

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


The officers walked to the porch of the Queens' residence but Mr. Queens was also stepping out to meet them as he was eager to know the progress of her daughters' situation.

"Come on in." He walked them in the house through his home office.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"We are good, thank you." He nodded and ushered them to sit down in front of his seat as he walked to sit in his usual seat.

"So, how is it going?"

Officer Lin cleared his throat and looked at the man. "Mr. Queens what we are about to do is going against the order we were given so we would appreciate your cooperation and silence on what we are going to tell you."

"Yeah, this is a matter about my girls. I don't plan on running to the world to share it with everyone."

Officer Lin turned to stare at officer Zheng for the last confirmation before they moved forward with the last step of everything.

"This matter is no longer about your daughters only Mr. Queens."

"What do you mean by that?" He asked suddenly feeling alerted with what they were here to tell them.

"For the past 15hours, we've received missing cases of twelve young girls in the age gap of 14,15&16, including yours."


He asked looking confused.

"What do you mean by saying including mine, is it Keitha or Natara?"

"Keitha, we believe." This time answered officer Daniel.

"What does that have to do with my daughter? She was taken alone and I need her only."

"We believe this case in no longer a solo kidnap case but something about a serial kidnapping case."

Something broke in Timothy's heart, he couldn't believe what he was being told.

Serial kidnapping. His baby girl was in a serial's hands and now he couldn't imagine what the psycho could be doing to his baby girl.

"Please tell me that it's not true."

"Mr. Queens, we just have reasons to believe that it is like that but nothing has been confirmed so far."

He nodded but he wasn't grasping the fully length of the situation.

How can he?

"So, what do we do?"

"Leave it with us, we will be going to the bottom of this situation and we will keep updating you with every detail as we proceed."

"Please, find my daughter."

"We will." The officers said no more and walked out of the man's office and his house.

They knew this case was not easy but for the sake of the innocent kids involved, for the families out there, they needed to get to the bottom of it and discover even the bones involved of it that might be buried deep down into the ground.


"Do you know this place?" Keilla turned to see a small cafe that was located alone at the road that lead outside of the city, it was the first building after a long drive to many trees on the both sides of the road.

"No, where are we at?" Gabriel asked back while smiling.

"Come." He turned the car engine off and urged for keilla to come out which she did.

She followed him as he lead her in the door of the cafe and took her to the back booth.

The old lady came to take their order but seeing who was there she smiled.

"Oh my grandson." Keilla's eyes almost fell out of her eyes by the mention of what the old lady just said.

'Grandson?' She wondered.

"Yes, granny." Gabriel stood up and hugged the woman in his arms tightly.

"I've missed you." The old lady looked up at his grandson with longing eyes. "Well, it's not like you would call me and I would be there with my weak legs but you. You know the way here and you are with strong legs too but you never visit."

"I will try to come back a lot lately."

"I'm tired of listening to that every time you drop by which is once in a while and kill me with empty promises every time." She said rolling her eyes but then keilla coughed calling for a attention, which the old woman granted her happily.

"And who is this lovely girl, Micah? You've never brought girls here before?" She said and frowned thinking of something. "But I hope this is not one of many right my boy? Because if you dared to play this young girl, I would turn you into a pulp with my own hands."

Keilla looked at Gabriel who was everting his eyes to anywhere else but hers and she noticed shades of pink rising to his cheeks and she just smiled to what she saw, she never knew bad boys also blushed.

Gabriel was just a cute boy after all, she confirmed.

"Good morning, ma'am."

"No ma'am dear, call me Rose. What's your sweet name again?"


"Keilla, well keilla you are welcome here in Good vibes."

"Thank you." She smiled respectful and the old lady replied it with one of her own.

"So, I'm sorry my husband isn't here for the famous Pizza he makes but place your order, I will pass it down to the cook we have."

Gabriel went to sit beside keilla who just ordered water, she wasn't in the mood of outing and eating and being introduced to someone's grandparents but she was also one of a kind type, no matter what she wouldn't disregard or ignore the welfare and kindness shown to her.

Gabriel didn't press it he just ordered coffee for himself and the old lady walked away.

"Water? Seriously?" She turned and sighed. "Gabriel not here, I came because you told me you had something to share with me not because I wanted to go out eat, drink and be introduced to your grandparents."

"Is it so uncomfortable for you to be here?" She shook her head.

"I just want to know what you have so I could just go back home."

"You know going back to your house won't bring back your sisters."

She turned and glared him right in his face.

