
2. The clone told Dattebayo

Naruto was mastering his main technique.

Clones were useless in many cases. One clone threw a kunai at a target for hours. But when he dissipated, Naruto experienced a strong feeling of fatigue and almost lost consciousness. The boy lay on his mattress and rested. Then he tested his throwing skill and realized that he had received nothing! The clones were creatures from the Naruto chakra and they could use the chakra. The clone was an excellent helper in gathering and studying information. But the problem was that the clone only transmitted some information!

On the first day, Naruto sent three clones to recon. The two clones took the form of ordinary teenagers and listened carefully to and memorized the information and places in this corner of the magical land. The clones were gathering rumors, looking for options for enrichment.

One clone found a Flourish and Blotts shop with books for little wizards, students of magic school. The clone dispersed in an inconspicuous corner. Naruto created a new clone and gave it 1 Sickle. The clone came back with The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1. Naruto did not read the book himself! The clone read 10 pages of the textbook and dissipated. Naruto checked his knowledge and realized that he had received a vague knowledge about a single page of text! But it was also a good help. Shinobi was creating a new clone and he continued to study the theoretical material. An hour later, one clone guessed that he had first created a new clone and then dispersed! A few hours later, Naruto studied the whole theory of the first year of 7 hours.

While the clones were learning the theory. Naruto was practicing. The blonde immediately tested the wands of murdered wizards. The first wand of the bastard liked the shinobi. Naruto was able to perform Wand-Lighting Charm Lumos!

He couldn't feel anything in himself. Chakra sometimes spoke in him, he understood her as part of his life, part of his essence and body. But magic turned out to be a strange force.

The blonde learned unpleasant news! Clones could not use magic! Clone took the wand, he had the knowledge and skills of Naruto, but could not create a simple Lumos! This fact upset Naruto. But the clone quickly turned into Sasuke and published his familiar hum.

"Pft! I am the son of the chakra, I don't need magic. Magic is power. Then magic can be traced! I'm a shinobi, I don't use magic, and no one will ever catch me with magic. And you, baka, you can teach your stupid magic. Learn it well!"

The clone has disappeared and Naruto has smiled. He was pleased to see his opponent. It gave him strength for work.

The clones were good at small practical tasks. With clones, Naruto cleaned up the attic. He was constantly learning about the world around him.

Naruto practiced with a wand in the attic and absorbed information. This world turned out to be huge and strange.

It turned out that magic wands did not keep spells inside them. Spells are no Jutsu. Wizards have their incomprehensible rank system. One wizard was considered strong, another was considered weak. But Naruto had not yet learned how wizards measure their magic power.

Naruto decided to stop killing wizards. It could have caused excitement. There were police in this world, called the Auror Office. Naruto wasn't afraid of the police. He was never afraid of the police. He wasn't concerned about the shame of killing wizards. The boy understood. That destroying wizard was a waste of resources. He has no friends in the magical world. Wizards must be used to their advantage. Only dangerous and active enemies must be killed. Little Shinobi was in a hurry to get more news and learn more knowledge.

The clones transmitted not only information but also strange fatigue. Naruto figured out what could safely create five clones. He could create seven clones. But one day, two clones dispelled one after another, and the boy lost consciousness.

In the evening, Naruto earned his first galleon. The owners liked it. Big Pig Jodson stroked his short beard.

"So old Raven Domenic gave you a place in his attic. Come back tomorrow. Boy. Give my regards to old Frost."


An owl with a letter from Hogwarts flew in this morning. She threw the letter on the floor and flew out the open window.

Old man Frost closed the bottle and took out a wand.

"Don't touch the letter, Boy. I liked you, and I'm ready to help you. Are you willing to accept my help?"

Naruto smiled back.

"I agree to accept your help, Master Frost."

The old man raised his wand to the boy's side.

"Stand still. I must do this. Don't worry, I'm a good expert on this magic. Legilimens!"

Naruto didn't see any beam from the wand. He didn't have time to react. The old man put the wand down and smiled.

"You have a natural block against mind-reading. Or your mentors have done a good job with you. It's good for you. Ancient magic has recognized your prospect of becoming a strong wizard. The Hogwarts artifact does not invite all to study at the castle. Naruto, you're an orphan. Headmaster Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore will be your magical guardian. He'll have power over you if you read the letter and agree to study. I am not an enemy of Dumbledore. I am not an enemy of anyone. Do you have 50 galleons?"

Naruto didn't answer right away. He tilted his head and frowned. The blonde heard the bad news. He didn't want to lose his freedom.

