

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Herbert Sanchez looked at the woman but not wanting to dwell on his surprise, he tried to get over it and said to her. "Come to my office."

"As you wish." She said and followed the man to his office that he usually reprieved his own son and lover from entering.

They reached and he poured them drinks in two glasses before handing her one and drinking the other.

"Why the sudden visit, Barbra?" She took a sip of her drink and moaned out in pleasure mixed with relief. "Oh, how i've missed this!"

Mr. Sanchez smacked his lips together wanting so hard to get this woman to focus.

He was starting to get impatient with every passing second but before he opened his mouth again, she beat him to it.

"He is here, Herbert." Only four words, it's all it took to make the man feel like he just broke his backbone as he stumbled in his office seat.

He didn't have to ask who in order to know who it was. He knew perfectly well who the woman was talking about.

"And it's getting out of hand before it even started, he just got hold of one of the daughter of the Queens."

"What?" The woman shrugged getting on her feet and heading to get the bottle to pour herself another drink.

"That is the reason of my sudden visit."

Herbert scoffed not knowing how to take this new information he was receiving.

"So you came here to do what?"

"Was I supposed not to act?" He rolled his eyes looking more tense than ever. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

"We've been with friends with the Queens for many generations Herbert, I can't believe something like that doesn't scare you at all. That girl he took? could have been our son if he would have been a girl."

Herbert drank the drink in his glass too in ago, he understood all that but things were never easy as they always seemed.

He turned to look at Barbra and sighed. "Things haven't been easy for the Queens or between us." The woman looked at him and smirked. "I beg to differ Herbert."

She looked at him and sighed she stood up and turned to walk out but stopped and looked at the door. She didn't understand men not even for a second in this world.

Something called ego, overtook their capability to function like they were supposed to do and they considered themselves as powerful as much as they can.

She scoffed to her thoughts then turned her head to look at Mr. Sanchez. "Laters, sweetheart." She started heading out but stopped and turned back to stare at Herbert again.

"Wait, where is your crazy girlfriend? She already abandoned you? That would be so merciless of her if she did. Yeah, I also didn't see Gabriel? He moved out already? Oh, I would totally understand him. That girlfriend is so insane to survive with daily." Mr. Sanchez just scoffed.

Women surely never changed and words surely were their strongest weapons to die with.

"No one abandoned or moved out Barbra, they are out with friends. They will come home later." She shrugged.

"Just make sure that psycho knows that I'm here."

She walked out of the room and headed to one of the guest rooms to rest her tired body.

It was a chill night reaching late hours of it and many more other bodies like hers yearned for a good night sleep.


Keitha's squirted her eyes and she frowned when she saw where she was.

She was chained in the middle of a white decorated room, everything was white even the cuffs of the chains that held her hands were white.

She tried to pull her hands out of them and put on some more force to free herself but it was for nothing.

Feeling her desperateness that met with helplessness every time she tried, drone the little energy she was left with out of her body.

She lowered her head and tears started to pick out of her eyes sadly.

Many questions lingered in her mind but her sister came through her thoughts and she found back the energy to fight back.

Whoever was behind this, better left her sister out because she didn't want to imagine what she would do to to them if they did not.

She pulled at the cuffs again but it was for nothing.

She tried her chances but all went into the drain because it was for nothing.

It wasn't that long when her hands got tired and burning from all the pulling she did, she tried to free herself so many times being faced with unsuccessful till she got tired and then passed out.

The night was dragging for many in different situation but they say, there is no morning without a night as there could not be a night without a morning too.

In the dawn of the morning as many people were starting to get themselves out of the bed, trying to figure out how to go through their morning like many others.

Keilla was trying to figure out how to live with no sleep. All night she's been anxious on what was happening in this world? In their family? On her sisters.

She deserved more and so did her sisters, her family, the whole world in general.

Things needed a change.

Her school alarm ringed and she almost jumped in fear.

It was already six in the morning and she hasn't closed her eyes for a bit.

She walked out of her room and walked downstairs for an energy drink because she was craving one.

She walked in the kitchen and found Ludar drowning down a bottle of water and given his outfit and the sweat he had, she knew he was coming back from his usual morning jog.

