
Necromancer Navi the Great

Through the dense green forest was Navi looking for the "shooting star" she saw a few minutes ago. She came to a halt when she reached the place where she saw the "star" fall. She looked around the thick leaves lining the forest floor and around the tall oaks. Then she saw it the glowing white star slightly behind a tree. "There it is!" Navi rang as she ran towards it. the closer she got the more she realized it wasn't a star. "What is it?" she asked herself about to go around the tree protecting her from whatever was on the otherside. she took a deep breath and slowly made her way around the tree. Then she saw it, It was a girl around her age lying on the forest floor covered in dirt, she was tall, had long white hair, clearly fit, had a cute pixie nose, and had a stunning face. Trying to wake up the girl, but failing miserablly, Navi picked her up and started back to her house.