
Naturals-The Heroes Of Dimensions

Naturals is a story about a group of teenagers and their life after they get SuperNatural Powers of Naturals Elements

Alight · Sci-fi
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100 Chs

Chapter 14 An Enemy Natural

The Next Morning

Light woke up and saw around him

Light saw everyone laying around base and the base was dirty

Light with a smile got on the Ground and charged electricity to wake everyone up

Zeko-Ouch,What the hell Light


Light-When I left who cleaned the base

Rico-If I remember,Jin

Light-Okay,Jin do you even know cleaning or not because there is still dirt

Jin still half-asleep

Jin-oh I just cleaned to see Rico every day

Light-Oh okay,so you were cleaning while looking at Rico

Jin woke up

Jin thought what he said and got scared he begged

Jin-I can do anything in that she is cute

Light-Okay,I would agree to that

Rico cheeks turn red

Light-Well there is still punishment for not cleaning well

Light Paralyzes Jin for a specific time limit

Jin-I cant move

Light-Yeah you are paralyzed for 2 hours

Jin-You are kidding


Zeko-So can we go back to sleep

Light-Well its 9 Am in the Morning


Dk-We messed up

Aiden-We are late for college

Light-Oh yeah you still go to college

Jin-Shit!,I cant move

Light-Well somebody's missing college

Jin-I dont go there,I am not from here well I have a date

Light-Well,sorry you are.missing that then


Lily-Okay we are going

Jane-I can give you a lift

Rico-What do you mean?

Jane-I have a car

Light-Okay,see you later then

Rico-See ya

Light gives a big smile to everyone

Everyone else sleeps again

Light cleaned the whole base in a minute

Everyone woke up

Flice-Where is Jane

Light-Oh Jane went to leave Rico,Aiden,Dk,Zeko,Jin to college

Milano-Dk is gone

Milano becomes sad and goes sit in a corner

Light-Well,he is going to come back

Milano-Yeah,but he left without giving me a kiss

Light-Oh,I am sorry

Milano-Did Rico give you a Kiss

Light-No,that's why I am sad too

Hime-Hey,Light where is Aiden

Light-He..went o college

Hime joins the group of sadness

Flice-Oh come on,it cant be that bad

Sam and Fazuka pass by

Sam-Hey Light we are going to train

Flice-Okay I know how it felt

Alarm goes of

Light-An enemy

Milano-Its coming of from space

Light-We have to go,Right now



Light-Zeko,Do you hear me

Zeko-Yeah,what happened

Light-something's coming from the space

Zeko-Okay got it,I will get the team

Light-I will send you the cordinates


Jane-I am back

Light-We have to go


Light-Someone is coming from the space


Light-You take these 4 and come to the cordinates I will reach the spot

Jane-got it

Light-oh yeah,Inform Sam and Fazuka

Jane-Got it

Light-See ya

Light uses super speed to reach the cordinates of the landing

A large explosion happens when it crash landed out of Romania

A person was coming out

???-I am here

Light-Who are you

Jazio-Who am I,I am Jazio And I have the Power to Control Tech

Light-Why are you here

Jazio-To warn you of a threat

Light-A threat?

Jazio-Yes,One of our teamates have been looking for Lighting to kill him

Light-Who is he?

Jazio-I can only tell the person controlling Lightning

Light-I am Light Yuzuki and I have the power to control Lightning

Lightning-That is correct

Tech-Oh thank god we found you

Lightning-Tech,is it him

Tech-Yes,its steel

Light-Steel,the 5th special Natural,why would he

Lightning-We had a Fight when I was alive

Light-for what

Lightning-See,I kicked steel out of Naturals for giving out information to Zarax so he wont harm us

Steel was angry as he thought I was Kicking him ou so I can stay with his girlfriend

Light-Uh,Girlfriend Problems

Lightning-So then he wanted to kill me but Zarax killed him first,I think his rage of that time affected the person who go the control over steel



Jazio-Ths worst about it,he is bringing a demon army with him

Light-What!?!,thats bad how much time before he gets here

Jazio-In Earth time abou 120 hours

Light-That's not long

On comms

Light-Everyone listin our enemy is coming here with a demon army in 120 hours to destroy this planet and to take revenge feom Lightning


Light-Its actually a stupid reason so ask your Stone about it



Jazio-Can I stay here as my ship Crash landed and I have nowhere to go


End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki