
Kaneki's Curry

After a while each duo of partners returned to camp.

From Keiko and Itsuki.

Itsuki & Keiko: hey! We're bacck!!

Shino: welcome back, Keiko-chan, Hayakawa-san.

Itsuki: So Kaneki did you and Tanaka-san di-

Kaneki: open your mouth again and I'll turn it red.

Itsuki: hehe~ sorry!

Kaneki: oh yeah Keiko I have to tell you something.

Keiko: eh? Me? What is it?




After saying that Kaneki just sat on a tree.

And after a while everyone got back.

Yuta: Sheesh! That was fun!

Amai: that was tiring.

All girls: that was a nice walk.

Yuuka: (i have to tell those 2).

Chikao: Hey Higanbana-kun! Did you and Tanaka-chan finished cooking?

Kaneki: yup and since some of you already brought some rice we can start eating.

Itsuki: Alright!!!

Kaneki: oh yeah by the way I'll do the dishes.

The girls were shocked again.

???: wait... you can wash the dishes?

Kaneki: yup, that's what I get for being left alone at home while my parents are out finding work back then, I had to take care of myself.

???: scary.

Kaneki: anyways, everyone theres enough for seconds if you want.

Natsuki decided to look at the curry.

Natsuki: amazing the curry smells really good.

Hearing those words Kaneki couldn't help but feel a bit of pride.

Kaneki: grin*

Natsuki: but isn't this a bit too much? I get there's enough for seconds but this is a bit too much.

The others did look as well.

???: yeah isn't this a bit too much?

???: I might get fat if I eat to many.

Kaneki: don't worry once you guys get your seconds Ku-kun and these 3 can eat the rest.

Ryueki didn't believe him.

Ryueki: c'mon man don't be joking it's impossible for insects to eat that much.

Kaneki: don't worry these guys ain't normal insects plus they are heavy eaters so they'll be fine trust me.

???: yeah sure.

Itsuki: hey Kaneki what curry is this?

Kaneki: Kaneki curry.

Chikao: so you named it after yourself?

Kaneki: yes and it has secret ingredients that only I know of and trust me this curry is good.

???: i doubt it.

After getting plates and their share of curry everyone was ready to eat.

Everyone: Time to eat.

Everyone took they're first bite of Kaneki curry.

???: what! This curry taste sweet and sour!

Amai: no silly! Its spicy and sour!

Itsuki: mine is sweet.

Keiko: same here.

Everyone had different reactions to the taste but the 3 girls were unfazed.

Shino: mmm, it's tasty.

Miku: Shino-Onee you cooked this too that's why it's good.

Shino: don't be silly Higanbana-kun did all the work.

Yuuka: mine taste like my moms curry.

As for Natsuki and Chikao.

Natsuki & Chikao: IT'S SO GOOOOD!!!!

They enjoyed the curry the most.

But Ryueki.

Ryueki: it taste like normal curry.

He wasn't impressed.

???: what are you talking about! Itadori-kun! It has a different taste for everyone.

Shino: yeah Ita-kun it taste different for everyone else.

Ryueki: mine taste like normal curry.

Natsuki: hey Higanbana-kun.

Kaneki was eating in silence until Natsuki called him.

Kaneki: what?

Natsuki: what did you put in your curry?

All the girls: yeah what did you put in it?

All the boys: seriously what's in it?

Kaneki: Sigh~ didn't I told you guys it's a secret? Well fine I used some secret herbs to constantly change the flavor depending on the temperature.

Natsuki: really?

Itsuki: seriously Kaneki! This curry is so good!

Kaneki:... thanks i guess.

???: can we have seconds?

Kaneki: go ahead.

Everyone enjoyed his curry so much that some got hot curry for seconds.

And after everyone got their fills Ku-kun and his friends started to eat.

Ku-kun: KUWAGATA!!

They began munching on the remaining curry.

Chomp* chomp* chomp*

and after eating their fills all the curry left was gone.

Ku-kun, Mo-chan, Yanma, Heike: Burp!*

Everyone: Scary!

Kaneki: hehe~ You 4 seem to enjoy it well thanks for eating my curry.

Itsuki & Keiko: hey we should be the ones thanking you for making such a great meal.

Everyone started to praise Kaneki for his cooking.

???: sorry for the things I said about you I didn't knew you were a good cook.

Kaneki: wait wha-?

Keita: seriously man teach us guys how to cook!


Yuuka: who would've thought you were good at cooking! (Me obviously)

Miku: that was really tasty curry.

Shino: maybe we should cook something like this for dinner what do you think Higanbana-kun?

Kaneki: I dunno you guys do what you want.

Natsuki: that was some great food Higanbana-kun.

Kaneki: thanks... I guess alright I'll be taking these. Spider legs!

Kaneki took the dirty plates and started walking.

Kaneki: I'll be back if you need me tell Ku-kun!

Chikao: Sure Kaneki-kun!

Ryueki was watching near a tree and had thought.

(Hey! Hey! Isn't he supposed to be a mod character? Well whatever he's not important but he got praised by Natsuki! I should be the one to be praised by her! Well whatever when I get the chance I'll get praised for saving everyone)

Kaneki in the other hand was walking to a river.

Kaneki: seriously what's with those people? Getting hyped up because of my cooking!

"Hikane-kun!, Kaneki!, Kaneki-kun!, Onii-chan!"


"Your cooking is the best!"

Kaneki:... I guess it's alright that they praise me for that. Smile*

Will Kaneki stay like this for the entire camping trip or will he start to change?