
Miku's request

After failing to make Kaneki hate Miku via tricking him, Millie started planning her next move in a storage unit at lunch break.

Millie: Dammit! it didn't work! I knew he was half demon but demon of sound?! This is seriously getting annoying! I guess I have tell her that.

After she thought of her plan, she began to prepare.

Meanwhile in the rooftop*

Natsuki: I seriously didn't expect that Millie-san would actually try to trick you by copying Miku's voice.

Kaneki: well she's getting more desperate, so we could use it to our advantage.

Chikao: but how exactly?

Kaneki: she'll get more reckless the more desperate she becomes, so it would be easier for us to get evidence.

Sachi: I still don't get it.

Chikao & Natsuki: same.

Kaneki: fine I'll tell you two, Miku volunteered to get evidence before she left home earlier.

All 3: Eh?!

The sudden news of Miku volunteering surprised the 3 girls so much they began asking more questions.

Sachi: Seriously?! She asked you?!

Chikao: she's actually going to face her?!

Natsuki: did she really asked you?!

Kaneki: yup although I was against it at first but she convinced me, so I'm going to trust her.

All 3: but how did she convinced you?!

Kaneki: well...


It was after we had breakfast, I was washing the dishes when Miku came close to me and made a sudden request.

Miku: Onii-chan I have something to ask you.

Kaneki: what is it?

I originally thought she was gonna ask me to walk to school with her, but her actual request surprised me.

You already know it.

Miku: I want to help gather evidence against Millie.

I was honestly surprised, I dropped the sponge that I was using and looked at her, and said.

Kaneki: No! Nuh uh! I don't want you getting hurt by her!

I was of course was really against it, considering last time she got involved with her, she came home crying so I was really worried.

But she looked at me in the eyes and said.

Miku: Onii-chan, I understand you don't want me to be hurt but, this is something I have to do.

Kaneki: B-But!

I was still worried but the next thing she said surprised me.

Miku: I want to move on from my late brother.

When she said that I was perplexed, I didn't understand what she meant.

Miku: you know how my biological father neglected me right?

Kaneki: yeah?

She began telling me some things.

Miku: well because of that a lot of things happened which led to my late brother's death, and he blamed me for it and I believed it and I blamed myself for so long.

I was honestly angry when I was hearing her saying she blamed herself for her late brother's death, but just then.

Miku: but I realized, my late brother was protecting me and the one who made me realize that was you.

Kaneki: huh?

I was honestly surprised when she told me I was sthe reason she realized that, I couldn't even speak.

Miku: I honestly couldn't move on from my late brother's death for many years, to the point I fell in love with Ryu-Onii-, I mean Itadori-kun just because he looked like my late brother.

Kaneki: is that a problem?

I thought it was natural for Miku to fall in love with someone just because they looked like someone she was really attached but.

Miku: of course it is!

She began yelling, I couldn't understand why she was acting that way but she stopped yelling and calmed down and began talking normally again.

Miku: even if he looks like him, he will never truly be the brother I lost, and If i continue to pursue him only because he looks like my late brother I would stay the same pathetic girl I was back then and what do you think my late brother would think?

When she asked me, I was hesitant but I gave my answer.

Kaneki: he would be worried or sad?

I thought my answer was wrong but.

Miku: correct, I don't want him to worry about me anymore, and I want to fall in love without fellings I had for my late brother interfering.

When she said that she looked at me at the eyes again and said.

Miku: and in order to do that, I must move on from him and how do you think I can do that?

I honestly don't know the answer.

Kaneki: I don't know.

But Miku did.

Miku: it's by facing my past and moving on from my late brother.

She had her answer but I asked.

Kaneki: and how do you plan on doing that?

Miku: well I think I should deal with my father first since he's pretty much the cause of it.

She determined to move on from the feelings she had for her late brother and she really wanted to do so, even if it means facing her biological father.

Even though I was worried, I was a bit proud to see my sister saying she wants to move on from the feelings she had for Hinata-Aniki.

I even bet Hinata-Aniki would've been proud as well, so as her brother I decided to support her.

Kaneki: fine then, if that's what you think then I'll accept, but don't make me worried okay?

I was still a bit worried but Miku answered with.

Miku: of course! I won't make you worry but I'll make you proud!

Flashback end*

Kaneki: and that's how she volunteered.

Chikao: I see, although I didn't know she still hasn't moved on from her brothers death.

Kaneki: well it's not that easy after all.

Chikao: I understand, I'm actually rooting for her now too I hope she actually moves on from her late brother.

Natsuki: and it's all thanks to Kaneki.

Kaneki: c'mon don't give me so much credit.

Sachi: I mean, you did listen to her problems when she was crying.

Chikao: you did also gave her hugs to calm her down.

Natsuki: you also supported her in her decision to move on.

Kaneki: it's normal for me to do those things, after all I am her Big brother.

All 3: and the best one too!

Kaneki: anyways, let's continue eating! We only have 30 minutes until W.S.S.D training!

All 3: let's eat!

And they all went back to eating.


Behind the door that was in the rooftop, she was listening.

Miku: hehe~ yeah, you really are the best Onii-chan.

Miku was overhearing their conversation, and she felt really happy when Kaneki said.

Miku: "I am her Big brother" that's right... Sigh~

After letting out a sigh she looked at a message in her phone.

"Hey Miku, let's have a little chat go to the storage unit in near the track field"

Miku: I'm coming... Millie.

She then started walking down stairs.

Miku's thoughts*

(Alright, one small step for me to moving on from my late brother and one small step to fixing my relationship with Onii-chan)

With determination, she headed straight to the storage unit.

(Time to get myself some evidence)

What will Miku and Millie do when they face each other? Will Millie hurt Miku? Or will Miku get more evidence and make Millie more desperate?