

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs



A wonderful night required nothing else to make it special or memorable.

Just a presence of a full night above your head with stars as the audience, moon as it's partner and a bright dark night sky was all it took to make every night so beautiful and special.

Natara was among one of the witness to that because as the others drank and danced the night, she sat somewhere enjoying the nature's beauty that many of us took for granted as a given of wastage.

This place she was kidnapped at, was anything but ugly. She had to admit that.

"You don't enjoy scenes like this?" She turned to find Aaron walking to her with two cups made in wood in both of his hands. She smiled and looked ahead.

"I don't want to answer that but I think scenes from here, sure aren't my thing." He chuckled and welcomed himself to her company.

He sat on the ground beside her before passing a drink he had in one of his hand to her. "What's your thing like?" She turned to him with a smile.

"Thank you." She said taking a sip from the drink he brought to her.

The taste of the drink felt ridiculously good.

It left a lingering taste once after you took a sip and it's bittersweet taste also add to its flavor and made it a perfect combination for an alcoholic drink.

She raised her cup to him. "This surely has its own perfection, how do they make this drinks anyway."

"Sugarcanes and grapes and a lot more mixtures are used that I don't know."

She nodded surprisedly. "You have grapes here?" He nodded and turned to her.

"Back to my question, if the fellowship night is not your thing. What's your thing?" She chuckled at him.

Natara looked ahead of them both and went back in thought, through the journey of all these. To how she came unwillingly and now she was close to the only person that kidnapped her from her family.

How she despised him before.

She sure had a lot of stories to fill the pages of a book. She now believed her life would really hit it off and make it among the bestselling books out there in her world.

"You know when Maria Susanna said tonight we were having a fellowship, I had a very different version of that."

Aaron just looked at her and said nothing.

"I though we were going to sit somewhere and talk you know?"

"Talking it's your thing." She shook her head. "No you are not getting me. I mean I just didn't expect this at all. The weird music, drinks, you know this is like a party but I am surprised you guys calls it a fellowship."

"So your kind of thing is a party?" She scoffed at Aaron pretending to be offended by his gesture of not hearing what she was trying to say and only hearing what he wanted.

"Yeah, my kind of thing is a real party with real music and really strong drinks you know, where you take a sip and feel the burn from your tongue all the way your throat, to your stomach." Aaron nodded not saying anything else but Natara wasn't done talking yet.

"How do you even call this music, I really don't understand how these people are dancing to these beats here." Aaron looked at her and back to the crowd that was delighted with a fellowship night.

He knew this was the one thing that went down here that entertained so many people here.

"Why are you looking like that." He turned to look at her and shrugged.

"It's just, these people here really like this fellowship nights a lot and they do enjoy them as you can see but, I'm not going to blame you of not liking it because it's not my thing either." She smiled and slapped him lightly on his bent lap and snapped her fingers before pointing her index one at him when she caught a point.

"See you get it now, I bet if they heard the music being played at my world, they would hardly enjoy this things again." Aaron smiled and out of curiosity he found himself asking.

"What's your music like out there?"

She turned to gape at him surprised by his question. "You really want to know?" And again he found himself nodding for a second time.

"Come then I will show you in private." For a third time he didn't hesitate to take the hand Natara held for him. They both sneaked their way out of the party to their house.

Natara lead him to their room and she started feeling nervous.

She brought him here because she also wanted to dance for him, if it was about to sing she would have done it from where they were but she wanted to entertain him and give him a taste of her world as he gave her a taste of this.

"Okay normally my favorite type of music is called dancehall, I don't even know if you understand but that's the only explanation you will be getting, so I am going to start with the move." She said and as she thought for a song in her head, she wondered if maybe she was drunk?

But again she shrugged it off because she was a heavy drinker and few sips of every now and then of God knows what, couldn't have hammered her already. Or could it?

"Okay there is this favorite song of mine is called couple up. It goes like this."

🎶 Every man to a gyal, couple up, couple up, couple up, couple up.

Every gyal to a man, couple up, couple up, couple up, couple up.

An anytime shi flick it pon the right

Shi flick an I lick it on the left

An when shi tell yo seh bad

Yo tell a seh shi a the best

Every man to a gyal, couple up, couple up, couple up

Gyal I know ya body good

When yuh a touch the road

Gyal I know ya body good

When yuh a touch the road

Gyal I know ya body good

When yuh a touch the road

Gyal I know ya body good

When yuh a touch the road. 🎶

As she started to sing for Aaron, she moved her head to the left, feeling the beat of the song in her head as she also sang the lyrics out.

