
Nature of the heart: treacherous

synopsis: Ryota and Ayumu are twin brothers. Ryota is an ordinary student in the second year of high school. It is as if the Creator isolated him. He was born with a weak body, a clear mind, and a gentle personality. He likes to make friends and take a step towards goodness, ignoring the negatives. Ayumu, his twin, was born the opposite of him. It was in the center of the circle. He wanted to pack her things and lend his book to his friend next door. Suddenly it rained so hard that the windows shook, amidst the noise made by the confused students inside the classroom. Suddenly, an angelic and heavy voice sounded directly into everyone's ears. At the same time, a one-sided magic circle appeared below everyone with strange writing. «the souls of the chosen one have been found» “Still...” Ryota's clear consciousness instantly became dark as the light of the magic circle radiated.

youngLuan · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 32: Mutual understanding

It appeared in successive pictures.

It was Ryota!

This was the slope from which the savage watched the scene.

This slope had many boulders and stones leaning on it, and there were even withered trunks.

Rocks were always falling from the top of this mountain, and this slope was a gathering place for them.

Ryota raised his palm and moved his thoughts towards his essence, "Masslessness." A hidden pressure appeared from within Ryota's fist.

The rocks were essenceless and controlling their mass using mana essence was like pumping a soul into a puppet.


The slope rumbled and shook as if an earthquake had struck it. "Release." Ryouta released the pressure from his hand through his thoughts and suddenly the rocks began to fall relentlessly down the slope.

the lake !

The lake monster was still incarnated in physical form.

Boom —

A vertical hole appeared like an artillery shell in the lake, creating a huge hole. All the rocks that started falling were thirty meters in size each.

"Repeat," a voice emerged from the depths of the lake and it began to disappear and change into its previous disguise to fool Ryota.

The situation was now unexpected for him, how could he calm down?

Boom, boom, boom.

Without giving him a chance, the lake's camouflage was broken by a rock that penetrated the depths and headed directly towards the bottom of the lake.

Many hands formed and began waving wildly in an attempt to reveal the perpetrator. Two bright red eyes were revealed from the head of the lake monster, and they were slightly faded.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaven" mouth opened like the jaw of a crocodile.

The surrounding trees were hacked and cut into pieces by sharp hands in the shape of spears.

The lake monster felt that the treacherous attack was no longer coming back, and it condensed into a human form and began to split into several bodies.

It was a camouflage!

The skill of the lake monster differed from the way Ryouta's ideas worked, there was a complete difference between camouflaging and replicating.

—Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Once again, a group of successive rocks fell like rain, making the lake monster's bodies disappear and begin to return towards the depths of its lair once again.

The tide of rocks did not stop and continued to fall. The waters of the lake became confused and began to leak into the forest.

The lake has been taken over by the huge amount of stones, it can no longer remain still and the waters in its dam have begun to lose its control and come out.

Watch Ryota from above and once again shoot a flock of huge rocks.

After several breaths.

From inside the lake, the color of the water has changed pitifully to gray due to the number of huge rocks that appear through it.

Between these rocks there was a red stone that was wriggling as if it was crawling to get out.

A third of the water was absorbed by it seeping into the forest, and half of it was dispersed.

Through Ryota's continuous attack on the lake, the lake monster had no time to divert or hide the whereabouts of his essence.

Great pressure is generated by every rock that falls into the lake, heading straight to its bottom.

Tak, tak, tak"

A voice was heard from within the forest, and a figure gradually began to appear, long curly hair, sluggish black eyes, a long but thin body.

Ryota went down after seeing the red core. This was his first spoil and he would not let it escape from his eyes.

'Hehe, I think the brute is watching me, don't you,' Ryouta thought, keeping his focus on the nucleus overlooking the waters of the lake.

Ryouta did not pay attention to his surroundings and advanced directly towards the red core on the surface of the lake. This core was shaped like a half moon.

'Hmm, is it the reflection?' Ryota understood the shape of the core. On this world, there is a moon in the middle of the night, and the shape of the moon is reflected from within the lake.

Ryota's clothes that the brute had lent him were wet, and the rocks had already reached the neck of the lake.

