

In a world plagued by chaos and rebellion, a young genius, unaware of his origins, leads a major corporation in Aratsun Country. With extraordinary intelligence and formidable combat skills, he seeks to uncover the mystery behind his caretaker's death and the truth about himself. As revolution shakes Aratsun, he stands at the forefront, challenging the ruthless dictator who controls the country. In his struggle, he uncovers a profound secret about himself that could change everything. With the loyalty of his friends and the strength of his resolve, he fights for freedom and justice in a world filled with betrayal and injustice.

Pk_12 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Gecko vs crocodile

Early in the morning, Navies was already preparing for his second day of school. As usual, Balqis and Navies walked to the bus stop to catch their bus. Not wanting to draw attention at school, Navies opted for the bus as his mode of transport. However, when they arrived at the bus stop, they were shocked to find it closed. A notice indicated that the bus route had been discontinued the previous night at the request of the bus company management.

Balqis's face turned red with anger. How dare the bus company do this? With a powerful kick, Balqis shattered the glass wall of the bus stop like a skilled karate fighter. Her high heel broke in the process. Still fuming, she tried calling Mr. Kein to destroy the bus company for daring to make this change without prior notice. But Navies quickly grabbed her smartphone and hugged her to calm her down.

"If you lose your temper and can't stay calm, how will you protect me in the future?" Navies said softly.

Balqis cried, feeling guilty for disappointing Navies even a little. "Go home and change your shoes. I'll find my own way to school. Please have a bicycle brought for me; I'll ride a bike today."

Balqis hesitated, concerned about Navies riding alone without any protection. Navies smiled and released his hug, sensing that Balqis had calmed down. "Bring me the bike and change your high heels."

Balqis nodded. Navies ended up with a very expensive bike, even though he had requested a simple one to avoid attracting attention. Instead, Mr. Kein provided him with a Gocycle G4. "Haaahh, they never cease to amaze me," Navies muttered with a smile.

Navies rode his bike, looking like an ordinary student with his tall, sturdy build and cool backpack. He enjoyed the ride, experiencing a sense of freedom as he pedaled to school for the first time. Upon arriving at school, he was startled by a Mercedes that suddenly appeared in front of him, nearly hitting him. All the students at the gate witnessed the incident. It turned out to be Lily. She exited the car with her usual arrogant demeanor.

"Ahhh, who almost got hit by my car? Ahh, Navies, it's unusual to see you on a bike today. Did you miss the bus this morning?" Lily taunted with a sneer.

Navies just smiled, which only made Lily angrier because he didn't respond. She added, "Did you spend all your savings on that bike? I bet your parents sold themselves for it, didn't they?"

The mention of "parents" slightly ignited Navies's anger. Fortunately, Balqis arrived just in time at the school gate and placed a hand on Navies's shoulder, urging the students to disperse as school was about to start. Lily headed to her class with a still-annoyed expression.

Meanwhile, Rendra approached Navies before class to thank him for helping him the day before. He offered to treat Navies after school.

Navies entered his classroom. As usual, the lower-level students who entered Class A through merit had to serve the upper-level students, the children of officials. Many of the merit-based students bought food from the canteen, massaged Mada, and others cleaned Laura's nails and helped her with her hair. Navies had anticipated this scene from the previous day.

Navies took his seat and observed the surroundings. He noticed that some Class A students who weren't admitted through merit were sitting quietly, keeping to themselves. This made Navies more wary of these mysterious students compared to Mada and the other openly arrogant children of officials.

Suddenly, Mada approached Navies, handing him a stack of books and papers. "Hey Navies, you're the smart kid in this school, help me with my coursework: math, English, and German. I need it by tomorrow morning. I don't want that old geezer punishing me again. Got it? Or else, you know what'll happen."

Not wanting to complicate matters, Navies agreed. Today's school lessons were rather dull for Navies, as he had learned these topics by the age of seven, but he played along.

After school, Navies asked Balqis to go home first because his friend was taking him out. "I'll be back before evening prayer, and most importantly, withdraw all the guards. I don't want anyone following me," Navies instructed. Balqis nodded and went home.

