
Naruto: World of Warcraft

What happens when you die? Bit of a question for the ages, isn't it? Well, apparently you are shoved into another world against your will by an omnipotent being, neat. Now here I am, living or rather surviving during the first shinobi world war, life or rather death has some rather unexpected turns don’t you think? https://www.pa-treon.com/cornbringer

CORNBRINGER · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 5

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Unedited version, will update once it's edited.


Learning new things about my WOW system was a common occurrence by now, with me learning a week ago normal citizens gave quests, and stuff like that, I expected to learn weird stuff, and today after doing some D missions with my new team, I discovered I also had the reputation system of wow. Neat little thing, if you ask me.

"Reputation," I muttered under my breath.

[Konoha - Friendly - 4600/6000xp

———Tsunade - Honored - 11547/12000xp

———Torifu Akimichi - Friendly - 120/6000xp

———Ami Reki - Neutral -2789/3000xp

———Orochimaru - Neutral - 0/3000xp

———Jiraiya - Unfriendly - 0/3000xp

———Kooro Sugo - Hostile - 10/3000xp

———Mora Orphan Matron - Hated - 0/36000xp

Iwagakure - Hated - 0/36000xp

Kumogakure - Hostile - 0/3000xp

Sunagakure - Hostile - 0/3000xp

Kirigakure - Hostile - 0/3000xp]

Lovely, I am hated by eighty percent of the world, and for some reason the matron of the orphanage, a very troubling thing… considering she was supposed to take care of me, "Well, that a problem I don't have to fix, her opinion of me is irrelevant," I sighed, what really troubled me was that my reputation as a Konoha nin with the other villages was hostile or worse, meaning at any moment… the fucking war would start.

And I wasn't ready for war, but then again, who really is? "Deandre come," I sighed, summoning my wolf into my room, Deandre was a special wolf, not only did he have Predator's Thirst that gave me and him a 10% buff of lifesteal, but he also had Endurance Training which gave us a 10% HP boost. In WOW something like that was impossible, but I suppose this is not WOW and somethings will be different. Like my pet having the abilities and buffs of both the Ferocity pets and Tenacity Pets.


Next morning, my fears came true… as a quest pop up in front of me , with no way to reject it.


You have been called to help with the raging war in the Elemental Nations, defend your home and allies from invasion while ensuring your own survival! Show them what Konoha nin are made of!


Survive the First Shinobi World War without Konoha being destroyed!


+700000EXP, +10000 Reputation with Konohagakure, War Veteran title.


Get a moniker! So that the enemies fear the name of your dance!]

Fear was one of the emotions I felt after I read the mandatory quest, how else was I supposed to react? One thing was killing rats, but another was to kill a human being… Was I truly ready to take a life? Perhaps not, and the worst part was, I would have no choice, for if I didn't kill… I would be killed.


As I walked to meet with my team, I could already notice my sensei was tense, probably trying to figure out how to break the news to us, "Hello," I waved at them, getting a happy smile from Ami and a glare from Kooro.

"Now that we are all here… I have something to tell you," Torifu sensei sighed, "There is no easy way to say this… but, we have been called to serve and defend Konoha… we are at war,"

Ami gasped, "But… we are genin!"

"We are soldiers of Konoha… nothing more and nothing less, and we have to defend our people," Torifu replied.

"It's an honor!" Kooro nodded, idiot he was.

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"Today, we are needed in the front lines… I'll be honest… this is going to be very hard, and is very likely you will all die…. But know Konoha will fight with you side by side, you will never be alone out there… not even in death,"

At this Ami started to cry, while Kooro grinned excitedly, "Very well…" I chuckled, at least sensei was being honest.


[Tsunade Senju POV]

Today, like every day, I was training with my team, albeit we had no sensei yet, that was no excuse to procrastinate, sensei or not, I was not gonna be left behind by Raiden.

"Tsunade!" Raiden greeted, as he ran towards the training ground we were using.

"Great, the lovable idiot, it's here," Jiraiya mumbled under his breath, and I immediately punched his head through a tree.

"Raiden! How has training been?" I asked with a smile, and he chuckled.

"Good good, I've been learning new things everyday," Raiden sighed, "But that's not why I came here… I actually have something to tell you…" at this my heart skipped a beat, was this really happening? Was he like in those romance novels grandma Mito was gonna proclaim his love for me?

"I've been called for war, and well… wanted to say goodbye before leaving," Raiden smiled, a sad smile.

War… no… I did this, I forced him to graduate early, I…. Pushed him into this… "I'm sorry!" I struggled but failed to cry.

"Well this is awkward…" Raiden chuckled, giving me a handkerchief, "Look… It's not your fault… I would've probably graduated with or without your help, and don't worry, I won't die… ain't nobody out there that can take out the mighty god of thunder… unless Shao Kahn it's out there,"

I snorted, "Who the fuck is Shao Kahn?"

"Someone I just invented," Raiden winked, "Now… don't worry, worry about how much stronger than you I will be when I come back… now that is something to worry about!"

I chuckled, "As if!"


[Raiden POV]

Well… I said my goodbyes, and now it's time to be mentally scarred forever, sometimes I wish the WOW system had the gamer mind, easier to kill when you don't feel shit about anything.

"Are you guys ready?" Torifu sensei inquired, and we all nodded, Ami with tears in her eyes, Kooro with excitement on his, and me… well, I don't know, I was afraid, worried… and more, "Then let's go,"

"Before that…" I interrupted him, "Summon: Imp," I channeled the demonic forces to summon my imp, "Summon: Pet," this time, I called deandre… my trusty mutant wolf, "I'm ready,"

"What the FUCK is that!" Kooro asked, pointing to my imp.

"One of my summons…" I replied.

"Well… that is new," Torifu sensei sighed, "Are you sure you want to have your summons with you right now? We won't see any enemies for a few days… not until we reach the border,"

"I rather have an extra set of eyes," Six eyes were better than two, that much was true.