
Natasha's Revenge

"You know what?" Natasha asked. "It doesn't matter, whether you kill me or not, whether I die or live, I will find my way back back to take my revenge, no matter what it takes". Natasha said with gritted teeth. "Even if I have to exchange thousands of lives just to return and have my revenge, I will do it". "Take these words back to him and tell him that he will not live happily whether I live or die. "I will crawl my way out of hell if I have to just to get to him". Natasha said with a sadistic smile on her lips. Her blue eyes burned like flames. ****** Natasha a young woman who was hurt by her husband seeks revenge for the brutal murder of her family by her groom on their wedding night got the help of the Grim Reaper. They had an agreement that if he was willing to spare her and help her get that revenge that she sort she would give the lives of others in exchange for hers. The deal was made and Natasha began her quest for vengeance, killing all those who aided her husband in murdering her family... For more please read the novel. ***** WARNING! This book will contain mature content as the story progresses. Whoever cannot take a scare or stand a gory scene should refrain from reading. This is the only warning for this book. **** Join my discord server to chat with other readers https://discord.gg/gGBShbS3

Blessing_O · Fantasy
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137 Chs

let's do it

"Accompany me to a club tonight," Natasha said still holding onto Reaper's hand. He looked at her and wordlessly stood up. A bright smile appeared on her lips as she led the way out of the room.

They both entered the car with Natasha behind the steering wheel and Reaper sitting beside her. After some minutes the car had not left the garage and Natasha sat with a frown on her face looking conflicted. Reaper glanced at her briefly and chuckled. "You don't know where to go, do you?"

Natasha looked at him and pursed her lips. "Can you show me the way?" She asked in embarrassment. The next thing she knew, she was now seated in the passenger seat while Reaper was behind the wheel. It took her some time to register what had just happened. Blinking she looked aggrieved and muttered, "You could have warned me first."

The car suddenly disappeared and appeared outside the garage speeding away from the mansion. Natasha tightly closed her eyes and screamed at the top of her lungs. For a second Natasha thought she would die due to the adrenaline rush and pounding heart caused by the speed and made a mental note to never ask Reaper to drive again if she didn't want to die of a heart attack.

The car came to a stop outside of a club after speeding through the darkness of the night for about ten minutes. Natasha wondered if any cops saw the speeding car.

She looked around after it came to a stop and from the looks of it they were at their destination. She could not but believe that she was still in the city of Ariz. It looked so different from what she was used to and just stood outside looking up at the building. The building had three floors and neon lights were illuminating from within. The Outside was parked with cars and many people going in and out individually or in pairs or groups.

She looked toward the entrance and found two doormen waiting and checking the people's IDs before letting them in or kicking them out. Seeing that Reaper had started walking towards the door, she quickly followed behind him not wanting to be left behind.

Getting to the door, she was stopped by one of the doormen, "minors are not allowed." said the doorman and she frowned at him.

"Who are you calling minor?" She asked angered by his statement.

"Let me see your ID." The doorman said stretching his hand forward and waiting for her to hand over her ID to him. She looked beside her and did not find Reaper who was standing next to her anymore and panicked. She then looked inside through the small opening in the door and found him walking in like no one was seeing him. Quickly she pulled out her ID and gave it to the doorman who returned it after giving a glance at her age. "You can go in." He said, giving back her ID.

"I thought I was a minor?" She said with an eye roll while walking in. Inside, there were so many people that it was possible to get lost in the sea of people. Loud music was playing and people dancing everywhere not minding who was next to them or who they bumped into. Some were at some corner making out and being all touchy in public without a care in the world. She shivered at what she saw going on around her. Never had she thought a club would be like this. Her eyes scanned the unfamiliar place for one creature and found him standing on the third floor looking down at her.

Standing alone she did not know what to do. She had never been to a club before and now she was brought to such a crowded one. Feeling thirsty, she decided to go and get some juice to quench her thirst.

Heading to the bar, she walked through the sea of people trying hard not to touch anyone but it was proving difficult and near impossible to do so. She bumped into many people on her way there while some others bumped into her and she could only groan in frustration.

She heaves a long sigh of relief when she finally makes it to the bar. Calling the attention of a bartender, she asked for a glass of juice and she heard someone beside her chuckle and comment, "Who comes to a club and asks for a glass of juice?"

Natasha heard him and got annoyed. She just wanted to know what it feels like to visit a nightclub not do get herself drunk. "I do," she answered glaring at the man.

He looked her up and down and whistled with sparkles in his eyes when he noted what a rare beauty she was. Her looks were pure and innocent though she tried to dress the part, she was still more decently dressed than anyone else in there at the moment even though she did not have her coat on her anymore. "Your first time in a club?" He asked but received silence. " What is a white bunny like you doing at a place like this?" He did not need her to answer for him to know that he was right.

Natasha ignored him and looked up trying to find Reaper, she relaxed again when she found standing where she saw him standing before.

"I am Nate." He said stretching out his hand to her which she only gave a glance and looked in the bartender's direction waiting for him to bring her juice. "You won't find one here," Nate said successfully getting her attention. "This isn't a regular club, you would have known if you had ever visited a club before."

"What are you trying to say?" Natasha asked. Her beautiful blue eyes turned sharp as she glared at him.

"Try this." He said handing a glass of wine to her which she ignored. "Good at ignoring people, I see!" He said with a nod of his head. "I bet you can't take a shot," Nate said with a smirk.

Natasha wondered what this Nate guy was up to but she did not want to be looked down upon on her very first visit to a club, didn't she come to experience what clubbing was all about? "Yes, I can." She replied and Nate smirked again.

"If so then wanna give it a shot?" Nate asked.

Natasha looked up at Reaper and found him frowning at her and she was surprised. But, She came to have some fun and experience so she would make the most of it. "Let's do it." She said.