
Chapter 415

"Drio. I'll kill him." Tiny drops of ice like pearls rolled down my cheeks.

Kobold unlocked the cuffs with a rusty chuckle. "What a fucking bam. Second girlfriend he's losing to a demon."

The instant the cuffs were off, my legs buckled out from under me and I hit the stone floor on my knees. The thwack was so loud that I was sure I broke something, but there was no pain.

That would come later.

Je nourris. Tu nourris. Elle nourrit. Feed. Feed. Feeeeeeed! My goblin was worse than a demented child on a sugar high.

Kobold scooped me up and portalled us into a sealed room.

Isabella and Drio were asleep on twin beds, hooked to IVs. Every inch of their exposed skin was covered in the shifting black mass. A faint sound of wind accompanied the shapes' movement. It was beautiful.


Just like me.

My inner demon clapped her hands at what was to come. One more taste of blood and she'd snap free and take over forever.

Kobold eyed Isabella. "Och, dessert."