
National Beastmaster: Chronicles of Bai Zian

Bai Zian's odyssey through the epochs of national beasts was marked by an unparalleled advantage – resources, wealth, and connections bestowed by his esteemed Grandpa, one of the seven strongest individuals globally. A twist of destiny further favored him with the mythical talent [Eye of Apocalypse], granting him profound insights into the world's secrets. [Ding! Enlightenment obtained while studying the white-scaled fish's evolution!] [First Evolution Plan: Second evolution transforms into a red-eyed silver-striped fish (Gold Level)] [Second Evolution Plan: Three evolutions lead to a red-eyed golden fish (Diamond Level)] [And so on...] [Ninth Evolutionary Plan: Nine evolutions culminate in the divine form of a Nine-Day Kunpeng (God-Level)] In the realm of immortals, Bai Zian's journey unfolded with an inevitability that transcended defeat. The question wasn't how to win but rather, how could one possibly lose when destiny itself charted the course of his evolution? It is not my story it is an MTL. I am just (heavily) editing it and adding a couple of things here and there. You can read the MTL on MTLNation (National Beast: Awakening Mythical Talent at the Start)

ROFAWrl · Urban
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58 Chs

Colliding Worlds

"Xiao An, is what you said true?" Bai Zian's expression changed as he heard Bai Zian's revelation about the potential collision of two worlds.

Bai Jingchong, upon hearing this shocking news, was visibly shaken. The recent discovery of space barrier fluctuations and the subsequent attack by the Demon Arachnid Cultists had already put them on edge. The idea of two worlds colliding added a new level of gravity to the situation.

"Really, that was the image I foresaw, the collision of the two worlds," Bai Zian affirmed, his words carrying weight due to his innate talent in beast fighting.

Bai Jingchong, though skeptical at first, couldn't dismiss Bai Zian's credibility. However, the implications of two worlds colliding were profound and potentially catastrophic.

"Grandpa, are you going to report this matter?" Bai Zian shifted the conversation to another crucial matter.

Bai Jingchong nodded, realizing the significance of reporting such a discovery to the Kyushu Federation. The fate of the entire Ten Thousand Spider Nest Secret World "May 27" and its residents was at stake.

"Grandpa, if you report it, don't say I found it, just say you found it," Bai Zian urged, revealing his intention to keep a low profile.

Understanding Bai Zian's concerns, Bai Jingchong agreed to keep his grandson's involvement discreet. "I see, don't worry."

In the following days, Bai Jingchong delved into the investigation of the world fusion diligently, understanding the magnitude of the situation.

Meanwhile, Bai Zian, contemplating his newfound knowledge, pondered the potential benefits and risks this revelation could bring to the Bai family. However, Bai Jingchong's urgency to investigate left little time for a detailed discussion.

"I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you in such a hurry," Bai Zian lamented as Bai Jingchong hurriedly left the City Lord's Mansion.

During these days, Bai Zian focused on training the white shadow giant fish and the mutant red-winged crow cubs. The latter, in particular, showed remarkable progress, displaying unwavering trust in Bai Zian's guidance.

"Dumb dumb~~ Boss, which skill should I practice next?" the mutant red-winged crow cub eagerly sought guidance from Bai Zian, embracing the rapid growth it experienced under his tutelage.

The following events unfolded around the mutant red-winged crow cub, as Bai Zian, aware of its potential, decided to reward it with the incomplete king-level crystal nucleus from the previous bet. This act, intended to motivate the crow cub, bore unexpected results.

"So, this is the scene in front of me," Bai Zian noted the creature's unwavering trust and progress.

The narrative shifted to Bai Zian's preparations for the absorption of the king-level crystal nucleus, revealing his intention to enhance the success rate of the mutant red-winged crow cub learning the core skill.

This led to a touching moment when Bai Zian generously offered the incomplete king-level crystal nucleus to the mutant red-winged crow cub, earning its deep respect and gratitude.

The story then explored Bai Zian's plan to use additional materials to facilitate the learning of the purple skill, "Fire in the Sky," by the mutant red-winged crow cub.

As the mutant red-winged crow cub absorbed the crystal nucleus, the narrative built anticipation regarding the potential success of acquiring the coveted purple skill.

Certainly! Here's an edited version with more dialogue included:

The mutant red-winged crow cubs displayed intriguing reactions, potentially indicating the successful absorption of the purple skill "Fire from the Sky." Despite the promising signs, Bai Zian harbored uncertainty about the mutant red-winged crow cub's success.

Determined to confirm the outcome, Bai Zian turned to his trusty tool—the [Eye of Apocalypse]. Activating it, he delved into the details of the situation.

[Eye of Apocalypse] Prompt:

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[Analyzing Mutant Red-Winged Crow Cubs]

[Current Status]:

- [Race]: Mutation · Red Winged Crow (Fire)

- [Boundary]: Seventh level of not entering the stream

- [Talent]: The sun is like fire (SS), the body of the fire spirit (S)

- [Qualification]: High-grade diamond (origin damaged)

- [Skills]: Flame of the Sun (Orange・Introduction), Body of Fire Spirit (Purple・Introduction), Flame Charge (Purple・Introduction), Gun Smoke Impact (Blue・Xiaocheng), Residual Red Burning Fire (Blue・Xiaocheng) , Outer Fire (Purple)

- [Introduction]: Mutant fire-type spirit beasts, favoring pure fire-type attributes. Potential for epic growth with proper source replenishment.

[Recent Development]:

- Successful absorption of the purple skill "Fire from the Sky."

[Current Skill Bar]:

- One orange skill.

- Three purple skills.

- Additional blue skills.


- Seventh-order realm.

- Anticipated progression to black iron level soon.

The [Eye of Apocalypse] confirmed Bai Zian's hopes. Flames on the skill bar validated the successful absorption of the purple skill, filling Bai Zian with joy.

Elated with the outcome, Bai Zian marveled at the mutant red-winged crow cub's impressive skill set. The cub boasted one orange skill, three purple skills, and additional blue skills—a remarkable display of talent, even surpassing the formidable White Shadow Giant Scale Fish.

Acknowledging the variance in starting points between the mutant red-winged crow cub and the White Shadow Giant Scale Fish, Bai Zian noted the cub's rapid progression into the seventh-order realm. Black iron level attainment seemed imminent.

Amidst the excitement, Bai Zian returned to his daily routine, continuing to train both the White Shadow Giant Scale Fish and the mutant red-winged crow cubs.