

"ugh, I swear I'm not using stone again it feels horrible for your back" says the giant who just woke up. the man looks around and sees the two bodies of skin and bones "huh I guess they didn't know if you want to open this this damn coffin you gotta give your life force up but oh well their mistake" says the giant.

the man starts looking around again and realized that this isn't the same tomb he originally went to sleep in. "ugh" the man turns his head to the direction of the noise and sees the small girl waking up.

Amanda slowly opens her eyes to see she is still in the tomb she passed out in. " hey little girl why'd you have to go and pass out on me you know that is a ride thing to do to someone else asking for some help, my back still hurts, my Lord it's still *CRACK* AHHH cracking" says the giant 15 foot tall man looking down at her while stretching his back out.

Amanda back pedals quick to get away from the giant while looking for a way out and sees the entrance she and her now dead teammates made and tries to make a break for while throwing a bolt of lightning to the Giants face.

sadly for her the man just shrugs off grade 3 lightning and watcha her try to leave without answering his question and so he looks at the tiny entrance and waves his hand and thick vines about 4 feet in diameter close off the exit for the girl. " hey where are you goin you still haven't answered my question." says the giant. Amanda looks at him and says " why should I you killed my teammates how do I know you won't kill me." " well cause first off I didn't kill them the coffin did and second I'm not just a random killer I don't kill all Willy nilly I only kill when you humans start killing off all my children to further your stupidity to a apalling degree sooo I gotta do what nature do and that's to keep balance of order and chaos and also so y'all don't kill off my planet that's kept yours and other uncountable species alive in quite literally the middle of nowhere for eons called the Pandora quadrant and don't ask I didn't make the name the creator did you following me."

Amanda just looks at the giant slowly understanding what he just said and asked him " who on Pandora are you" the giant smiles with a shit eating grin and says " well child I am Oberon and I am the god of life and death or as you know called nature and the firstborn of the gods who helped shape the universe that you currently reside in " Amanda looks at him and says "WHO???"