
Chapter 182

If this kiss was my white flag, then I intended to draw out every second of my surrender.

I existed in pieces. The fall of his hair like silk through my fingers. The fit of our hips, our bodies aligned like puzzle pieces, all hard edges and rounded corners. The faint hint of bourbon I tasted on him.

I melted closer into him, my heart beating so hard the tremors rolled along my skin. Our kiss snaked through my veins, tingling the spaces between my toes, warming the jut of my elbows, and making the tips of my ears pulse.

"You're beautiful," he said, his lips trailing down my throat. A heightened prickling that pulled my already taut skin tighter.

"You're blindfolded." I arched up under his touch.

"It doesn't matter. I see you. Bella. Jamila. Sundari." He kissed his way across my collarbone. Kissed me like he was charting my landscape. "Guzal. Mei li in. Linda."