
Narutoworld legends of rock lee

{all the character and plots does not belong to me and this my First time writing a novel so please do not expect anything good from it u my lose hop} {Above picture also doesn't belong to me but I put it there because it looks cool if someone want it the here is the link https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9dcd13c7752fc44fac79a12ea1af641b } so this story is basically about a transmigration story where our mc goes to naruto world (alternate universe) as rock lee. our mc will grow stronger and yes he will learn ninjutsu.

Shame_less100 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 9

In the land of the tea , at the middle of the night rock lee was chasing some one. As for why he was chasing him,

lee found out that the mysterious person was keeping and watch oh them

so he gave a chase to him.rock lee was confident in his speed, so lee just chased

him and he was about to catch up.

suddenly that man throws some shuriken towards lee. lee Dodgees them

and use leaf gale ( leaf gale is the form of leaf hurricane where you use only low kick ) ,while knocking the man down. It happened so fast that, the man didn't have time to react and got captured by lee.

lee uses his steel release , turns his foot

in lto steel and brake the hand of that man." why are you following us?. I know that you were with those bands, so don't you dare , speak lie to me." lee grabbing his nake , where his hand was

like a strong steel because of steel release making that man difficult to breath.

But that man give a big smile to lee " do you think I will tell you. only a idiot would do that. come on kill me already "

that mad didn't care about his life ,he was there about to die by the hands of the lee but still not afraid.

lee to such answer given a laugh " haha...

oh what we have here ..!, aren't you a loyal dog to your master , let me guss

who might have send you ?" lee was making a straight face as if he new everything .

That strange man looked at lee and sees this young man who was stronger then him new his master " Even if you found out we serve lord orochimaru, you can't do anything about it , you should know that lord strength is much more then yours" that man suddenly bit his tong and killed himself.

lee look at the corpse of the stranger and said" to tell you the truth I didn't know, who you're lord was but bad luck

I couldn't tell you that."

(why would the orochimaru send his

dog to spy on us,or rather it was not for us but the merchant.So basically orochimaru is broke now so he wants to loot the merchant . naww that rather stupid, with orochimaru knowledge he can go any small village he wants . Then

,what if ..not to steel but rather to make a deal with the merchant.

suddenly lee get's the system message.




" my guess was correct then, so it's orochimaru scheme .At my level I still can't fight him. Should I interrupted his plan?..no I don't think so interrupting his plane is like , putting myself in danger.

lee was actually wearing a Black clock and a red colour fox max, so even if someone see him fighting , nobody would know it was him. so he returned as if nothing happened.

[In the forest ]

The strange man who was dead before woke up " f*** who was that guy, why was he so strong ? dam I was only suppose to spy on the jonnin . Did sasori

lie to me, he only told to be careful of the

jonnin but ,I didn't get the information about the such expert and he was with them that mean he was one of the genin.

It can't be that girl or the jumpsuit kid ,

it must be the Hyuga kid, I can't think of anyone but him ."

he was thinking it was neji because he believes someone who can't use ninjutsu can defit him so he went to the other direction, since he failed his Mission.

After the last fight, lee was the first one to wake up and start his training. He was happy that his level increase by one yesterday " one level now and my level will be 20 " he was ready to go to the village as fast as possible.

neji seeing lee called him" lee . I want to know , something ." lee looked at the neji

" what do you want to know? ".

neji give a confident smile " I am just curious , who is stronger , me or you"

lee looked at him though that he has his

chance to test his skills now .lee give a fighting stance .

neji with the gentle fist stance looked

at lee " let do this. Oh.., I forget to ask ,

where did you go yesterday ?"

lee didn't answer he used steel release turned his leg and abdominal into steel

and lunches leaf hurricane. neji dodged

some of them but not all , he got hurt

suddenly he stared doing eight trigram

sixty four palm but he could only do it up to twenty.

lee look at neji " Is that it, neji I was hoping for you to more then that"

lee give a puch to neji face with a poof

sound neji disappear and instead of neji

a wood was seen . " A substitute jutsu"

neji from the back again uses eight trigram sixty four palm .with a poof sound and a white smoke lee also did the same . neji was taken a back by that

and got a strong kick in his stomach.

lee looked at the neji and said " you are not the only one who can do that" neji

said with the confusion look " you were able to use ninjutsu all along ,no it can't be you must have learned it recently .

And my palm skill didn't work on you,

what was that jutsu ,I could see you leg and pressure points area were produing some chakra. what did you do ?"

"you don't need to know , people have their secret and it is rude to ask other about there secret" neji listening to this didn't answer but waked away where lee continued with his daly work.

(" I was found out , neji saw me sneaking away yesterday. I need to be careful , let's not make any mistake next time .")