She's heard of that song so many times that she memorized the intro of the song too.

After moving her head as if she was hearing the song, she swung her thigh by moving her feet in and out and she did it many times like there was a beat and when she sang a second phrase.

She switched and moved her head to the right side this time and after swung her the left thigh by her left feet.

And the second part she started hip moving slowly and waist shaking while moving her arms, she bended up to her head with fisted hands, but the thumb looking on the side not at the top and then moved them from her head to her breast then her waist and she repeated it again and again till the second part ended.

Approaching the semi third part she repeated what she danced as she she started by moving her head to the left and swinging her thigh by moving her feet in and out.

The last part, she did a dance move that choke breath out of Aaron's lungs, as she suddenly turned seductively giving him her back and bend quickly as she danced wanting not to miss the beat in her head and shaken her ass upside down as she sung.

Aaron clenched his jaw tightly, he didn't have to be asked in order to answer if he liked it because he could just shout it out to the whole universe right at the moment that, by the first move she pulled, he knew he was going to enjoy her thing. But the last move was something else, it wasn't about liking it anymore, it was about loving it.

She finished and turned to smile at him brightly. "How was my thing?" He looked at her and clenched his jaw. "I loved it." He simply replied in small voice.

Natara beamed with excitement hearing that. "You did?" And he nodded his head without saying much more.

At now Natara was used to his indifference of not talking much.

She walked at sat beside him on the end of the bed and sighed. "I wish I had my phone here so that I could play the song for you with a beat, I would literally kill it for you and you would have been totally blown."

He turned to look at her and smirked at her confidence. "You seemed just amazing with what you just did, the singing, the dancing was all good." She smiled feeling proud of herself. "So what did you like the most, no sorry what did you love the most?"

"The dances." He said and thinking about the last move she just pulled, she turned to look at the wall in front of them smiling shyly.

She didn't even know what possessed her to do it, where did she get the confidence from? She wondered?

She turned to Aaron and said something she also didn't know of what possessed her to say but did regardless. "Want me to teach you some of it?"

He looked at her and just nodded not even knowing what he was signing himself into.

"Okay, up then." She said and pulled him up with her hand and motioned for him to stand behind her as he stood in front.

"This one we will be dancing together and the dances goes like this."


I want you wine slow for me,

Tic toc for me,

Baby drop it like that,

I want you to move slow to me,

Cautiously, baby I love it like that,

Cause when you dress in u two pieces and shorts,

Baby you really look good.

I got ask you what you use in your skin,

Baby tell me how you skin is so smooth,


After a few start line of the song, she reached for his big hands and rested them on her waist and then bend her body, giving him a good view of her ass as she moved it upon his lower body as she sang.

Aaron found the dance hilarious but too enjoyable too, but as she sang and moved her ass on him repeatedly he started wondering with how many boys did she dance like this with.

He reached for her hair and pulled her up to him and moved his hand to her neck and choked her with a firm but not too strong grip to not breath with and leaned in her ear.

"With how many boys did you dance like this with?"

"Uh?" She asked back confusedly and startled at the same time.

"I want to know the number of boys you danced like this with, Natara?" Her name out in his dee husky voice sounded unfamiliarly so good but registering the question he asked, she felt a chill run down her spine, when he started tightening his hold on her neck.

She answered.

"There is not many of them Aaron."

"I want the number."

"One more."

"Who was he to you?"

"A friend, a best friend."

Without warning her again, he turned her and pushed her to the wall behind them and hovered over her.

"And now I want to be the only man who sees you and who you dances like this with." She looked at him and nodded.

Deep in her heart she liked this possessive side of Aaron more than the everyday composed one.

"You are mine, Natara." He said in a small voice to her, scared that maybe others could hear him confess that to her.

But hearing those words from him, filled her with butter flies feeling in her stomach she also didn't expect, she wondered what was happening really?

But she could not lie and say she did not like what was happening so she answered.

"I am all yours, Aaron Sanchez."

With that he lifted her in his arms and took her back to the bed to seal the promise with the action of intertwining their souls with one another.
