
CHAPTER 4 : Part 2

It's snowing.

The swirling white and the lush grass collide together. The shrubs and trees are stained with white. I enjoy everything about this kind of weather, even though it doesn't have any effect on me. It only snows in two parts of the earth, Liden clan, and my clan. Walking down the steps of the kingdom, I watch as everyone scatters away. My fangs come out and my lips curl up to a smile, letting them see it. It's hilarious watching them run for their lives. "Humans, so predictable." I laugh.

"Of course you'd find this situation funny." Someone says, from beside me. My face turns into a smirk, already knowing who it is.

"Scarface, I was hoping I seen you around." I look up at him and he only glares at me. "What's up? You wanna talk or something? Maybe tell me your name?"

He glares down at me. "Put your fangs back in." He commands. A sigh comes out of my mouth as my fangs go back into my mouth. "Stop scaring the people, it's bad enough there's a rebellion forming because of you."

My eyebrows raise. "How is that my fault? I didn't tell them to be afraid of me. They just are. And if they want to rebel," I shrug. "Then that's their problem, not mine. When they start plotting to kill me, then I'll just retaliate."

He scoffs. "Because that's the only way right?" He asks sarcastically.

My eyes roll to the back of my head. "Well if people were plotting against you, what would you do? Bake them some cookies?" He doesn't say anything. "Exactly. Stop trying to make me the bad guy, because it's only making you look stupid."

"Call me stupid again?" He says walking towards me.

I smirk at him. "Stupid."

He removes a sharp blade from his pocket. Taking the blade, he presses it to his second finger on his right hand. He moves the blade, making a big cut on his finger. Blood drips from it, as he only looks at me. Instantly, I feel a sharp pain erupt in my finger. When I look down at my right hand's second finger, it's not bleeding like Scarface. It's just bruised and hurts like hell.

I look back at Scarface and he's smirking, not even looking like he's in the slightest bit of pain. "Hurts doesn't it?"

"Why can't you feel the pain?" Is the only thing I ask.

His face returns back into a glare. "You don't need to know." He turns to walk away, but I quickly stop him, holding onto his risk. His skin is cold. Almost like the snow, but somewhat colder. Scarface eyes look from my hand on his risk and back to my eyes. "Get your filthy hands off me!" He says, sounding dangerous. I unwrap my hand from his risk and take a step back. "Take a shower, I'm sick of smelling that nasty odor coming from you."

I look at him strangely.

I didn't stink.

Did I?

"You smell like shit, yet you're talking about me." I resort.

"You know what?" Scarface pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'm not going to do this with you. You are beneath me, so there's no point in arguing with you. Stay out of my way and don't ever in your life touch me, you stupid girl."

My head tilts to the side. "I'm sorry, all I heard was blah, blah, and blah. Maybe you should speak more clearly sir."Before he can say anything else, I walk away not having a clue about where I'm going. My eyes scan around half of the outside of the kingdom. The humans did a good job in modeling the place. There are functioning roads, schools and the population is pretty decent.

The soldiers weren't local of course, some of them barely speak English. When the supernaturals came to earth, all the racial stuff stopped. The humans found it best that they joined forces to stop us supernaturals, rather than to continue having a war with one another. Of course, half of the human population didn't agree with fighting the supernaturals, so they joined my clan.

The hair on my back stands up as I watch a bird come in my line of vision. It's an eagle. A big eagle with pitch black eyes. I've been on earth far too long, so I already know what this means.

Someone is trying to get my attention.

I follow the bird and watch as every street lights flicker off and on, as I make it to an dark alley.

"I'm glad you followed the bird." A soft voice speaks, hidden in dark clothing. She removes the hoodie from her head, revealing herself to me.

"Odessa," I say in relief. Running towards her, I pull her into a hug. She hugs me back, causing me to smile. "What are you doing here? How'd you know I was here?" I ask.

She pulls away from. "You stink." Is the first thing she says, which makes me pout. "And I created you, Natasha, I always know where you are." She frowns. "That's exactly why I need to hurry up and get out of here. Me being here puts you at risk." She looks at me sadly. "Hades son is coming for you. Me and Hades have done everything we can to stop him, but he's too strong. Rahul is stronger than any original and God. He will kill everyone you know just to get to you."

I frown. "How do I beat him?"

"Use the stones against him, you're the only one powerful enough to do so. No matter what you do, don't give the stones to Zeus and Poseidon." Odessa says, before hugging me again. "I love you Natasha and I'm sorry that you've been put in this type of position. Don't trust anyone. You're in this alone." She pulls away from me. "I'm sorry I cannot answer all your questions. But know that I'm watching over you." With one final glance at me, she disappears into the darkness.

"What are you doing out here?" A familiar voice says. It's King Garrett's son, Alexander.

"Minding my business. And you?"

He looks at me for a moment, before answering. "My father asked me to show you to your room."

I nod, walking to him. "Lead the way prince." We walk a fast pace back to the castle. Alexander opens the door for me as I walk in. "Can I ask you a question, Alex?"

His cheeks turn red. "Its Alexander, not Alex. And of course you can ask me a question."

"I know your name, it's just Alexander is too long of a name. That's why I'm choosing to call you Alex. It's short and easy to remember." I state, nibbling on my fingernail. Truth be told, I'm hungry. "If you don't mind me asking, where is the queen of this place?" I ask, referring to his mother.

He turns away from me, looking down at the ground. I could tell I made a mistake by asking the question. The sadness that passes through his eyes kinda makes me feel bad. "She died." He answers. "It's also forbidden to talk about it."

I frown. "Why is everything forbidden around here? So much secrecy for what?"

"It's really none of your business." He snaps.

My eyes widen and I lift my hands up in surrender. I wasn't expecting him to be so defensive. "Woah, my bad."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." We stop walking and turn to a bedroom door. "My mother is a touchy subject, that's why my father forbids we ever talk about it." He sighs. "This is your room." Before I can say anything else, he's already walking away.

Letting out a breath, I open the door to the room. The room is plain, with its plain white walls and plain white sheets. Walking into the room, I make sure to lock the door. The first thing I decide to do, before going to bed is take a shower. Going into the plain bathroom and lifting up my shirt, I throw it onto the ground and do the same to my bra. Pulling down my dirt stained jeans and g-string, I try to figure out how to work the shower.

Technology is something that humans love to use. I, on the other hand, think that it's stupid. One day technology will ruin the world because people will rely on it way too much.

"What can I help you with today, Natasha." A robotic voice asks.

My eyebrow raises, looking around the bathroom. "Who are you?"

"I'm Mandy." The robot replies fast. "What can I help you with today?"

"I.. I need the shower on."

"Okay, Natasha." The shower cuts on. "Would you like the water cold or hot?"

"Hot," I say before getting in. I like the way hot water feels against my skin.

"Is there anything else you need Natasha?"

"No. That'll be all Mandy." The water pours down onto my skin. It drips by my side, as my mind fades away. The sensation of the steamy water calms me. After my shower is done, I get out and wrap a towel around me. Not bothering to put on any clothes, my towel drops and I slip into bed. My eyes fall heavy and then I drift off to sleep.


"How do you feel about children?" I ask, messaging Claire's shoulders.

I watch her bite her lips and then smile. "I like the idea of having them. I've always wanted twins." She turns to look at me. "One boy and one girl."

"I like that," I say, kissing her shoulders. "Would you have kids with me?"

She pauses for a moment as if thinking of what to say. "I'd love to have kids with you, Natasha." She looks down at her hands. "But it's not possible."

"Just because something is never heard of, doesn't mean it's not possible." Placing my finger on her chin, I lift her head up. "Anything is possible with magic Claire."

She frowns. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I've been working on a spell, that'll combine both our DNA to make a child," I say.

She smiles. "You'd really do that for me, Natasha?" She asks.

"I'll do anything for you, my love."

The hair on my body stands up.

Something hits my face, causing me to jolt awake. My eyes search around the room until they land on Scarface. "You fuckin asshole, why the fuck would you throw a pillow at me!" I screech.

He shrugs his broad shoulders. "You wouldn't wake up."

I huff, before taking the thick white comforter off me. I stand to my feet and feel as the cold air hits my naked body. I look up at Scarface to see if he's staring, and he is. Just not at my naked body, but at my face. I smirk walking towards him. "You can look if you want. A body is just a body."

He scoffs, his jaw still clenched together. "You have no shame." He states.

"Because there's no reason to be ashamed," I say, just inches away from him. He takes a step back, while I take a step forward. "I can feel you having an inner battle with yourself scarface. You want to look so bad." I tease.

He closes his eyes, before throwing clothes at me. "Get dressed."

Bursting out laughing, I pick up the clothes. "I know why you won't look, it's because you're gay."

"I do not desire to be with men." He says, glaring at me. "And the only reason why I don't want to look at your body is because you're a whore."

Shaking my head, I let out a chuckle. "You sound just like my mother. You kinda remind me of her too." I slip on my bra and the new hoodie. "You both talk a lot of shit." I put on the new pair of underwear and cringe. They're granny panties. "And you both are in a battle, with your inner self. It's pretty sad if you ask me." Slipping on the black jeans, I sit on the bed.

"Well, no one asked you, so shut up." He sneers, throwing sneakers at me.

When I'm done putting it on, I stand up straight, before saluting him. "Sir yes, sir," I say jokingly. Scarface sighs, before walking out of the room. I'm right behind him, keeping a great distance apart. "Where are we going?"

"If you'd just shut up, you'd see." Is his only response. We walk outside and there are only a few people out. Mostly guards. King Garrett walks towards us both, Alexander right behind him.

"How'd you sleep?" King Garrett questions, leaning more on his cane.

"I slept well old man, just didn't wake up the proper way," I say, glaring daggers at Scarface.

Garrett looks at Scarface, with an unreadable expression. "I apologize for any discomfort Torrin has caused you, if it happens again he'll be dealt with according."

So Scarface real name is Torrin.

"That won't be necessary Garrett." My eyes drift from him to Scarface, both of them looking at each with angry eyes. "I kinda like it when Scarface is mean to me. Helps bring out his character."

They both turn to me, giving me a questioning look. "Anyways, Torrin here will be escorting you through your quest," Garrett says. "He's the best warrior in the kingdom and he knows the passage to the stones. I trust that he will keep you safe."

My face drops. "Why can't Alexander come with me?" I ask. "If I'm not mistaken, aren't the both of them the best warriors in the village since they're both princes?"

"My father doesn't seem to think that I can handle this mission," Alexander says, walking towards his brother. He pulls Torrin into a hug and I watch as Torrin awkwardly pats Alex's back. Alex whispers something in his ear, then takes a step back.

Torrin's face still stays unreadable as he looks at his father and brother.

King Garrett throws a pair of car keys at me, which Torrin quickly snatches it out of my hand. "The car is packed with everything you need, including rations and clothes." He looks at the dark blue 1970 Dodge Challenger for a second, before looking back at Torrin and me. "Don't damage the car, it means a lot to me."

"Okay..." I say, backing away. I turn to Torrin. "I guess you're driving." He doesn't say a word, he only gets into the front seat and starts the car. My eyes roll to the back of my head and I huff. "So much for having a friendly conversation."

Let the road trip begin.