
Naruto World Isekai

Ben didn't live a hard life, born in an average household, as a teen his parents divorced and he ended up living alone for most of his life slowly cutting away his connection to active society. He went to an average school where he well performed average because he could not be bothered to study. He graduated and landed a customer service job and enjoyed his hobbies. He loved reading science books, Watching Anime and Reading Manga, he even collected figurines. Some may say he was a Otaku and he would agree. Then one day he gets killed by a falling tree. Note: Apparently people are outraged that the story is genderbender...

SakuraJadeBeaty · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

#2 A GOD?!

"Would you Look at that, everything is still White. The only Thing keeping me from breaking mentally is the fact that I started talking to myself, maybe that's already a sign of my blooming insanity who knows."

Ben in a slightly different voice while making a hand movements mimicking a mouth: "Most probably yes if we are quite honest."

"I Have to agree on that, me. Anyway, what was I talking about again, ah yes different Isekai scenarios."

Ben in a slightly different voice while making a hand movements mimicking a mouth: "Well, you got to Imagine reincarnation as Sukuna in Jujutsu kaisen, He's essentially Immortal and my God do i love his tattoo like Markings, what even are they exactly, i dont Remember..."

"Well, where would the fun be, at least if we reincarnate as him, we should do it when he was still alive and not known as the strongest, so we can make our own legend instead of sucking up all his fame and power."

"Also, Let's Not forget about the Naruto World, although I'd say we should reincarnate as Sakura but genderbend into a dude and then gather a harem of beaties."

Ben in a slightly different voice while making a hand movements mimicking a mouth: "we could enhance our Body with Hashirama cells giving us enhanced regeneration and maybe we could use White Zetsu to create Eternal youth because they don't age Like orochimaru, that way we won't ever Look Like some old man, kind of Like Tsunade but for real right."

"Yea of course but I've also been wondering why noone didn't ever take some DNA or stuff from the Otsutsuki's to strengthen themselfes."

Ben in a slightly different voice while making a hand movements mimicking a mouth: "True also with the amount of Dojutsu around for everyone to Grab I'm surprised there is no special Seal to make them useable for non-Bloodline Users. Really all these stupid Morals holding them back, you gotta be like Orochimaru to thrive in that world, okay maybe that is a bit much..."

"Yea though, now that I'm thinking about Naruto, fucking goddamn Black Zetsu ruined it all."

Ben in a slightly different voice while making a hand movements mimicking a mouth: "That's right that slimy backstabbing bastard, how did He even do that to Juubi Madara, isn't Zetsu supposed to be at Most the strength of a jonin, how could he ever penetrate Madara's skin nevertheless completely push his arm trough him."

"Also why did everyone Bully Kushina for her Red Hair, then how come Sakura didn't get bullied for her pink Hair, you know since pink is just a very light shade of red but instead her supposed big forehead which was actually normal looking..."

Ben in a slightly different voice while making a hand movements mimicking a mouth: "honestly, I mean look at character like Suzumebachi Kamizuru or Hotaru Tsuchigumo. I honestly have no clue, the civilians in Konohagakure are weird as hell, best to avoid them all costs."

"Yeah right, I mean they did manage to kill the White Fang with words, damn still can't get over that death, for sure wasn't a suicide I'd put my guess towards the good old Danzo Shimura Special, assassination, who knows"

Ben in a slightly different voice while making a hand movements mimicking a mouth: "But we do know, If there ever is ever Something wrong in the Shinobi World and there is no perpetrator it's one of 2 Characters."

"Black Zetsu or Danzo"

Angelic voice: "Interesting Idea"

"Huh who Said that? What's Interesting ?"

Suddenly a being appears infront of me that and summons a desk with 2 Chairs.

Angelica Voice "Come Here sit down."

'What, where did He Come from?'

I Go towards the Chair and then sit down.

"So was it you that Said that?"

Angelic Voice "Yes of course, i found it Interesting enough, After All it's Not everyday that a Soul appears in my Domain, it has only happened 2.

7ww369.726.231 Times in my Universe since what your Kind calls the Big Bang."

