
Nature's Child

Cian grew up surrounded by different beast. Cian loves his peaceful life and he wants it to be like this forever however, fate have different plans for him. Join Cian in his journey in unlocking his potential, finding the truth about himself and overcoming his fate with all of his beastly companion on a fantasy journey in the World of Neifhem. --------------------- The first 5 to 6 chapter is a prelogue. So if you want you can wait until i complete 12 chapters before the main story begin. (Don't Recommend it) I won't say much. I was new here and i appreciate any suggestion on the story. Of course i appreciate any gifts. Thank you

Vier_Ridao · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Child of the Wolves(1)

In the Primorial Continent

Outskirt of Kingdom of Sordate

Death Dragon Forest


A flashing image of a man can be seen flickering in the thick woods of the Death Dragon Forest.

A big-build man with a blonde hair and aquamarine eyes is wearing a armor adorned with expensive looking jewelry, a huge sword on his back was heavenly wounded and exhausted for running 4 hours straight without stopping.

He carries a child boy with a black hair and eyes sleeping soundly in the arms of the man and anyone who saw the baby will have an urge to protect it at all cost. The boy sleeps without a care in the world with a green crystal jade hanging on his neck glittering with a brilliant glow.

Panting, the man rest with a pained expression on his face leaning to the one of the thickest tree he found. With his unoccupied hand, he strech his hand on a small pouch on his waist taking out a bottle with a bluish liquid inside. Pouring half of the liquid on his wounds while drinking the other half.

Slowly his wounds are closing up easing the pain he felt. Glancing on the on the boy the is unaware of whats happening, a gentle smile appeared on the man's face.

" Don't worry, Young lord, we'll be there soon " the man inspecting the surrounding of any dangers that lurking by while altering those words.

The man flinched, turning his head on his right while tucking the boy close to his chest staring on a lush bushes around the tree. A crimson eyes glows along with a suffocating killing intent , surrounding the man and the boy.

The man frown and his expression turned stern sensing the killing intent in the surrounding. Drawing his sword on his back, a ink black great sword impossible glitter with light, ready to take away the life of those fools who stand on its way.

Just like a cue, a dozen or so blood red furred wolves surrounds the man baring their fangs saying that they are not to be underestimated.

With a low growl, the blood-red wolves, trying to intimidate their prey by showing their sharp fangs and claws.With a scoff,the man said "To think I, The Captain of the Golden Knight Garrett von Clovera, will be viewed as a prey by these lowly Blood wolves,Hahahaha!Interesting!".

" Come, Let's see who will be the prey and the predator!!" Garrett laugh as he swing his sword to the blood wolf closest to him. With a fast and accurate vertical swing, the poor blood wolf was cut in half by the giant sword without any resistant. The other blood wolf pounce together at Garrett with pure hatred and killing intent trying to avenge their companion that died with an unhonorary death.

Garrett as if it expect the wolves next move, twist his wrist and swing a 360° horizontal swing. Most of the wolves that pounce forward are cut in half by the huge swing of Garrett's sword while the fortunate ones are heavenly wounded struggling to stand up.

With a scoff, ready to finish those who survive the onslaught. Garrett raise his sword and swing downward to the on of the blood wolves that attacked him.

A sudden flash of light was going toward Garrett from his both side.

Sensing an imminent danger, he step backward and changing the trajectory of the swird to parry the upcoming attack. Garrett dodge the attack on his left side while he parry the attack on his right side. Because of the suprise attack, he received a a deep small wound on his right leg.

Feeling the wound on the his right leg, he took a 5 step backward looking at the attacker that took him off guard. There are two, 2 1/2 meter wolves with a deep blood red fur and a half a meter fangs. The wolves stared to Garrett with killing intent, baring their teeth and brandishing their claws.


Suddenly a long imposing howl can be heared and a 4 meter wolf with a deep blood red fur appeared majestically behind the 2 and a half meter wolves. The wolf unlike the other blood wolves have horn on its forehead with a lighter red color than its fur. The wolf glaced at the body of the blood wolves and stared at Garrett with a deadly glare filled with killing intent seaminglly knowing what happen.

'A Horned Crimson Wolf and two Great Blood wolves, it can't be?!Is the "Armageddon" really coming?' Garrett observing the three huge wolves that appeared out of nowhere.

Gripping his sword hard and glacing at the boy sleeping at the while ordeal, Garrett observed the wolves for any attack with a grim expression on his face. Seeing Garrett stance, the two great blood wolves are ready to pounced at the foolish man thinking of delaying death.

Feeling that the tension is increasing a sudden a voice speak out.


Starled by the voice, Garrett began having a confused expression on his face. Noticing the confused expression on the man's face, the voice speak again with a arrogant and dignified voice " Human, Why did you come to the teritorry of the Mighty Blood Wolf Clan".

Hearing the voice, Garrett understand where it came from " So it's true that a monster gain sentience after many evolution".

The wolves as if understanding the human's word growl seaminglly saying to watch his tone.

" Enough!!!" a thunderous roar came out of the horned crimson wolf stout. The Great Blood Wolves whimpered while staring with a deadly glare at the human blaming him for the wrath of their alpha to him. Garrett seeing the great blood wolves expression shows a mocking face to the wolves. Seeing the mockimg expression of the human towards them they let a small growl.

Sensing the tension, the Horned Crimson Wolf break the tension and said with a questioning and enraged tone"So what is your purpose human?Are you here to be an enemy of the Great Blood Wolf Clan?!"

Hearing the Horned Crimson Wolf arrogant tone, Garrett laughed "Hahahahaha!!,Enemy?Are you threatening me?You're asking for my purpose right? Are you qualified!?".

I am new here and I am not fluent in english. Please be linient about the critism and i appreciate if you leave a gift and support my book/s. Suggestion are always welcome thank you

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