
Nature of the heart: treacherous

synopsis: Ryota and Ayumu are twin brothers. Ryota is an ordinary student in the second year of high school. It is as if the Creator isolated him. He was born with a weak body, a clear mind, and a gentle personality. He likes to make friends and take a step towards goodness, ignoring the negatives. Ayumu, his twin, was born the opposite of him. It was in the center of the circle. He wanted to pack her things and lend his book to his friend next door. Suddenly it rained so hard that the windows shook, amidst the noise made by the confused students inside the classroom. Suddenly, an angelic and heavy voice sounded directly into everyone's ears. At the same time, a one-sided magic circle appeared below everyone with strange writing. «the souls of the chosen one have been found» “Still...” Ryota's clear consciousness instantly became dark as the light of the magic circle radiated.

youngLuan · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 21: The truth about the tree’s shadow

After two weeks under the tree.

The wind blew wildly in all directions. The winds extended over the golden desert and became a golden color through which the grains of sand shone. 'It's strange, yesterday there was no feeling of the wind coming. In fact, the temperature level of this place made me think that it was In the last corner of this world, more than that, it is... burning! ', Under the cover of green grass under the huge tree, there was a slight gap from which a faint black eye appeared.

"You humans, Ryouta, what are you complaining about? This is normal every year. It is the season of succession." From the trunk of the tree, a loud sound emerged like the tangling of branches, and it was not clear.

From the cover he gave Ryouta a thoughtful look, 'Chapter of succession', is it one of the chapters of this world, what a strange chapter,' Ryouta returned his gaze to watch outside.

At the 180 degree angle that he was watching, he saw a crazy battle of huge tornadoes colliding with each other, immediately after the collision they merged and became a supernatural skyscraper.

In another area, Ryouta could see several strange explosions occurring on these sands. 'Are these vortexes? How big would they be, just to explode from the impact?' Ryouta thought, and gradually his back became cold.

This process was repeated repeatedly on these sands.

"Azusa, are you sure we're okay here?" Ryouta spoke in a worried tone. He was sure Azusa could hear him.

He was sleeping on its roots, as he expected a response from beneath the grass.

"I have experienced this phenomenon for thousands of years, people. Just worry about yourself gradually more."

Ryouta listened to the words directly from his ear, 'Her voice seems a little unsure or is it my imagination, well why didn't you survive all yesterday because of practicing the use of mana?' Ryouta thought and did not write down his thoughts because of their worthlessness. At the beginning of learning to use mana he could already tell that he would be able to survive. Without the tree Azusa anymore.

'No, it's not the time to change. First, I have to make this tree teach me more. That will be an easy way to train... Okay, I'll sleep first.'

At the same time inside the tree trunk.

The place was completely black with darkness at every point.

But within this pitch black darkness there was a huge essence of mana. The aura it was emitting was green, yet its light was a little faint, 'This human, he has already been able to use and understand the essence of mana.' Within this huge essence, a naked female body shone inside.

It was Azusa, this tree, from the beginning she had been watching Ryouta and taking full advantage of his movements not to mention his superficial thoughts, 'I can only say that this human is interesting, and finally I might be able to revive my children.' Azusa turned her gaze back and it was no longer cold, it was her gaze. She was very affectionate as she saw several tubes extending behind her in the darkness.

These tubes were connected to Azusa's mana essence arteries.

What was clear was that these tubes were pathetic, they were empty of energy and even Azusa's essence veins were dull without shine. 'How much time has passed, will it be, is it possible to revive the bygone glory', Azusa thought and felt that the essence... Her shot began to consume quickly.

'I'll sleep now, I hope he finds out, until he's able to...', Azusa's thoughts were interrupted and she fell asleep.

After three weeks in this world.

'I finally stopped, hmm, what time, oh, it's three weeks, no, it's only three days.' A body as thin as a stick lifted the cover on it, and from the cover emerged two dark black eyes like the eyes of a dead fish.

Ryouta tried to lift his convulsing body. Her body swayed several times until it fell on the trunk, 'Ah, this tree... Oh, it's that tree, Azusa.' Ryouta tried to remember and sort out his thoughts, but it was heavy.

In these previous days, inside the hellish winds, Ryouta lived like an animal under a worn-out piece of cloth.

In these previous days, Ryouta was doing nothing but consuming his mental energy.

He was trying to study the essence of mana more, perform the casting process faster, become able to control his thoughts more, delve into his memory to remember the contents of all the items.

'Oh, I'm thirsty,' Ryouta looked at his palm and pressed a thought and combined it with the image in his imagination.


Immediately and smoothly, a lump of water appeared on his hand, Ryouta narrowed his tired eyes even more, now

The ball of water on his hand suddenly turned into a cup shape.

Ryota's eyes relaxed and became as they were. He lifted the shaped cup of water and drank it, 'This taste is worth it to go without water for a week.' Ryota drank the water and did not finish.

Every time he drinks the cup, the cup begins again with the same process, forming.

"Hee hee." With a slightly muffled laugh, Ryouta dropped the cup of water on his hand, cutting off the energy through it.

