
National Beast Control: Touch SSS-level devil eggs at the beginning

The Era of Universal Beast Tamers. Jiang Fan unexpectedly travels back ten years into the past. Initially planning to use his knowledge from his previous life to amass wealth, he soon discovers that the world has undergone significant changes. Seventh-rank Beast Tamer Ma Huateng, along with his Emperor Penguin Beast, is striving to reach the eighth rank... Jack Ma, uninterested in money, discovered a gold mine with his Gold-Eating Ant King... Beast Trainer Cai Kunkun spent two and a half years hatching an egg, eventually producing a beast that can sing, dance, and play basketball, named "Chicken Gene"... Reborn with a skill enhancement system, Jiang Fan starts off with a demon egg possessing limitless growth potential, hatching an extraordinarily unique demon beast. [Ding, you have increased the vitality of your beast "Succubus." The beast "Succubus" won't be able to sleep tonight...] [Ding, you have increased the mental power of your beast "Succubus." With her enhanced mind, she will enter your dreams tonight to cause trouble...] [Ding, you have increased the racial value of your beast "Succubus." The beast "Succubus" has evolved into "Succubus Queen"...] This is a world of Beast Tamers. Witness how the ordinary Beast Tamer Jiang Fan rises step by step to the pinnacle of the world, ascending to the throne of the Beast Tamers!

ABYSSAL12 · Fantasy
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168 Chs

### Chapter 75 Extra One

In the afternoon, on the seats in the flower bed of Linhai Middle School.

 A young man was frantically picking up rice with chopsticks, while the girl sitting next to him had her hands folded in front of her chest, her pretty pink face with a trace of blush and anger.

 "Monitor, your rice tastes really good; but if you feed me personally, I will definitely eat better."

 After unscrewing the entire lunch box, Jiang Fan gave Chen Sisi a thumbs up.

 "Hum, don't even think about it. Go find your senior Song Yunxi."

 Jiang Fan's words were full of praise, but how could Chen Sisi be easily defeated by his sugar-coated bullets? She didn't even show Jiang Fan a look on her face, and stood up to leave.

 "Hey, squad leader, where are you going? We have to wait for Xu Zhiwei to get medicine!"

 "Hey, squad leader, did you accompany me to the school doctor's office? I'm dizzy again!"

 "Hey, squad leader, wait for me, I'll explain to you. It's about homework!"

 Jiang Fan followed Chen Sisi, but Chen Sisi didn't even turn his head.

 She is not a fool. From Jiang Fan's performance, she can infer various previous situations.

 Things like hypoglycemia and things like going back to class to get medicine, these are all lies.

 It was a trap set by the shameless Jiang Fan, Xiao Wei and Xu Zhiwei, and this trap had been set up as early as noon.

 At noon, Chen Sisi wondered why her deskmate Xiaowei suddenly mentioned hypoglycemia. Her feelings were foreshadowing the drama; but unknowingly, she acted out a good drama with these people.

 Chen Sisi felt that she was such a clown and so embarrassing; naturally she didn't want to talk to Jiang Fan.

 After returning to the classroom, Chen Sisi sat back in her seat; while Jiang Fan shamelessly drove Chen Sisi's deskmate Xiao Wei away and put his hot face on Chen Sisi's cold face.

 But this time Chen Sisi didn't get up and leave like she did in the morning.

 She allowed Jiang Fan to sit next to her, but did not speak to him.

 Of course this is only temporary.

 By the time school was about to end in the afternoon, Chen Sisi had already picked up the notebook where she recorded knowledge points and asked Jiang Fan questions.

 Chen Sisi: "What does Qi-Blood Resonance mean? What conditions are required to achieve it? What is its function?"

 "Qi-Blood Resonance refers to the method by which a beast master borrows the Qi and blood of the beast to temporarily enhance his own Qi and blood. It is

 related to the beast master or the beast master . The higher the intimacy (fitness) of the beast control egg, the greater the chance of successful resonance, and the greater the short-term energy and blood boost obtained

 . Get to know each other with the beast master..."