"Neither is sitting here will bring them back."

"Fair enough." Gabriel said and he knew this wasn't keilla's talking, it was her anger talking.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"My mom is back in town which she hasn't been for more like a decade now?" Keilla frowned. "What does that have to do with our case or who was the woman you said you met in your father's home office."

"That woman was my step mom, she is just my dad's lover. The coming of my mom is not what I brought you here for but it's what I heard her say with my father." As he was still speaking, Rose came with their order.

"And here is your order. But do not think that just because you didn't press no order I will allow you to leave on an empty stomach."

"Granny, please?"

"Please what? I'm giving you five minutes to decide on what you want if you don't I will decide for you two." She smiled at them and then walked away.

The old lady passed them a last smile before walking away and leaving them alone with their privacy.

"So, what was it you were going to say."

"I heard my mother say that there was a man here but as she said it, it sounded like the man was very dangerous because both her and dad sounded so scared of him, she also said he was the one who had Keitha captive. She also said something that she sent a message to a woman about it and that woman might be the one with Natara and my older brother that you told me about and I also heard he is called Aaron too." Her frown deepened because that made no sense at all.

"Did you hear any name of the man or woman she was talking about? Or what does it have to do with our family?"

"Keilla, she said the man and the woman only because her and my dad knew of them. I think they didn't want to give out other information if they were to be eavesdropped at which happened but she also went upon and suggested to my father that they should tell the Queens about the man who had Keitha and how dangerous he was but uhm…dad refused saying it would not do you guys any good but cause much worse instead."

Keilla gaped and interrupted him. "She said that?"

"She did but my father declined her saying that telling you guys won't be beneficial for you at all in fact it would just worry you for nothing, I think that's what he said back."

"So they know just like you know about Natara, what is it with your family that makes you still remember about Natara while others can't."

Gabriel knew that was something to consider but the thing that confused him was of this man and woman and how much involved his family was.

"There's something off here, I mean how can my mom be knowing all of that when she wasn't even here when it all happened. Something fishy here is knowing who is that man and that woman? What connection do they have with your family? One has one girl and so does the other but I remember mom saying that both Natara and Aaron that are captivated by the woman are safe and fine but for Keitha she sounded so worried about her."

Keilla knew this was above her mind but she had always believed that the Sanchez had a connection with what has been happening to them but now that she knew it, it was beyond her thinking.

"What do we do now that we know?"

"I was thinking of confronting my mother." Keilla scoffed.

"And do you think she is going to tell you anything?"


"I though so too. Doing that won't be wise however I was thinking how about maybe tailing her and be on her back at all second without her knowing." Gabriel just lifted his coffee to his lips and took a sip from it.

Now he knew they were going crazy with what they were coming up with.

"Keilla we need to go at school sometime, we can't be with her 24/7. Maybe going for it and asking her could be the best outcome for everyone." And with just that she shrugged because at least there he had a point.

But man this world was crazy to live in she could tell.

What kind of dimension they were living in?



In the green region, many people were up with hangover soups to feel better as it was a normal thing after a morning fellowship party.

On the other side, Natara was up with determination as she walked to her mother, it was time she ended this.

She walked to the city and to the main hall to the right of it where her mother's house was and waited for her there.

She had left Aaron asleep in their house.

Maria Susanna woke up by a sudden form bird on her window, it was long since she's had a sound of those kind of birds and she instantly knew what it was there for.

She walked to her window and opened it and saw a letter beside her window folded in a bird form, taking the letter that was beside the window.

She walked to her bed and opened the letter and read what she was sent and as she did she felt a chill run down her spine. This can't be.

"Damn it." She walked to her living room and burnt the paper, but she still knew burning the letter wasn't going to disappear what she just heard that easily as she just burnt the paper away.

She stood watching the paper burn away as a knock came on her door.

She got out of her daze and composed herself before going to get it.

"Good morning Mrs. Darker."

"Good morning, how is everyone doing?"

"Everyone is taking care of themselves from the celebration of last night." Her house keeper said to her.

"Good." She answered and turned to leave to carry her morning work but the house keeper stopped her.

"Ms. Darker is in the resting lounge room waiting for you, Mrs. Darker."

Hearing her daughter's name made her freeze from where she stood.

Thoughts started circulating in her mind like a flowing river as she run into circles of why Natara could be here to see her first thing in the morning.

What was she to say her?

Natara will go crazy on her that's for sure. But wait, she was here to see her. Did she already know?

Impossible, she wondered.