"I have 74 galleons. I and the boys are fighting in the Arena. One galleon a day."

"I don't care about your work or your stupid fun. I liked you. You reminded me of a wizard. I'm ready to be your magical guardian. I can swear on my magic that I won't push you."

Naruto didn't say anything. He was afraid to make a mistake. But he knew very well that he had to stay away from Dumbledore.

The deal was done. The old man went to the Ministry with the boy. The old woman was pleased with the galleons and the company of her old acquaintance. The paperwork was done quickly.


It was the beginning of summer in this world. Naruto had time to get ready to study. It was very difficult for him in the new world. He was suffering! In the morning he would give old Frost a bottle and sit next to the old wizard. The old man would drink and tell the boy important things about the traditions of magical Britain. But at this time the clones would run away to the bookstore! Each clone would take an important book and hide behind an invisible cloak. The clone would read the page and create a new shadow clone. The old clone waved and Naruto wrinkled with a sudden strange feeling. He was gaining new knowledge. And this knowledge came to his head in small but constant portions.

But the main details of the magical world Naruto learned himself when he asked the old man questions. Old Frost studied at Ravenclaw's house. 7 Outstanding OWLs and NEWT!

Naruto was no longer smiling at his former funny desire to become a Kage. He knew clearly that he was a special little wizard who owned the chakra. And he would certainly have to hide his knowledge and skills.

Naruto quietly accepted the fact that old Frost did not understand. Little Shinobi quietly acknowledged the Goddess of Magic, who gave magic to all wizards. He remembered the stories about Shinigami, Kaguya, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, and Divine Tree. Nothing special, nothing new, but there were also new challenges.

One difficulty was the funniest. A wizard can't kill wizards. With the murder of a wizard, a criminal would kill a piece of magic in this world. The goddess could punish for such humiliation of her gift to the world. Naruto had already found and started studying two ancient books. They were forbidden books. There were rituals in the books. The boy liked the rituals. He made an altar in the attic and sacrificed magic a cup of his blood. And the blood was gone! He apologized for killing his enemies.

He was truly sorry. And the blood in the stone cup burst into black flames! Naruto was not frightened. He nodded his head. There may not be any Goddess, but magic and blood are somehow closely linked.

But the main Mystery of the magical world stunned him and forced Naruto to plan seriously to create the Hidden Village.

The old man immediately told the boy about the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy.

All-day long clones of Naruto read books on the history of the adoption and meaning of this great law of the magical world.

It was simple. Several hundred years ago, wizards around the world took a magical oath for themselves and their descendants. The wizards hid from the Muggles! And for breaking the secrecy of their punishment, Magic itself. In this world, Magic could be both Judge and Executioner in special cases. Every Muggleborn after Hogwarts went to the Ministry of Magic and swore to obey the laws of the Magical World. It's impossible to take vows from a child. A child's magical core grows and destroys the chains of any child's vows and obligations.

But Naruto did not want to take this responsibility! He decided to go his own way. He's ready to hide, it's normal for a shinobi. To be secretive and free is the way of the ninja!

In the evening, Naruto discussed the main problem with the two clones. He knew it wasn't normal, but he enjoyed discussing the important events of his new life with those who reminded him of his old life. Sweet Sakura and nasty Sasuke. Naruto followed them a lot and remembered the features of their faces very well. He never tried to accept Sakura's image. But he was well prepared for one evil joke about this insolent brunette from the Uchiha clan. He looked at Sakura and Sasuke, and always remembered who he was. He's a shinobi who follows the Will of Fire.

"Sasuke, you will act in the Muggle world. We are interested in him. We need Muggle money!"

"And we need to practice the ability to kill. I agree," nodded the head of a black-haired clone.

"Sakura, you must gather a lot of information about the wizarding world. You'll become the Dark Mistress of the World of Magic."

"Naruto baka! Magic has many colors. I'm angry as Chо̄ji, which is called fat! Where's the pink magic? I will show them all the will of Fire! Our clones will be sly and insidious. You stupid boys can wave your kunais and throw shurikens. My weapon is a cloak of invisibility. My weapon is knowledge and cunning. Our enemies will eat themselves up. I'm going to put them all against each other."

Sakura is dangerous, thought Naruto, and spoke of his role.

"I'll start earning galleons and earning a reputation."

That night, they realized their main target in this world. They would create the hidden House of Uzumaki. Naruto will not become a slave to Magic. Naruto will never accept the Ministry's restrictions. Chakra will help him hide his presence from his enemies. He will spend seven years studying at Hogwarts. The clones will help him become an excellent student at the House of Ravenclaw. But then he will hide from the Ministry.