Shortly after Balqis left, Rendra approached Navies, and they left together. Rendra took Navies to an internet cafe to play games. It was Navies's first time at such a place, and he felt awkward. Rendra noticed and asked, "You've never been here, have you?"

To avoid suspicion, Navies replied, "My parents prioritize spending money on daily necessities over things like this."

Rendra reassured him, "Don't worry, I'll treat you from now on," as he led Navies to sit and play games. Navies enjoyed the experience. In the first game, Navies adapted and lost to Rendra, but after that, Rendra kept losing. Rendra was astonished at how quickly Navies learned and adapted to the game. Navies explained that he just followed Rendra's instructions, smiling.

On their way home, Rendra mentioned that he lived with his mother. Although his father was still alive, he rarely came home due to his job as the head of research at a giant tech company. This made Rendra resent his father, considering him as good as dead.

As they passed a small alley, they saw a group of people on motorcycles seemingly targeting them. Rendra exclaimed, "Navies, it looks like you know them. Let's run." Navies followed as they ran quickly towards a park. Another group appeared in front of them, trapping them in the park. From a distance, a luxury Mercedes stopped, and it turned out to be Lily's people. Lily watched from afar with her binoculars.

Navies asked, "Rendra, are you good at fighting?" Rendra nodded and replied, "You can count on me."

"Good. Don't die," Navies responded.

The thugs attacked them. Rendra and Navies stood ready to face the assault. Four men attacked Rendra simultaneously. Rendra skillfully dodged, blocked with his left arm, and countered with a kick to the stomach of the attacker in front of him. One opponent fell, but the remaining three kept attacking.

Navies faced five opponents. He deftly evaded their punches. With a quick move, Navies leapt back, dodging a punch that almost hit him, then spun around and struck one of the attackers with his right elbow to the chin, causing him to stagger backward.

Rendra took down two more opponents with a combination of trained punches and kicks. However, one of his attackers managed to knock him to the ground. Rendra rolled and quickly got up, delivering a jaw-breaking punch to his assailant, making him collapse.

Navies continued to fight agilely. One opponent tried to attack him with a metal rod, but Navies swiftly caught his hand and twisted it, making his opponent fall and scream in pain. However, Navies had to face the remaining four attackers. They attacked simultaneously, forcing Navies to back off and find an opening to counterattack.

Seeing Navies in trouble, Rendra tried to help but was overwhelmed by three more attackers. Rendra fought valiantly using martial arts techniques he had learned but was still outnumbered. In a desperate moment, Rendra shouted, "Navies, watch out!"

Navies, while defending himself, saw Rendra fall after being struck with a baseball bat by one of the attackers. Seizing an opportunity, Navies used his strength to strike the attacker, making them retreat.

At that moment, a group of nearly 30 cyclists arrived, causing the fight to pause briefly. "What's going on here? Is there a gang fight?" asked a burly man with long hair and a few face tattoos.

One of Lily's henchmen suddenly attacked, "Who do you think you are?" With a swift kick, almost too fast to see, the henchman was thrown and knocked out. Without warning, the entire biker gang attacked and beat up Lily's henchmen, even destroying their motorcycles. Lily's men fled in panic. Lily's bodyguard urged her to get into the car and leave before the situation escalated. Annoyed, Lily got into the car.

The biker gang leader approached Navies, "Are you okay? My name's Mike. Sorry for the interference. One of my guys saw you being attacked and noticed a bike nearby, so we came to help. He thought you were one of us."

"Thanks, Mike," Navies replied. "How can I repay you?"

Mike laughed, "Nonsense.. no need for repayment. Just join our club, both of you. DBW (Dragon Bike W)." Mike showed the logo on his shirt.

"Alright, thanks for today," Navies said, standing up with Mike's help.

Back home, everyone was shocked to see Navies bruised and battered, with several contusions and a bleeding forehead. The sight enraged the staff, particularly Balqis, who was seething with anger. However, Balqis remembered Navies's earlier words and tried to restrain herself.

"I'm tired," Navies said. "I want to rest. Before school tomorrow morning, have Albert, the director of our investment and property management company, meet me. I think it's time to explain the meaning of 'gecko vs crocodile'."