His body slid off the trunk and sat on the grass next to him. His body was automatically healing with his own mana essence. However, this healing would not help his mental state which had already become dire, 'This tree, that's right, it, it knows things about this world, hehe,' I don't need to strain my mind anymore, no, -', Ryota suddenly interrupted his thoughts and felt confused, 'I-Why did you suppress my thoughts?', Ryota looked back and looked at the tree trunk.

As if a mountain had fallen on his mind, Ryouta suddenly realized something, 'H-That's right,' Azusa, Azusa, where are you?

Where are you " ...



"Globe, globe, globe "

"Ah ah ah", with a sound of reckless swallowing, Ryouta drank cups of water from his palms, beads of sweat fell from the gray skin of his face, and his chest rose and fell several times frantically, 'Why why why you,' Ryouta thought noisily and several mutterings emerged from his mouth.

He was going around the tree calling for the tan of theUntil his throat became painful.

Why, is this what I ended up with...', Ryouta's thoughts slowly drifted away, his thick eyelids growing heavy as if he were in a state of hypnosis.

He was exhausted, he used several methods and practiced several techniques on mana essence.

However, it was temporary!

With such a result.

His energy source will only be consumed for temporary results.

Finally, the effect will double after a temporary rest.

Passionately, calmly, there were strands of grass wrapped around Ryouta's right hand.

'Hmm,' Ryouta looked to the side and vaguely could see the lower branches of the tree wrapping around his hands.

'This feeling is comfortable, is my energy being absorbed?' Ryota looked to the side and felt slight currents being sucked out of him.

In this way, he lifted the dangerous weight on his body and began to feel a little better.

"Huh." Suddenly, as if waking up from a dream, Ryouta freed his hand from the grip of the branches and brought it back towards him, "This tree is Azusa, she's not trying to help me." Ryouta looked at the scratches on his wrists.

It was clear that his hands had been slightly pierced so that he would not feel pain.

Making his energy expendable is not an option for him, even if it gives him relief due to it flowing through his body, it is only temporary.

Huh, Ryouta's ears gravitated towards a groan next to him, 'Is it the tree?' He placed his ear on the tree trunk, 'No it's not the tree.' Suddenly Ryouta's ears went somewhere else, 'Another groan, is he from here?' Ryouta stepped forward. .

After a few steps, he became certain that the previous two were coming from here. "Okay, I will try to inject some mana to sense it." Ryouta placed his palm on the hot sand and did not mind the damage it caused.

Ryouta's eyes adapted to a blue color, he had already sunk into the mana essence mechanism.

This sensing method has. Ryota discovered him a few days ago in this world, and she was what allowed him to know the changes that were occurring in his body.

This way, he can revive the scene with a few clues or secrets as if he were inside it!

'Here, deep threads, their energy is weak.' Ryouta closed his eyes and merged with the magical energy and formed it within his imagination to simulate the scene with his imagination.

It was like drowning in the sea, getting deeper into the scene. Closer in his imagination, Ryouta could see several faint tubes indistinctly within this sea. 'These energy tubes passing through them are weak.' Ryouta watched the energy tubes and tried to figure out where they extended to him.

Ryouta decided to delve deeper, 'H-this, what is this green thing, it's round in shape like an egg,' Ryouta's eyes widened as he imagined what he was seeing. In front of his eyes were thousands, no, millions of green spherical shapes like eggs.

Ryouta felt his heart heavy and cut off his connection with the awakening essence, there was no way he could go any further without knowing what would happen! .

Ha ha ha, Ryota breathed deeply and sat down with his left hand trembling slightly, 'Everything has become clear, trying to absorb my energy and the energy pipes no longer draw energy, the essence of mana... it is the essence of life!' 'Ryota seemed to sniffle as his back froze as if he were at the bottom of an ice core.

The picture has become clear to him!

'This tree is really or in some way, no it is a tree, it is not possible, are these eggs trees?' At this result, Rowetta no longer dared to be complacent.

His eyes turned several times to see the tree behind him, as if he had reached it for the first time.

Ryouta felt a heavy feeling of danger, those huge branches in the radiant sky became like the claws of a predatory beast.

I involuntarily underestimated the situation, 'The feeling of that rescue made me feel like I belonged, that coldness and lack of concern of hers made me relax my guard,' and now when Ryouta started to remember his conversations with the tree there suddenly came another realization.

'She made me know mana and showed me it, but she didn't explain to me how to use it. She didn't want me to be able to become a threat to her, and trying not to stay with her. She was trying not to consume her essence. This tree...dangerous!' ', Ryouta thought, already sweating up to his knees.

At the same time inside the tree consciousness.

There were two eyes that woke up, 'I had previously grown several deadly branches with my energy source, because of my continuous sleep I still had the essence to survive, these branches were only with the effect of distracting the mind nerves of this human and thus after he sleeps I will finally absorb his essence,' Azusa thought of her perfect plan, Creating deadly flowers was an easy task for a wise tree like her, but 'who would have thought that at the last moment this human would discover my intention? Not only that, but he would also know my only secret.' Such a change that did not keep pace with her steps, the tree felt that this human's luck was able to save him. .

If the tree tried to peer into Ryota's mind, of course it would not take this curve! .