz was a little reluctant, as the redhead got closer and closer to him, Nabe was about to snap when Ainz suddenly gave in.

— Wait! Wait! All right here!

He said getting a red potion from his pocket and handing it to the girl.

As she inspected the flask, the red liquid stood out to her.

— We don't have anymore problems, right?

Nodding a little bit, as she answered in a low voice.

— Yes… for now.

While still holding the strange potion in hand, her eyes kept gazing at the strange trio as they made way to their quarters.

Hi everyone, it’s the end of the year so I’m extra busy, sorry but the chapters a gettin a bit slow on the release.

I promise that I’m not giving up, it’s just that I don’t find myself time to sit and write.

But I have already thought and planned the story waaay ahead, I got everything planned up until the founding of the Sorcery Kingdom.

Happy Holidays and see y’all later!!!

Ricky_Stalkercreators' thoughts