The previous camouflage in order to make himself unobtrusive, now he has become for real.' Ryouta thought and felt that this lake would not be beautiful under the moonlight.

This world is as naive as the previous one!

With a cold look, a little emotion appeared inside Ryouta's lifeless eyes, 'It's not enough, this light isn't enough, it's not even close.

— Swoosh

The air suddenly pierced, and the red core on the surface of the lake disappeared without a vibration.

Ryouta's knowing hand was still in the air, 'This speed....this brute.'

Ryouta's gaze gradually changed towards a natural expression as he always used, "Master, oh, were you watching me from afar, haha, you really scared me," Ryouta raised his two hands up and gave a surrendering look.

"Hehe, what are you saying, human, put this farce aside, and tell me frankly why you are hiding yourself," the savage said and narrowed his eyes on Ryouta's body.

Ryouta felt enormous pressure falling on his body, and he directly knelt down and did not try to resist.

He lowered his head submissively and there was no excitement in his eyes, 'What is resistance? I'm trying ! If the lives of both parties are not in the same boat, is everything worth resisting? ', Ryouta thought, his feelings lifeless.

He didn't want to show this huge amount of emptiness to this world.

Measures such as resistance were not worth taking.

"O human, answer why you are not honest." The savage's tone became like an executioner who seizes his prey before killing it.

Ryouta felt that the brute in front of him was more intense than in previous situations, 'What, I hide myself like this, if even at that time Azusa said that I am very afraid, is this how I show up?'

At some point, Ryōta had already become attached to the surface of the lake. Had it not been for the rapid operation of his thoughts, he would have already been penetrated.

Silence filled the place, and finally Ryota's voice appeared: "Sir, I know that you are aware of me, and I already see that you are not just an ordinary half-beast, and I know that you are aware of what I am doing behind you."

Ryouta's tone was submissive, dull and calm. It was as if a huge weight had been placed on his chest.

But it was the other way around!

' His expression, the vibration of his mana essence, this human's concealment actually seemed to development Since I started his training,' the brute thought and couldn't help but evaluate Ryouta once again.

Ryouta has adapted to the mechanism of this world since he stayed under the tree for three months.

His progress was only suppressed by his low mana essence.

Now that he has met the monster and leveled up several times, Ryouta has truly become an all-rounder.

He turned his weakness and what he could do directly into skills.

The skill was not something my daughter would teach you. I mastered it. Experience was only derived through continuous practice.

Ryouta had a twisted nature, his personality was really deep and rarely showed.


It had been sealed since his middle school, and what he was using now was nothing but a mask upon a mask.

He can barely breathe in this world, 'He made you even now save me and train me only because of my acting skills, how am I going to reveal it myself?' ', Ryouta thought, giving his thoughts a cold month.

"Human, stand up. There is no longer any need to pressure you." The savage raised the pressure of his essence on Ryouta's and did not mind admitting what he was doing.


The savage's senses were at the peak of his race, as Ryouta had said previously. The savage knew Ryouta's intentions, and at the same time Ryouta was able to know his intentions.

Their relationship has gone from curiosity and caution, to manipulation and education, and is now gradually beginning to become balanced without imbalances.

Appreciation from all sides!

Previously, the savage considered humans only as a race to be slaughtered by other races, but now he found that Ryouta was an ordinary human without the golden essence of the original era.

This human was able to make him have an enjoyable time, and even his old memories that were pregnant gradually began to come to life.

On the other hand, I have. Ryouta understood the nature of the savage as a race that lived isolating itself from the outside world. It was known that it would end up in such a situation: forgotten, lost, lifeless.

Such people always have an arrogant nature, but there is another nature hidden within them that they are afraid to show.

It will make them feel as if they are being stripped naked, an unfamiliar feeling.

'This human, even if he is still ignorant about this world, he can still solve his difficulties without asking for help, such people to be human, it is a rare case even among my former race,' thought the brute and rose to measure Ryouta's growing size within his eyes.

'Even if his personality now is changed, his previous personality still affects his actions. Like this race, he has already lost his sense of self and identity.' Ryouta had also been measuring the savage and found that he did not possess the nature of a savage race.

He was more than a monster like a human!