
Studying the mural (1)

All members of the Relic research/expedition group has arrived to their research base the Kodama Mansion belonging to Kirin-sensei.

Their researching is about to begin but first Kaneki is trying to contact Dagon.

Itsuki: he's taking his time huh?

Sachi: yeah, anyways we should start researching now.

Keiko: alright then! Itsuki lets go!

Yuuka: where are you two going?

Itsuki: we were instructed by Kaneki to get wild Higanbana flowers he said they're necessary when we find the place where the Crown is in.

Ryueki: that's stupid.

Kaneki: alright, I know the location now. Itsuki! Keiko!

Itsuki & Keiko: yes!

Kaneki: go get the 25 Higanbana flowers.

Itsuki: sure.

Keiko: yes boss.

Kaneki: the exit is that bush over there.

He pointed at a bush.

Itsuki & Keiko: bye!

Itsuki and Keiko left.

Kaneki: anyways i need someone to go with me to the murals, Sachi?

Sachi: no thanks, I'm going to read this book.

Kaneki: okay... Chi-chan?

Chi-chan: sorry but I planned to read this book that has the information of a few Demon Knights in the past 100 years. And its written by Demon Knight Yūrei.

Kaneki: crap, Ita-

Ryueki: nope!

Kaneki: Seriously?! Sigh~

Natsuki: maybe me and Mirai-san can join you.

Ryueki: what?!

Yuuka: Huh?! Me?!

Kaneki: heh? Why the two of you? What is your use?

Natsuki: well it would be quicker and plus I have this book remember? There might be other secrets within it that might be connected to the mural. And also Mirai-san can take all the pictures since... You know.

Kaneki: that... Is logical, fine then.

Ryueki: wait! In that cas-

Kaneki: oh yeah, Itadori since you have nothing to do you should go home since you didn't bring what I requested.

Ryueki: I can just come with you guys then!

Kaneki: you can't.

Ryueki: why not?!

Kaneki: the new ability inherited from Kamakura.

Sachi: wait what?!

Kaneki: I'll explain that to you later, but anyways that ability is what he used when he arrived on "that" incident, which he calls darkness travel. But I can only transport myself and 2 others.

Ryueki: how is that-

Natsuki: Itadori-kun don't force Higanbana-kun you do know he hasn't really recovered completely after "that" so give him some slack.

Ryueki: tch! Mirai-san can you switch with me?

Ryueki wanted to make sure Natsuki isn't alone with his potential rival by replacing Yuuka but...

Yuuka: umm... Sorry but i want to see the mural so... Sorry i can't Itadori-kun.

Ryueki: !!!

Kaneki: well with that you should-

Ryueki: I'm going home.

After saying that Ryueki left.

Shino: what?!

Kaneki: what's with him?

Natsuki: don't bother, anyways should we get going?

Kaneki: yeah, hey Chi-chan.

Chikao: what is it?

Kaneki: can you watch these idiots? Make sure they don't do anything stupid?

Chikao: got it!

Kaneki: well then, time to go. Beast knight element: Darkness.

As he said that a shadow appeared and began to swallow Kaneki, Natsuki and Yuuka.

Yuuka: huh?! What's happening?!

Kaneki: don't panic.


Yuuka: Pweh! What was that smoke?!

Kaneki: we're here.

They arrived at a forest and someone was waiting for them.

Yuuka: Huuuh?!

Natsuki: wow... Hello there.

Dagon: hello there children.

And it was Dagon.

Dagon: follow me I'll show you kids where the Mural is.

Kaneki: alright, you two follow.

Natsuki & Yuuka: y-yeah sure.

They all began walking to the Mural.

But Kaneki has a little something in his mind.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Why is Yuuka here?! I'm so nervous! Natsuki why did you included Yuuka?!)

He was panicking in the inside due to Yuuka being with them.

Natsuki: hey Kaneki.

Kaneki: what?

Yuuka: hmm?

Natsuki: we should tell Yuu-chan our secret.

Kaneki: what?!