
Nateaser: Reborn As My Love Interest

Nati aims for a simple life. He behaves strangely around people, struggles to make friends, and thinks of love as a foreign concept until he meets Alexandra. But he falls into the abyss. In another world, he wakes up as his love interest and attempts to live that simple life as a catgirl. Power struggles, betrayal, and medieval society make his life difficult, but he retains most of his memories and encounters the magic of this world. He faces all the new challenges head-on, but his adventures escalate into epic battles. While Nati stands at the center of the story, the friends and enemies he makes along the way also share their point of view. Orcs and beastmen, humans, and even gods contest the title to rule over the continent. Will they let Nati live the peaceful life he wanted? I appreciate all the feedback. Let me know what you like or hate about the story to help me improve it. Don’t forget to follow it and leave a review. I might edit my chapters after release, but it never affects the plot or the events, only the quality.

baandrews · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
144 Chs


"This feels amazing."

Fang seemed satisfied, but I couldn't complain either. Well, I expected no less. Gomel was a dwarf after all, he spent the last few days working in his shop, making our armor. As his guests, we also got a tour from him, and exploring the abandoned capital of Baran was quite an adventure.

"What do you think, Dio?" The wolfman asked. He was clad in chainmail, his shoulders reinforced with a light pauldron, and his joints, shins, and forearms protected by extra plating. "It's so easy to move in this... Yet it feels like it's firmly held together."

"So you won't lose it this time?" I laughed. He tried to check himself in the reflection on the water tank, turning left and right, he examined every angle. "Looks like a decent piece of armor so it would be a shame... Sir Gomel did not disappoint. I also got a nice buckler."

"Don't mention it, I had that for a while." The dwarf smiled. He looked satisfied as we brandished our new gear. "It was made for a noble's kid, but before I delivered it, the Gates shut down..."

"Are you sure we can have all these?" Fang asked in disbelief.

"We had a deal, and some fine meals..." He hollered, spanking his sprawling belly. "I'd love to meet this young wizard, the food he cooked was amazing. I couldn't get myself anything like this in a decade... Reminds me of the dishes I ate in the royal court."

"Funny you should mention, because he escorted a Nordhaben royalty when we met..." I noted. This time not even Fang complained about giving away secrets, busy with his set of armor. I got a chainmail too, it was ultra-light. "He's in Nateaser, a small village next to the old capital in Cranta Proper. I'm sure their chieftain would welcome you with open arms. A man of such talent..."

"Hmm, I'll have to consider that..." He pondered.

The gear he made us wasn't ornate, nor made large-scale battles either. If anything, they were simple, sturdy, and light, exactly what we needed, with well over a thousand miles ahead of us. It felt like I didn't even wear anything, but it was more than enough to protect me from smaller critters. If I were to encounter wolves now, I'd have better chances to survive. I was already a lot more confident, exploring the city.

That blue-haired devil broke my old buckler too. I wondered what she could do against the new one made of iron. It was barely heavier but much more sturdy, and to top it all off, I was gifted a dagger. I couldn't even hope for anything more, the others got some nice gear too.

"I'd encourage you to go there," I told the dwarf. "I bet their settlement will grow, and you will never run out of buyers. They had some sort of inventor with them, and a lot more going on."

"Oh, and they welcome humans too," Fang added. "She went back to Nordhaben, but I'd love to get a rematch with that paladin now."

"Damn, you said it." I laughed. "We didn't stand a chance against her, fighting tooth and nails. She was with the wizard who made the food."

"With these excellent swords, I could overpower her falchion." The beastmen slashed into the air. He got a pair of short blades from Gomel, complete with a round shield he could carry on his back. He couldn't be happier than this. "I would make her run for her money..."

"If she's well rested, she'd take on all three of us and still win, armor or not..." The ogre noted. I would have loved to disagree, but he was right. We all fought at a disadvantage, and without rest, but she never faltered. What was she up to now? "But I could protect us a little better now, thanks to you, Sir Blacksmith."

Bastion was out of luck, no chainmail would fit him. The arm guards had to be personally made too. He got a nice helmet though, and a heavy, reinforced shield. It was huge, he could stop a rushing bull with it, and as a bonus, he got a hefty cast-iron mace.

"Are you sure you don't want to raid that dungeon?" The dwarf asked jokingly. "You look like a group that could take on that thing."

"Not in a thousand years." Fang shook his head. He finally returned from the clouds. "That hellhound we saw the other day looked tough..."

"That was the pup of the dungeon's guard." Gomel combed his beard. "That beast does look tough, I was unlucky to see it a few times. But fortunately, she wouldn't leave the dungeon's entrance for long. It's nearly twice as large as the one you saw, and she has three heads."

"Yeah, screw that. Abyssal monsters are not for this world." I noted, double-checking my equipment. Everything seemed fine, and we were ready to continue our journey. The dwarf looked a bit distressed though.

