
lost treasure

The fishing competition had been going on for 2 hours and in those 2 hours they were talking about food then they decided to talk about their hobbies but when Shino asked Kaneki about his hobbies she got an answer she didn't expect.

Shino: dancing and singing?

Kaneki: nods*

Kaneki was shaking.

Shino: what's wrong? Why are you shaking?

Kaneki: huh? I'm not shaking.

Shino: yeah you are look at yourself.

Kaneki looked at himself.

Kaneki: oh haha, I really am shaking.

Shino: maybe we should not ta-

Kaneki: its alright we can still talk about it.

Shino: you sure?

Kaneki: yeah I'm fine with it.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(What saying? And why am I shaking?)

Shino: umm alright then...

Shino's thoughts*

(He's shaking he probably remembers the time we did practice for dancing and singing)

Shino: do you enjoy dancing and singing?

Kaneki: well yeah a-acutually i-i used to do those 2 with my f-friends b-back then.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Why am I talking about the past! Don't! Don't remind her!)

Shino: really? Did you enjoy it?

Kaneki: Y-Yeah i d-did, my childhood f-friend Sasachi always asked us to practice with her s-so i d-decided to practice on my own when I'm n-not doing a-anything.

Shino: really?!

Shino's thoughts*

(He never told us about this back then)

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Stop don't tell her that)

Kaneki: m-my reason for d-doing so is so i-i could be at the same level a-as them and so i wouldn't be left behind.

Shino: what?

Shino's thoughts*

(Left behind?)

Shino: what did you mean by that?

Kaneki: well those 4 unlike me have so much talent unlike me who doesn't have any.

Shino's thoughts*

(No you DO have talent)

Kaneki: and i honestly feel like they are way ahead me and I can't even get close to them. So i practiced on my own from time to time.

Shino: even singing?

Kaneki: yeah, i always felt like I was holding them back so i practiced on my own hidden.

Kaneki's thoughts*


Shino: did you have fun?

Kaneki: yeah, every time we practiced and when i practiced alone I had fun because it was fun. And because of that fun I was able to have a clear mind when practicing.

Shino: really?! Good!

Kaneki: yeah. It was so much fun.

Shino: what was the reason for you and your friends practicing?

Kaneki: well Sasachi wants to become friends with Kotori Ai-chan so in order to do so she wants to get her attention through dance's and song's, so me and the other 3 joined her to help her.

Shino: your friends sounds really nice.

Kaneki: yeah. They were my treasure.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Crap... Kill me please)

Shino: eh...EEHHH!!!!

Shino's thoughts*

( W-w-wait his treasure?! U-us?! Is that how he feels towards us?!... Wait... If he. Thought of us as his treasure he... Probably felt like his treasure was stolen...)

Shino felt flustered then guilty.

Shino: treasure huh? That feels nice i gu- Higanbana-kun? Are you crying?

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Seriously? Well i think I have control again so i might just lie to her so she wouldn't think I'm trying to make her feel guilty).

Kaneki: yeah I'm crying.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(... Sigh~ KILL ME!!!!)

Shino: I see, you miss them don't you?


Shino: Higanbana-kun?

Kaneki: sorry, its just its been a while since I last saw them so I feel completely lonely.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Why am I spilling the beans you dumbass body?!!!)

Shino: really?

Kaneki: yeah even though its been 3 months i forgotten the faces of Shita-chan, Miyu-chan and Miha-chan and i barely remember their voices.

Shino: really?

Kaneki: nods*

Shino: does it... Hurt?

Kaneki: tearing* yes... I'm afraid.

Shino: afraid?

Kaneki: I'm afraid that i might not see them again and I'm afraid that i might forget them... I don't want that.

In Kaneki's head*

(Pathetic why is my body being honest? It would be better if they forget me, don't make her remember you pathetic body if you do she might end up like "those two")

Kaneki heard a voice of a child in his head.

Kaneki: i think we should stop talking.

Shino: What! Why?

Kaneki: i might cause problems for y-

Shino: no you're not! What makes you say that?

Kaneki: did you not hear what everyone was talking about you behind your back?

Shino: huh?

Kaneki: some say your using me to get Itadori jealous and some even brought Mirai-san into this saying she's using me to eliminate you... I'm indirectly causing problems for both of you.

(There we go good job me now she will stop talking to us)

Shino: Higanbana-kun...

Shino's thoughts*

(What hall he was very composed earlier but now... That's right! I asked him about his hobby which led him to talk about our past that also made him remember his so called "pathetic self" I'm sorry.)

Kaneki: we should stop talking I don't really wanna cause trouble for anyone just like how I caused trouble for them.

Shino's thoughts*

(But I'm not gonna give up on you that easily and I can't stand seeing you hurt like this.)

Shino: so? Did you not enjoy talking with me earlier?

Kaneki:... I kinda did but its probably because you somewhat resemble my childhood friend Shita-chan.

Shino: I see... I guess we can be friends.

Kaneki: what's wrong with you? Did you not listen to what i said? The reason i only talk to you is because you probably resemble Shita-chan.

Shino: so? What's the problem with that?

Kaneki: but I'm causing problems for you and Mirai-san.

Shino: you're not!

Kaneki: !!!

Shino yelled which confused Kaneki.

Shino: you're not causing problems for us we're aware of what the others are saying about us.

Shino's thoughts*

(Yeah we're aware because of Natsuki)

Back when Shino and Miku were heading back to camp*

Miku: you know some of the girls and guys are talking about stuff like you using Onii-chan and Yuuka-Oneechan using Him to eliminate you.

Shino: really?!

Miku: yeah, so if He ever brings that up tell him you were aware.

Shino: i-i will!


Shino: don't think what others think about us me and Yuuka know each other very well not like everyone and you know that too right!

Kaneki: !!!

Shino: I'm aware you were watching us too right?

Kaneki:... Yeah I was because I was jealous.

(Why is my body still doing what it wants?!)

(Like hell I know! I don't understand me)

Kaneki: I was jealous because I wished I had someone really close to talk to.

Shino: then why don't we become friends?


Shino: c'mon.


Shino: no matter what we'll always be friends.

As she said that a memory that was sealed away came out.

"No matter what lets all be friends! No matter what!'

Kaneki: S-Shita-chan?

okay I might be tripping but i think I had a dream of making this chapter well the title at least

Gundestroyahcreators' thoughts