"That Number Sounds quite High, i think."

Angelic Voice "Now, there are Quadrillions upon Quadrillions of Lives that have lived and died for over half a Billion Years Just in your Planet alone, you don't think Its Just human Souls that occasionally wander here, right?"

"Uhm then can i ask how many Humans have been Here?"

Angelic Voice "Ah yes of course that Number would be 183. The Last Human Soul before you was Here 18 Months 25 days 7 hours and 57 Minutes ago, He was a old christian man that wanted to Go to Heaven so i created His Ideal Heaven Based on His Own Imagination and put him there."

"So uhm what are you gonna do to me?"

Angelic Voice "Not quite Sure yet, either reincarnate you into JJK or Naruto without any Change of Story. Although i cannot reincarnate you into one of the Main Characters important to the Story AS they have a Sort of defense against a foreign souls taking over Like yuji's Strong Soul, Ashura/Indra's Chakra, Sakura's Inner, so No Sukuna or Sakura Like you wished since and since both of those universes are in a completely different faraway Domain, i Already haggled your existence out with their respective ruler gods, our conclusion you will becomes unbound by fate, which is either good or Bad for you, meaning all good Things and Bad Things that Happen to you will Not be your destiny, you will also get your Own unique Timeline yay. But Instead of someone with an existing fate you will becomes someone that has Not existed there before. Now which World do you Choose ?"

"Uhh the Naruto World."

Angelica Voice "Great now lets summarize your Idea, You Like Sukuna's Tattoo's, the fact that He is immortal, You do Not want to be overpowered from the start yet have massive Potential, You want to try genderbending, You want Hashirama Cells, the Byakugan, The Sharingan and i'll make Sure you get Pink Hair free of Charge."

" About that Gender Thing that was a Joke but the Rest Yes."

Angelic Voice "Whatever i'll make it 50/50 for fun, now choose between Hashirama Cells, Byakugan or sharingan. I'll give you a random Cheat and small Gift from me aswell."

'Uhm i guess Byakugan maybe Like the Otsutsuki since they are far more OP.'

"Can i be reborn as a member of the Otsutsuki Clan Main Family ?"

Angelica Voice "Nope that would Go against some Rules for your reincarnation i Made with the respective gods, best i can do is make you Part of the Otsutsuki Clan from the Moon."

"Alrigth then I'll Take the Byakugan and the Moon Otsutsuki."

Angelic Voice "lets See I need a scenario Where this works Out, pink Hair massive Potential, yes White and Red Form pink, how do i make one Go down to Earth ha i got it. You will be Born 10 Months after Madara awakens His Rinnegan because a small group of the Moon Otsutsuki Came down to Earth to try to locate the missing Gedo Mazo, they will of course eventually fail but before they Go Back to the Moon your Father was bewitched by your mothers Beauty having a one night stand with her before before going Back to the Moon without ever learning of your existence. Great, Also your Memories will be Sealed in your Soul and will slowly Come Back as your Brain develops enough to not pop causing you to die of brain hemorrhage."

"UHH excuse me what?...Wait what Cheat do i get ?"

Angelic Voice "Good that you asked, lets Spin the wheel. Its new i made it 30 years ago when you Humans started with your isekai Anime pretty cool rigth."

I nod as I Look at the wheel and try to decipher it. 'What the hell i can't read anything, the Letters are way to small to see.'

Angelic Voice "Lets start the Spinning!"

So the Superpower Wheel starts Spinning and stops on Something.

Angelica Voice "Oh interesting i can Just Put the stuff in there, Well goodbye."

The being disappeared and suddenly Cracks slowly spread all over the White room from one Point and I start to feal a strong gravitational pull towards the direction of the crack. The side of the cracked White room Breaks apart and reveals some sort of miniature black hole that sucks everything in.

The pull gets stronger and stronger, and I panic.

I Start Screaming "Ahh what the hell YOU DIDNT EXPLAIN!!! No, No No, I don't wanna, What the Fuck how am i gonna survive a black hole NONO YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME WHY!"

Then I am feeling myself slowly getting spaghettified by the black hole.