"What say you, Sir Goblin? Could you escort me for one last scavenging run before you leave?" He asked a little reluctantly. While here, we went to loot the abandoned city once or twice a day. That's how he got by while he lived here too. "I lost my wagon and a few tools... The nearest place I could find replacements was on the other side of the dungeon... If you could come with me, I'd feel much safer."

"As long as you don't expect us to fight the Cerberus, I'm down." I nodded, looking at the others. They also didn't seem to mind. "What do you need exactly? It's easier if we know what to look out for..."

"Well, a carriage first and foremost, and some sort of animal that could pull it, but I have no illusions about that." He shook his head. "I could probably get the rest from my other shop, but it's quite far from here. I'd rather not walk alone there all the way."

"Hmm... Finding a horse here would be unlikely..." I pondered. "I bet they all ran away if someone was wasteful enough to leave one behind."

"There... There is something similar." He noted, seeming reluctant. It made me all the more curious. "There was a herd escaping the dungeon not long ago. I'm sure they're still nearby. They'd be useful."

"A herd? A herd of what?" I asked, suspicious.

"It's better if I show you..." The dwarf shrugged as he packed his belongings together. "I have no idea what they are called."

We were on our way soon. Fang in the front, scanning the streets, then Bastion, the dwarf, and me in the back. Baran's buildings still did not cease to amaze me. Even though I've wandered between them a lot for the last few days, trees and other plants would grow out from the most unexpected places, second-story windows, blocking entrances or breaking through the floor and roof tiles. I felt a strong analogy between them, and the situation on the continent after the Collapse.

The humans left most of the continent behind. Now it was up to the Lesser Races, to take over everything. They did it slowly, but steadily, tribes popped up in the middle of nowhere, many nomadic or chased around by monsters, or by the other tribes. It was pure chaos.

And the Demon Lord planned to bring order into all of this. I hoped he would do it peacefully, but I had no illusions. Once the roots and the branches become strong enough, they will shatter these majestic buildings. Once the Lesser Races could overwhelm their enemies...

"We should go around this block, the dungeon is on the other side." Gomel showed us the way. It pulled me back to the here and the now. I couldn't let myself be lost in thoughts here. "If the wind suddenly turns around, the hellhounds might catch our smell. I've seen a wagon about two blocks to the north from here. It's a big one though, it might be difficult to tow it back to the smithy... Sir Bastion, if you don't mind.."

"If a horse could pull it, I can too." The ogre claimed confidently.

We got there without running into monsters. The carriage was on the bigger side indeed, the dwarf could probably pack up his entire shop. Well, the parts, that weren't nailed down at least. The area was overrun by vegetation, but Fang cut a path for the cart, testing out his swords.

"This used to be the heart of the merchant district." The dwarf explained. "You'll find what's left of the Gates across that street. The area has been looted dry though, a year back we had a few more stubborn bastards holding on to their old possessions, but they left or died since..."

"It's odd that I've been working for the dwarves and never actually been here... They delivered all the goods I made here." I claimed in a fit of nostalgia. "It was a harsh life, but predictable. Safer in a sense. My master would often reward me for my work, and scold me if I made a mistake... My current master would execute me for any small failure."

"I knew it. You don't want to go back." Fang accused me. "Also, I thought we won't be talking about that... Or is it fine now?"

"I didn't say that. Either of them." I protested. My legs took me towards the Gates on their own. "You are the one who always accuses me of talking too much. It seems like Sir Gomel will be heading to Nateaser anyway, so there is no harm, if he knows who we are. And still, I plan to return to the Demon Lord, I'm just not in a hurry..."

"Hah, I knew it was odd the three of you traveling together, but that explains it." The dwarf hollered. He caught himself and lowered his voice. "Would you look at that? This is what I was talking about. It seems like the herd moved towards the Gates. Must be still emitting some mana."

"Herd?" I asked. Once I reached the edge of the main square, I spotted them too. Horses, but not quite. I had to hold myself back too, or I was about to yell quite loud... "Are those what I think they are?"

"Nightmares." Fang nodded, stepping behind the cover. "Creatures from the abyss... You wanted them to pull your wagon, Sir Gomel?"

"They almost look like they're on fire," I noted, taking in the sights. They were pitch black and gaunt, their mane flowed in orange. Really, like it was made of flames. It was a small herd if you could even call them that, two older animals and three colts, idling around on the square.

"That's what it looks like..." The beastman noted. "I can't be sure though, I haven't met anyone that gave a pat on their backs and lived to tell the tale. They instill fear into the hearts of adventurers."

"They do look scary..." I agreed. But then, we rode on wyverns earlier. They weren't exactly known for being friendly animals either. "Maybe we shouldn't judge a book by its cover though, your spirits might be able to communicate with them, Fang. You tamed worse beforehand."

"Beasts are one thing." The wolfman shook his head. He was already sweating and took a step back into cover. "Abyssal monsters are another..."