
Naturals-The Heroes Of Dimensions

Naturals is a story about a group of teenagers and their life after they get SuperNatural Powers of Naturals Elements

Alight · Sci-fi
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100 Chs

Chapter 9 Electro Dragon


Zeko and Zeko2 Were Holding Dk With Whiplash

Zeko-Now Aiden and Aiden2

Aiden Fires The blaster at Dk and Aiden2 uses Fire Storm

Dk Takes both Zeko and Zeko2 and Uses them as a shield

Zeko and Zeko2 fainted


Aiden-Zeko is down and I need to protect them and I can't let them down, Flame loose control of me

Flame-You don't mean

Aiden-Yeah, I am using Boost

Flame-But are you ready

Aiden-Lets see it, I always wanted to be a hero but couldn't the only useful thing I did in the 1 year was Destroying the Meteor and After that I was nothing, I wanted to prove myself to others so I trained and this is the time I can prove that I am a Valuable Natural

Flame-Okay, Then here we go

Flames started coming out of Flame

A flame Aura surrounded Aiden

Aiden shouts out -BOOST!!!!!!!

Light-wow, Aiden unlocked Boost



Zeko-Good one Aiden

Aiden attacks Dk

Dk blocks Aiden Punch

Dk-so you unlocked Boost too, Good for you

Aiden-Yeah good for Me

Aiden uses Flame Roll

Aiden attack was successful

Dk-What the hell, Did his brain also get 10x better


Aiden-I call upon the Mighty flame to help me defeat Darkness Flame Blast

Dk was defeated

Dk-Shit I underestimated him

Dk-Dr Damino, Retreat

Dr. Damino-Help Dk, I can't move

Dk-I am sorry Dr. Damino

Dk escapes

Aiden calms down

Light-Good Job Aiden

Aiden-I finally caught up to you guys

Light-Yeah, You did

Rico2-Was it okay to let him go

Light-Yeah, We have him now

Light, Zeko, and Aiden comes to That Dimension base

Rico2 and Light start interrogating Dr. Damino

Rico2-Now talk you idiot looking person

Light gets scared

Rico2-You don't even know how to be a villain so why did you become a villain

Dr. Damino-I had some problems

Rico2-You had Problems, PROBLEMS!

, You are kidding so for your problems people should die, If you had problems you should kill yourself, nobody cares if you die and Light say something to him too

Light is still scared

Rico2-What happened?

Light-Oh it's just that the R-Rico I know doesn't talk to anybody like that so I am just scared watching you like this

Rico2-Oh sorry

Light-Now let me do it,Dr Damino You want to speak or need a I hour listening form Rico2

Rico2-Why am I being used here

Dr Damino-The Base is on the Mountains near the forest

Light-Thank you


Dr Fred-So you were defeated

Dk-I am sorry I underestimated Aiden

Dr Fred-And What about Dr Damino

Dk-He was captured by Light

Dr Fred-Damn he was weak

Dk-I know

Dr Fred-Okay,By now they definitely know our base

Dk-So now what

Dr Fred-I know,Dk listen carefully

Light-I will definitely bring back Rico and Lily

Zeko-Goof Luck

Light and Aiden are ready for their base

Rico2-Good luck getting you Rico and Lily back

Light-Yeah,See you all later

Light grabs Aiden uses his speed and reaches their base

When they reach there Rico and Lily were in an Oval and Dr Fred was on the ground

Dk-Uh,Light you are finally here I am sorry what I did after using my Boost Dark took control over my body,It was one of the consequences of using boost

Light-Wait,Lightning is he saying the truth

Lightning-Yeah,Dark power controls people when they boost and they are not hereos

Light-Okay,Then Rico and Lily are you okay

Rico-Yeah,where are we

Lily-Dont know but we are captured

Light-We are in a different dimension dk was being controled and became evil,we need to go back in our dimension,Dk can you take us back


Comes closer

Dk-I can but

Stabs Light in the heart


Dk-I will not


Dk-That was easy as hell did you really thought that weak Dk can regain control from me


Fells on the ground

Dr Fred-That was easy as hell he has alot of trust in his teammates

Dk-Now,Rico and Lily go back in that oval


Light-Where am I,Dont tell me in heaven

Lightning-Nope you are in my mind

Light-Oh shit,wait why am I here

Lightning-Remember being stabed by Dark and Dying

Light-Wait,I am dead

Lightning-Not quite yet,Tere someone who wants to talk to you I font know how



Light-Woh,What are you

Electro-I am Electro Dragon,The Dragon who was sealed away a long time ago but now i am unsealed just because I sense Dark Dragon nearby and I need to pay him back for something

Light-Okay so what

Electro-Lets make a deal,I will control your body for sometime and in return you can use me like you friend Dk did,So what do you say

Light-Umm,I accept but dont harm Dk

Electro-Yeah okay

Dark-Now Rico and Lily where were we

Everyone was defeated and Dark was now on full power

And when he was about o touch Rico


Light-I summon you Electro Dragon


Electro-Yo,Dark how are you today

Dark-No way,Electro Dragon

Electro-Now Die

Electro uses multiple Lightning punches to weak Dark

Dark-Why are you herr

Electro-I had a deal with Light

Electro-Now lete end this

Electro-Power of Mighty Electro Dragon

Eat this Dark

Dark fainted

Electro-Now,Light I am absorbing Dark's Power

Dark shouts loudly

Dk returns Dark's evil power was absorbed by Light and was suppresed by Electro Dragon

Dr Fred-No way

Milona-Master Dk,I beg you please leave him

Light comes back

Light-Yeah,Okay but we are taking him back to our dimension

Milona-Then I must come with you I sweared my life to Master Dk

Dr Fred was captured

They all returned to That Dimension's Naturals

Rico2-Oh you are back

Rico-Ugh you look just like me

Rico2-Umm she is definitely different from me

Light-Dr Fred is in your custody and we are taking Dk and Milona back as she doesn't leave Dk alone

Rico2-Okay,See you all again

Electro Opens Dimension door and they all went back

Zeko2-was he the same

Rico2-Yup he is the same as our Light was

Back in Naturals Dimension

Same night

Light went away from the Naturals with a note saying

"This is something I want you to all to stay out,Sorry"

End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki