
Natasha Cromwell

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Yanzuyanz · History
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Natasha Cromwell

Nothing in a noble family is easy I mean there is not a single person who said it was easy. Some people prefer or wish to be a royal and a noble because of fame or perhaps other but they do not know how hard it is to become one.

She was born in a strict household with rules, a well-mannered-to-do family, always getting watched by her servants.

She is homeschooled, and her parents don't want her to go out so much. Her parents sent 1-10 teachers for her. They taught her how to become a mature woman in the future, how to eat like a lady like, and so on. She loves her teachers, but their lessons are making her sleepy, so she's having difficulty concentrating and catching up.

Her mother is obsessed with fashion, and Mrs. Cromwell is very sweet and will do anything for her children however she has this side that scares everyone out, she is strict and high-tempered and would get angry easily. She is the type of person when you ruined her mood, you will get yelled at.

On the other hand, her father is a busy man, who also would do anything for the sake of his children. "Natasha." her mother called her while she was doing embroidery. "You called, Mother?" Natasha came up to her and bowed down to show respect.

Mrs. Cromwell is busy doing embroidery and won't even look at her as she told the servants to leave. "Natasha, please sit down."

"yes, Mother." Natasha quickly do what she said as she sat down on a chair next to her.

"Natasha, have you not learned your lesson? I told you not to fall asleep during your class discussions, why can't you do that? Are my request hard for you?" there's this silence. Her mother stared at her for a while and goes back to doing the embroidery as she include. "from now on, I'll be your teacher."

Natasha was shocked, "But mom! The classes are boring!!"

"So, what? I don't care if it is boring or not. When I was your age, I spent all day studying, learning, and reading."

Natasha doesn't what to say or what to respond, as she just sits there, speechless. "You've got no other choice but to do what I say and that's final, now do this embroidery." her mother handed her the embroidery before she got off her seat and left. Of course, Natasha isn't realizing this, for now, that being a mother is truly hard.

The next day, the classroom is empty, and Mrs. Sheldon isn't there, Natasha sat down on a chair and waits for her mother. After taking so long, her mother went in with a smile on her face. She clapped her hands and the servants behind her carrying books walked in and placed them on the table. Natasha sighed, not ready, Knowing what was going to happen, she knew it was going to be challenging and boring for her at the same time.

"Let's begin, I wan't you to read these books, it's for your brain to gain and develop more knowledge. Books will make you a genius, now what are you waiting for? better start reading rather than lazing around."

Natasha had no choice but to obey her mother, she grab one book and opens it. Her eyes widen at how many words are in the book. "Mother, this is going to be the end of me, I cannot read this all."

"That book is important, it tells about the history of our country. You've got no other choice but to read that book." her mother replied while watching her and doing embroidery again. "Fine." As Natasha start to read, she realized that history books are interesting, you'll get to know what happened in the past. However, she started to feel sleepy but her mother won't let her take a break. Natasha rubbed her eyes and continue reading, her mother is brushing her hair and twirled it after so it will look nice. "I wish I have curly hair." Said, her mother who kept on twirling Natasha's hair nonstop.

Natasha looked annoyed, frowning as she said. "Trust me, Mother, having curly hair is so annoying and difficult. I prefer having straight or wavy hair." Said while reading. Her mother scoffed. "Are you saying that you don't like your curly hair? why not? it's very beautiful. It suits you, it matches your red hair."

Natasha stayed silent as she stopped reading and grabbed another book. Her mother chuckled softly and keep twirling her hair. "Looks like someone is getting addicted to books."

"No, I'm not and never will be."

after minutes passed, one of the servants walked in saying Mr. Cromwell arrived. Her father walked in with a bouquet and give it to her mother, they'll be acting like one of those lovey-dovey couples for now but sooner or later or tomorrow. They will be yelling at each other, Natasha sometimes doesn't understand them but she still loves them. Her father walk up to her and patted her head.

"Good job, Natasha, I'm so happy for you. Keep up the good work, now, go and get some rest."

"But father, I haven't eaten dinner yet."

"It doesn't matter if you haven't eaten dinner yet, your sleep is important."

"Isn't eating dinner important too?"

"Oh yeah, I haven't thought about that, forget what I said. Let's go and eat some dinner." Said, my father as they went downstairs. Today's dinner is her father's favorite; Natasha simply sat down. She looked down at her food and saw it was steak as she carefully grab her knife and carefully cut it. When her father suddenly said. "We've been invited to attend Howard's ball."

Natasha choked on her food as her parents turned their heads to look at me with concerned looks on their faces. "That was so sudden! There's no way I would attend the ball, I'm not even good at making conversations with anyone."

"You will get used to it, just improve your vocabulary and how you speak." Said, Mrs. Cromwell calmly.

"Haha, well I don't think someone would even notice me and ever talk to me besides they will think of me as a weird and boring person. I hate crowded places. I don't think I would survive."

Her mother glared at her for a while and goes back to eating before she respond. "You're just overreacting and being overdramatic, you are going and that is final whether you don't like it or not."


She made a loud thud on the table as she groaned in annoyance and get off her seat then left before her mother yelled at her.

Mr. Cromwell and the servants kept quiet, Mrs. Cromwell sighed and put her fingers on her forehead as a sign of a headache. "I swear I don't understand that child."

"If you don't understand her, why not

get to know her." said her father.

" she's my daughter and my child. Of course, I know everything about her."

"Do you though?"