Naruto found ramen outside of magical Britain. The big city called London surprised him a bit. Shinobi liked it in London. Unfortunately, the clones could not freely penetrate the world of Muggles themselves, the clone could not pass through the barrier, could not use a magic wand.

Shinobi studied the work of the magic bank. He learned that goblins trade pounds for galleons in extreme cases. Goblins aren't interested in Muggle money. A magician can't get rich with Muggle money, gems, and metals. Goblins have mines where magic-soaked jewels are mined. Getting a slave to these mines was a terrible end for a wizard.

Naruto quickly made a name for himself in the Arena and was able to earn 7 galleons a week. He was nicknamed "The White Cat" for the ridiculous mustaches on his cheeks. The boy gradually made purchases for his studies.


One morning, Naruto woke up. He did some exercise and ate. The boy took a bottle of Firewhisky and went to his mentor. He handed the bottle to the evil old man.

"Old man, what are you dissatisfied with? Here's your bottle!"

"Leave me alone, boy! That bastard Cobb's got his head all over him! I'll deal with him again!"

Naruto's got some bad news. Turns out he's not the only one so clever and lucky. Some Cobb in Webb's company decided to take over old man Frost's house and give him no rest. Little shinobi didn't like it. But Naruto didn't show any interest in the case. The old man was already drunk and couldn't see the boy's bad grin.

"I'm going to go and look at these Cobb and Webb," said the clone.

The clone went to the window and climbed out onto the roof. He grinned and looked like Sasuke. Then he came down from the roof and went to look for the shop of those scoundrels that kept old Frost from living his life. The clone heard perfectly well the old man talking to the big crooked scoundrel who threatened to kill the old man.

I'll cut you all off without any explosions. We could use a house like these ourselves. And we got a good old man. And the fact that he likes to drink is not a problem, thought a clone.

Cobb & Webb was a shop in Knockturn Alley, where one could purchase items related to the Dark Arts. It was located next door to Ye Olde Curiosity Shop, down the street from Borgin and Burkes. It was run by a witch, which the clone didn't like immediately. When a clone walked into the shop, the witch screamed in an angry voice.

"There is nothing here for you to buy. These things are too dangerous for a boy your age."

"Hello, witch. I have a thing that's too dangerous for a girl your age. I'll give it to you for free!"

And a kunai stuck in the witch's face. A black-haired boy with a serious face wouldn't touch things on the counter. You can't steal from wizards! They have the magic of traps and the magic of protection against theft. The clone instantly changed its appearance. Now there was a little copy of Fletcher in the store. Any normal wizard would immediately suspect a bad thing about meeting this Fletcher. The copy was good, but it didn't stink! Stupid little shinobi has a lot to learn.

He went up the stairs to the second floor and came to the door. Sasuke wouldn't listen to two people talking. They were discussing buying a batch of goods. The clone understood the meaning of the word Portkey and realized the goods were illegal. That's good! Criminals must be punished!

The door to the room opened and the owners saw a familiar face that calmly said hello.

"Hello, Cobb. Hello, Webb."

"Fletcher! You've brought duty! Give back the galleons, and get out," said the fat mustached wizard.

"The Galleons are my use. Ramen is hard to find in this rotten place. So it's expensive. You don't sell ramen?"

The men didn't get a chance to answer the question. Another phrase stunned them.

"Why are you needed if you don't sell ramen? You're fired. Dattebane!"

The shurikens whistled in the air and hit their opponents' heads exactly. Naruto was not the best student, Sasuke was the best. But the boy trained a lot, he was jealous of Sasuke's success. It's hard to miss when the target is so close and not expecting an attack.

The wizards fell to the floor and moaned. The clone took out the kunai and approached the traders. He didn't explain anything, he wasn't kidding, and he cut two throats in silence. Shinobi reacted instinctively to quiet cotton. Shuriken stumbled into the head of a house-elf and threw a small body against the wall. The clone froze with the shuriken in each hand. He knew about these dangerous wizard assistants. He was ready! It's been a few seconds. Then the clone quickly searched the robes and found a couple of wallets and two magic wands. Money has no face. The Wands can be hidden in a stash. Fletcher's figure changed the look. The inconspicuous boy has shoulder-length black hair tied in a spiky ponytail. He walked up to the window and looked outside. We have to hurry! "How troublesome." The roofs in this place are uncomfortable, but you have to get used to it.

Ah, Konoha! Huh, Sakura!

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