 Chen Sisi: "Who occupies the dominant position between the beast master and the beast master?"

 "Although there is a contractual relationship between the beast master and the beast master, their status is equal and they are companions. . There is no question of who is superior or inferior. If the beast master or the master is not satisfied with their companion, they can break the contract and abandon the companion. "

 ... The two whispered the answer and waited until school was over

 . , old man Liu appeared at the door of the class as usual. After all the students who took the ordinary college entrance examination were gone and only those who took the beast-controlling college entrance examination were left, the old man Liu Cai walked in with excitement and said: "Students, good news, good news!" "After our teacher's speech all afternoon A meeting was held to study, and now for students whose qi and blood values are close to 80, 90, 100..., the school will distribute different amounts of qi and blood potions that can improve the qi and blood values according to the situation.

 Now everyone is following me to test the health value and then receive the corresponding resources. "

 Old man Liu smiled and did not convey the bad news at the meeting.

 It was rare for the school leaders to be generous. Old man Liu did not want these children to have any psychological burden.

 "Oh, by the way, Jiang Fan, you don't need to test the blood value. Here we go; this is the Qi and Blood Pill given to you by Principal Zhou and Director Wang. It has a chance of increasing your Qi and Blood by 2 points. Take it and use it. "

 As everyone looked envious, Jiang Fan took the Qi and Blood Pill from the old man Liu's hand.

 "This Qi and Blood Pill is very valuable, worth three to four hundred thousand. You'd better take it now to avoid an accident. lost. "

 Old man Liu reminded Jiang Fan.

 He originally wanted to give it to Jiang Fan privately to avoid being noticed, but who knew that Principal Zhou and Director Wang actually spread the news to every class teacher, in the name of motivating students.

 This Old man Liu was a little annoyed.

 "Old Ban, I'm not in a hurry to use it now; let's keep it for now. "

 Jiang Fan kicked the small bottle containing Qi and Blood Pills in his pocket; raising Qi and blood was easy for him. Jiang Fan didn't care much about Qi and Blood Pills.

 "It's up to you." Old man Liu Yao He shook his head and said nothing more; anyway, the current social security was not bad, and the chance of accidents was small. It took a lot of time to test the vitality and blood levels, and Jiang Fan didn't need to do the test, so he

 just packed up and went home.

After walking out of the school gate, the calm ground suddenly trembled, almost knocking Jiang Fan to pieces.

 "Again? "

 This is the third time Jiang Fan has felt the ground shaking; it is precisely because of this that Jiang Fan did not go to Director Wang today to ask for a letter of introduction to buy a house.

 If this shaking continues, Jiang Fan will have to consider moving his family. How can I buy a house?

 The vibration was not severe, but it also caused pedestrians on the street to panic and run

 away. Some people hid in the open ground, and some people crossed the road regardless of the traffic lights. .

 Because of this, three cars rear-ended each other, and the scene was horrific.

 After looking at the three deformed cars, Jiang Fan couldn't help but shake his head, and then turned around and walked back home.

 However, at this moment, there was a rush. The sound of braking pierced the sky, causing everyone to scream.

 When Jiang Fan heard the sound, he guessed that another driver who had not stopped had rear-ended the previous cars, so he

 looked back as if he was watching the fun . He glanced at it.

 But it didn't matter. After seeing the situation behind him, Jiang Fan's hair stood up immediately.

 At this time, an out-of-control van was speeding towards him; the other party was probably not far away from him. The distance was less than two meters. At

 this distance, most people would be hit by the car without reacting, and would be killed or paralyzed.

 But Jiang Fan's health value reached 150 points, and his mental value was far beyond ordinary. Beast Controller.

 In the gap of 0.01 seconds, Jiang Fan's body cells suddenly mobilized, and he narrowly missed the speeding van.

 The van swayed and stopped beside Jiang Fan,

 his face covered with emotion . He was so angry that he walked up to ask for some mental compensation.

 But as soon as Jiang Fan took a step closer, the door of the van suddenly opened and seven

 or eight strong men rushed towards Jiang Fan with sticks in their hands.

Coming? ! "