
National Beastmaster: Chronicles of Bai Zian

Bai Zian's odyssey through the epochs of national beasts was marked by an unparalleled advantage – resources, wealth, and connections bestowed by his esteemed Grandpa, one of the seven strongest individuals globally. A twist of destiny further favored him with the mythical talent [Eye of Apocalypse], granting him profound insights into the world's secrets. [Ding! Enlightenment obtained while studying the white-scaled fish's evolution!] [First Evolution Plan: Second evolution transforms into a red-eyed silver-striped fish (Gold Level)] [Second Evolution Plan: Three evolutions lead to a red-eyed golden fish (Diamond Level)] [And so on...] [Ninth Evolutionary Plan: Nine evolutions culminate in the divine form of a Nine-Day Kunpeng (God-Level)] In the realm of immortals, Bai Zian's journey unfolded with an inevitability that transcended defeat. The question wasn't how to win but rather, how could one possibly lose when destiny itself charted the course of his evolution? It is not my story it is an MTL. I am just (heavily) editing it and adding a couple of things here and there. You can read the MTL on MTLNation (National Beast: Awakening Mythical Talent at the Start)

ROFAWrl · Urban
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58 Chs

Eye of Apocalypse

Bai Zian remained oblivious to the external world, completely absorbed in sensing the transformations within himself.

With the surge of awakened energy, Bai Zian's beast-fighting talent underwent a profound mutation. He sensed that his ability to control and understand beasts had undergone a monumental change, reaching a level where nothing could escape his perception.

This newfound ability resembled his earlier [Intuition] talent but surpassed it in magnitude.

[Eye of Apocalypse (Intuition · Variation)]

Bai Zian comprehended the name of his mutated talent in this moment.

[Eye of Apocalypse]: A mythic-level mystery talent that encompasses three realms of knowledge—Heaven, Earth, and Self. Endowed with supernatural intuition and precognition, it enables the beholder to perceive the essence of Heaven and possess omniscient insight within a certain radius.

"Mythic level talent? What does that even mean?"

"And it's classified as a mystery. What kind of extraordinary talent is this? It's beyond imagination."

Bai Zian found himself speechless, overwhelmed by shock and confusion. The unfolding situation surpassed his wildest expectations.

Although Bai Zian was aware of mysterious talents among beast masters, the concept of a mythic level was entirely new to him.

As common knowledge dictated, there were nine levels for a beast master's talent: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS. SSS-level talent represented the pinnacle of beast mastery.

Bai Zian had never heard of a mythical level in beast-fighting talents, making this revelation all the more perplexing.

Could it be that beyond the SSS level, there existed an even higher echelon of beast-fighting talents? This left Bai Zian in a state of bewilderment.

What exactly is a mythical talent?

However, as he delved into the description of the [Eye of Apocalypse] talent, he recognized the extraordinary capabilities it bestowed upon him.

Bai Zian was content with this unexpected turn of events. Little did he anticipate such a bountiful outcome from his participation in the awakening ceremony.

After the successful mutation of his beast-fighting talent, Bai Zian gradually opened his eyes.

His fellow students, who partook in the awakening ceremony with him, had largely completed their awakenings. Joy radiated from those who successfully unlocked their talents, while a somber atmosphere surrounded those who fell short.

Bai Zian paid minimal attention to these expected scenes, focusing on his classmates' newfound entries.

[Powerful talents: D-level enhancement talents that slightly boost pets' abilities.]

[Speed ​​talent: C-level enhancement talent that slightly increases pets' speed.]

[Wind spirit talent: A-level elemental talent that utilizes the power of wind elements to enhance wind element pet skills.]


On the heads of all the students who successfully awakened their beast-fighting talents, entries emerged detailing their respective talents.

This sight momentarily stunned Bai Zian. However, he quickly discerned that this phenomenon was a direct consequence of his [Eye of Apocalypse] talent.

He began to grasp the distinction between the so-called knowledge of heaven and earth and his own enhanced perception.

According to the talent's description, it was challenging to conceal anything within a certain range from his heightened senses.

This capability bordered on the extraordinary—bestowing upon Bai Zian an almost omnipotent quality.

Although this might sound exaggerated, Bai Zian acknowledged that his [Eye of Apocalypse] talent had not reached the level of omnipotence. At most, it granted him omniscience within a specific range.

Regardless, the ability to discern everything within that designated radius was undeniably astonishing.

If employed judiciously, Bai Zian could benefit immensely from this talent.

Imagine a scenario where an adversary stood before him, and he chose not to make a move. The enemy's beast-fighting talent, along with the abilities carried by their beast, would be laid bare before Bai Zian. Understanding every facet of their strengths and weaknesses would significantly increase his chances of victory.

In light of these revelations, Bai Zian found himself astounded by the extraordinary potential of his mutant beast-fighting talent.

After a brief moment, Bai Zian regained composure.

However, due to the remarkable effects of the [Eye of Apocalypse] talent, Bai Zian felt a sense of novelty for days on end, consistently examining the beast-fighting talents of his classmates.

Bai Zian's classmates generally demonstrated awakened talents above the D rank, which was expected given their powerful beastmaster lineage.

Yet, Bai Zian was surprised to discover one or two A-level beast-fighting talents among his peers. A testament to the abundance of prodigies among the younger generation.

During this process, Bai Zian noticed his grandfather, Bai Jingchong, observing from a distance.

Momentarily stunned, Bai Zian quickly deduced the reason for Bai Jingchong's presence. The commotion caused by Bai Zian's transformation had alerted his concerned grandfather.

Even though Bai Jingchong might have wished to approach Bai Zian for clarification, the rules governing the examination room made it a challenging feat.

In response, Bai Zian offered a reassuring smile to Bai Jingchong, signaling that he was in good condition and nothing untoward had occurred.

Continuing his observations of his surroundings, Bai Zian was on the verge of concluding his scrutiny when his gaze inadvertently fell upon the projection of the Awakening God Stone in the sky.

A distinctive entry caught his attention.