She ignored him and walked to the fridge for the drink and closed it not looking at him. She took a sip and started heading back to her room but Ludar called her back. "Keilla?" She turned at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you okay?" She scoffed and fully turned to look at him. "What do you think?" Ludar shrugged feeling terrified with the little girl's tone.

"I'm just checking in keilla? You know things are not easy and then that had to happen to Keitha when you were there with her, I just want to know how you are doing?"

"I'm fine you don't need to worry about me, Ludar." She said and turned back to walk but stopped.

"Tell Chanel that she don't have to drive me to school because I really don't feel like it."

Ludar wanted to protest but Xavier walked in and bugged into the conversation instantly.

"It's fine keilla, take as much rest as you need." She nodded and walked right past him and made her way back to her room.

"What was that Ludar? The girl just went through two traumatic stresses two times, do you want her to collapse just like mom or something?" Ludar scoffed turning to look away.

"But neglecting her school work won't be good to her either, I don't see why you would allow her that, seriously it could have helped chill her mind and take it away from things for sometime."

"And she doesn't want to, don't you think right now doing things her way is the only wise thing to do and see how it plays out?" Ludar shook his head looking right in the eyes of his brother, Xavier shook his head too unbelievably.

"Good thing then you are not her guardian or anything." He said and walked out of the kitchen feeling angry with his brother, he is so impulsive and he never understands others.

In a different home with the same morning, a woman visitor was quite chilly as the rising sun of the morning.

She was quietly humming as she worked hand in hand with workers in the kitchen. She was full of joyous like a grandma who visited their grandchildren's home.

Mr. Sanchez walked into the kitchen for his usual prepared coffee but instead of it, he met with a full made table of breakfast, the kind of breakfast that is normally served to the Royals.

Herbert cleared his throat once he realized what was going on. "Aunt Bei, can you all give me a moment with our guest?"

Aunt Bei turned to him with a kind smile, she replied. "Yes sir." She walked out of the kitchen taking with her all the other workers,

Leaving the kitchen for the two.

"What is all this, Barbra?" She looked briefly at Herbert and kept on doing what she was doing before replying to him.

"Is your girlfriend normally in bed at this hour or is she sleeping because she knows I'm here?" Herbert stepped closer her and asked.

"I asked you a question Barbra answer me?" She smiled at him.

"I did too darling? But wait, don't fool yourself and think that this is either for you or your girlfriend because I made this for me and my son."

"Suit yourself." Herbert said and turned to leave for the office but Barbra held him back. "Wait a second." She said to him and he did.

Gabriel was walking down the stairs with his backpack on his back going to school but as he was walking out he smelled an aroma of his favorite food and knew he can't go to school on an empty stomach.

He started walked to the kitchen but hearing muffled voices in there, he frowned and stepped closer to eavesdrop.

"Herbert, aren't we going to tell the Queens about what is going to happen to their daughter?" He heard a woman's voice but he couldn't tell of whom the person belonged to but he knew his father was in there too because his strong cologne was all over the way.

"How can we do that, Barbra?" Hearing the name he was surprised because he knew that was his mother's but how was she here?

"All these things are so messed up, I really don't know anymore. First she took our son Barbra, our eldest son, second she took Natara and nothing happened now you are here telling me that the man is here and he's held one of the daughter of the Queens. Do you hear how messed up that is? We don't even know what is going on anymore." Herbert exclaimed frustratedly.

"I know Herbert, I know but listen she's told me Aaron, our son is doing fine and so is Natara, the problem here is the other girl of the Queens who's taken. I just feel like for the sake of the friendship we have with them, we should at least tell them about her."

Gabriel frowned wondering what his parents was talking about and how were they connected with all that was going on for them to be knowing all that.

"Barbra, I'm going to go to work but don't do something stupid because what can we say to the Queens really? You know we can't bring their daughter back, staying quite and letting things play out themselves is the best we could do to be helping them because telling them will just worry and scary them much more for nothing."

Gabriel didn't wait for his mother's reply, he just forgot about the food he came for and tiptoed his way back and walked out of the house and went in his car and drove away with a heavy mind of what he just heard.

"What the hell is happening?"
